The Lions Lair and His Tamer • Episode 3 Part 2

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(I'm legit so sad and I'm crying after today's Episode, I hate Bretman after this episode, I don't care what you Bretman fans thinks because I'm not gonna care. So fight me all you want. Alex didn't deserve what he got. I'm probably not gonna do well on focusing on school tomorrow but oh well.)

(That note was yesterday, I'm just too lazy to delete it, so now you can see my sadness)

Finn brought us back to the waterfall lounge so we can vote, he layed out the cards on the table in the middle of the room and the guest sat at the couches in front of the table.

"Before we vote, I want to know who voted for Vilmos, Vilmos did nothing wrong, and he did a lot of stuff right! Whoever put his card on that pile is responsible for us losing an important part of our group, for technically slowing us down!" Espen said and stood up crossing his arms.
(I added it, like u wantedd, and tbh it does start drama mate)

Everyone just stayed quiet and looked at each other

Angelina~ Vilmos wasn't the only one that did stuff right..

Luna~ ;-;

Austin~ I mean we all did a lot of work

Valorie~ DRAMA O.o

"Fine, stay quite, but I'll find out who voted Vilmos" Espen said and sat down.

"Austin, you may vote" Finn said, and Austin walked up to do vote.

"Valorie" she went to go vote.

Soon after everyone was finished voting, Finn waited a minute before shuffling. He sighed and picked out one card. He looked at it before revealing the Tarot Card.

"The Cavalerist" he said and looked at Espen. Espen put his head in his hands.

"The next one going into the Challenge... The Adventurer.." Finn said frowning.

"No no no no.." Avery said and put her hands over her mouth, Coral and Valorie went to go sit next to her to comfort her.

"I'll walk you both to where Jaxx is and then I will have to wait there." Finn said and the Two nodded.

"Bye guys, Love you both!" The guest all said, and they hugged Avery and Espen.

Finn lead them to where they can see Jaxx waiting on top of the rock, his lion laying down by his feet.

"Ok, this is as far as I can take you both, good luck to the both of you" Finn said and hugged them both and Patting them on the back. 

Avery turned to Espen, "Good luck! Whatever happens I want you to know that we both did good tonight and we both deserve to come out of this challenge"

Espen nodded his head, they both hugged, and walked towards Jaxx.

Jaxx noticed them and had a sadistic smile on his face "Ah~! So it's one of you two that gets to be my darling lions meal~! Okie, follow me to the challenge area~!"

Avery~ one of the reasons I didn't want to be in this challenge, because this crazy dude would be telling us what to do *sighs*

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