Don't Drown! • Episode 8 Part 2

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Previously on Escape the Night, The guest meet Rose.  There Luna, Valorie, and Vilmos all get captured on Rose's order.  Austin and Coral are left to find three roses, but they only managed to find two of the three roses,  but Valorie found the last Rose when Finn and Jaeden went to go free them.

After all the guest voted, they all group hugged.

Valorie~ I don't want to see any more of my friends to die, so at this point I'm really scared for everyone

Jaeden turned to Finn and calmly whispered to him, "it's my time".

Finn looked at Jaeden confused, "what do you mean?"

Jaeden just looked at Finn, and gave him a calm smile.

Finn slowly walked towards the tree stump they used for voting and shuffled the cards, "The first guest going into the Challenge is... The Tomb Raider" Finn said as he held up Luna's Tarot card.

Luna~ I'm just glad it was me and instead of my friends

"The next person going into the Challenge is... The Greaser" Finn said as he held up Vilmos' Tarot Card.

The guest all group hugged.

Coral~ I knew this would be my last moments with one of them, so I made sure that I took my time with them.

"Awe, how cute" Rose said with a "smile", "Now let's not waste anymore time, and get to this challenge" Rose said glaring at the group, while trying to file her oddly dark red nails.

Austin~ We'll take as long as we want honey

The group ignored Rose, as they group hugged for a minute longer.

Luna and Vilmos walked and stood in front of Rose, as she explained the Challenge, "For this challenge you have to water three Roses. To water the roses you have to get keys to unlock the chests at the bottom of that lake. From the chest you will get a watering can from each chest." Rose Stated as she pointed to the lake that Indeed had six chests.

"Um so how do we get the keys?" Vilmos asked, "Oh right sorry, To get the keys you have to answer the questions each note gives you by a rose, the questions being about how your friends died."  Rose said getting impatient.

"Challenge starts now!" Rose yelled angrily.

Luna and Vilmos ran to their sides.

Vilmos went to his first Rose and looked at the question, "Who died during their time with the Aztecs?"

"Haha very funny" Vilmos rolled his eyes as he wrote his name under the question as a key slid out from underneath the vase holding the rose.

Vilmos~ So Rose thinks she funny now does she?

Luna read her note "Who was the snack for the Alligator?"

Luna~ That's so sad to even think of

Luna quickly wrote down Angelina and Avery, as a key slid from under the rose vase.

Luna jumped into the water as she saw Vilmos coming up from the water with a watering can.

Luna swam down towards her first chest, holding her breath she unlocked the chest, and grabbed the watering can.  Vilmos watered the Rose the same time Luna quickly filled up the can and watered the Rose.

Luna and Vilmos read their note at the same time, (Vilmos) "Who died at the jaws of Dinosaurs?" (Luna's) "Who died a brutal death by Lions?"

Vilmos wrote down Leon, as Luna wrote down Espen.

The two received their keys at the same time and both swam down to their chests, and unlocked them taking the watering can.

Luna and Vilmos filled up the Watering Can with water and poured it on their Roses.

Luna~ Last rose

Vilmos went to his Rose as Luna went to hers.

"Who died from the Jungle Temple?" Was Vilmos' new note, he wrote down Kotoko, and Luna's was "Who died during the Pirates Challenge?"

Luna~ You're not fooling me Rose

Luna wrote down none, as she received her key before Vilmos and dived into the lake, unlocking the chest and taking the watering can, seeing Vilmos also unlocking his chest.

Luna was getting ready to pour the water when she stopped, she turned to Vilmos "Go ahead pour the water, you deserve it" Luna said as she threw her watering can in the lake.

"No! I can't do that Luna, you win fair in Square" Vilmos said. Luna shook her head and forced Vilmos' hand to pour the water.

Vilmos~ I can't believe she just did that.

Rose grinned, "so dramatic, your time is up honey" she said as she took out a knife and skipped towards Luna, she was getting ready to slash Luna's stomach. That's when Jaeden ran towards the two, and it clicked in Finn's brain on what Jaeden meant earlier, Finn tried to pull Jaeden back, but he ran towards Luna.

At the same time Rose went to slash Luna, Jaeden stood in front of Luna, taking the hit to the throat, killing him.

The guest all stood there, their eyes wide in horror.

Luna~ Jaeden sacraficed himself for me!

Luna cried as Rose started to have a tantrum "it was supposed to be her not him!" She yelled stomping her feet.

Luna was by Jaeden's body as Rose yanked her up, "you may have survived, bit that doesn't mean I'm ignoring you"

Luna~ what does she mean by that?

"You will be one of my servants! What else?" Rose yelled in her face, as she cut a slice on Luna's face, "that mark creates a force field around you, so I'd you try to escape my home you will be killed" Rose said as she pulled on Luna so she could follow her. 

"Also the field prevents you guys from getting her so don't even try" Rose growled as she walked away with a limping Luna, and her two guards.

Coral~ I'm really upset Luna is being taken away, but I'm just glad she's still atleast alive.

Valorie~ Why couldn't we have kept Luna?! But also not only that but Jaeden the smol bean just died!

The group all gathered around Jaeden.
Them all saying their last goodbyes to the boy forever. (Forever?)


❤️ Rip our Smol Bean Jaeden, and Luna ❤️


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