Watch out for the Alligator! • Episode 6 Part 1

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(more then halfway through!)

Previously on Escape the Night, Luna and Kotoko get sent into the Jungle Temple. There they had to figure out their friends 'death', solve math problems, and make a trap that would kill the losing guest.  Kotoko sadly lost the Challenge, and Luna escaped grabbing the Junge Temple badge.

Austin~ We keep losing people, Everytime we go into a challenge, besides with the Pirates, so now we already know not all of us can survive..

"So we have 4 badges now, so all we need are 5 more, so that means only one Survives?" Avery asks nervously, examining the 4 badges they already collected.

"Yeah, seems like it" Coral said, and the rest nodded.

"It's been really quiet, isn't that usually a bad thing?" Luna asked pacing around the Lounge.

As soon as Luna finishes her sentence, laughing and loud snapping noises, could be heard from outside of the waterfall Lounge.

Luna~ What the-

Valorie~ Oh no, what is it now

Taking out his sword, Finn slowly walked outside of the waterfall lounge, where he was tackled by a girl and boy that looked very similar.

Valorie quickly grabbed the girl and boy off of Finn ( ;;) ) and pushed them away from the group.

"Guys!" Angelina said with her eyes wide trying to get the groups attention.

Angelina~ Are these guys deaf or something?

The group kept their attention on the similar boy and girl, as they started laughing.

"Guys!" Angelina yelled, the group finally turned to see what Angelina was looking at, only for their eyes to widen.


"Hey, um alligator, I'm kindly asking you to back up.." Luna says as she falls back into a tree.

Luna~ Not the best time to run into a tree!

Luna quickly got up, and the twins walked towards them, Finn also stepping infront of the group with his sword, just in case they tried to do something wrong.

"I would step back if I were you" Finn stated as he pointed his sword at them, the twins glared at him.

The boy twin looked towards the group, "Nice of you guys to finally join us! I'm Jaeden, and my twin sister is Jada" He grinned.

Austin~ We don't care about your names, we just want that stupid badge

"We lost our Masks yesterday, when we went to the Pirate Lagoon to feed our Alligator.  Your job is to find out Masks and bring them to us" Jada says harshly.

"How do we know which mask is your mask?" Leon asked confused.

Avery~ This is not going to be like the next horror movie is it? Like as soon as soon as we give them their creepy twin masks there going to kill us?

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