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Ashton Irwin:

20 years old and is a junior at NYU on a scholarship.  He’s studying to be a music education major with a minor in percussion studies.  He’s known in the department as the dark and mysterious one.  No one really knows much about his life other than it’s not uncommon for him to come into class with a bruise or two and some roughed up knuckles. 

Despite his look and attitude, he works his ass off to stay in this school.  When his mother, Anne, moved him and his two siblings, Harry and Lauren, out to New York to get away from his father and the bad memories of Australia, Ashton became the new father figure in the family.  At the age of 11, he was already trying desperately to support his mother and siblings no matter what the cost.  As the years went on, he took on that responsibility in full. 

His family wasn’t rich, they didn’t have much of anything.  A small three bedroom apartment in the Bronx was all they could afford, but it was all they needed.  When Ashton was accepted at NYU with a full scholarship, his mother insisted that he take the job, regardless of how it would affect the family saying that she wanted him to have the opportunities she didn’t.

He hates people like Lauren.  The rich kids.  In his opinion, they only got in because their parents could help pay for things that NYU faculty needed.  That or their parents were alumni.  It never seemed fair to him when he had nothing and had to work his ass off to get to where he was, just to see someone who put in minimal effort skate by because of money.

He’s got three close friends who range in personalities, which makes for an odd group of people.

Lauren Chandler:

19 years old, and is a sophomore at NYU.  She’s studying to become a dance education major.  Ever since she could walk, she was dancing.  There wasn’t a style she couldn’t do, and that made her a huge asset at NYU.  Her parents aren’t particularly happy with her choice of a major, saying she has so much more potential and that dance isn’t a practical career.  This only pushes her further.  She works day in and day out to be the best she can be.

She’s seen as the typical prissy rich girl, which on the outside, that’s how she looks.  She knows that and accepts that for what it is.  She lives with her parents in the upper east side of Manhattan.  Her father is a serious business man with companies all over the east coast and her mother is a well known fashion designer.  Needless to say, they didn’t struggle to get by.  Lauren is an only child and spent most of her childhood with her nanny instead of her parents.

She likes to appear well put together on the outside, but on the inside there’s a lot going on in this girls head. 

Luke Hemmings:

19 years old, and is a sophomore at NYU.  He’s studying to be a musical theater major.  He’s known around the campus as the boy who’s always singing.  Not that anyone’s complaining considering his voice is almost angelic.  He’s very collected and serious about his profession, saying it’s what he wants to do for the rest of his life.  He knows Lauren through different dance classes he needs to take for his major and the two are friendly enough towards each other.  They talk, they just don’t hang out outside of class. 

Michael Clifford: 

19 years old, and also a sophomore at NYU.  It’s clear to others why Ashton and Michael hang out.  They have the same look about them.  The rough around the edges feel is very apparent.  But upon getting to know Michael, you’ll come to learn that he’s extremely goofy and never takes anything he does too seriously.  He’s a Film Scoring major.  He would spend a lot more time doing that if he attended class on a regular basis.  College isn’t really for him, but his parents were determined to get him into this school and have practically paid the school to not kick him out for his lack of attendance.  

Ashton isn’t one to hang out with the richer kids, but Michael’s general lack of caring when it comes to his family and the money is something Ashton admires.  Michael and Lauren know each other from different family functions since their in the same social circle.

Calum Hood: 

19 years old, and is also a sophomore at NYU.  He’s majoring in string studies and has dedicated almost all of his time to trying to learn any instrument that has strings.  Bass is obviously where his passion is.  It’s what he spends his free time picking at in the court yard while Ashton and Michael smoke.  He has his fair share of ladies that come in and out of his room and has no problem letting others know of his player like ways.  Underneath the heartbreaking personality, he’s a genuine guy who would do anything for his friends. 

Cassandra Blake: 

Lauren’s best friend.  Also 19.  Doesn’t go to school at NYU.. She actually doesn’t go to school anywhere.  She too is seen as a rich girl, and it’s not too far off.  Her parents pay for almost everything she owns and she has no problem with it.  She’s a very good friend to Lauren and has always been there to support her when Lauren’s parents have fallen through.  They’re more like sisters than friends.  She brings out Lauren’s more relaxed side and shows her how to relax and go with the flow.  She’s also always trying to set Lauren up with cute boys that she thinks would be “AMAZING” for her.


This is just a sort of character analysis so you guys can get to know them a little more before we get into the story.

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