The Secrets of The Jungle Temple • Episode 5 Part 1

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Previously on Escape the Night, Valorie and Avery get voted into the Pirates Challenge where they have to paint the best picture of a Kraken.  The voting was a tie, Celia almost killed them both, but Violet and Finn put a stop to that.  As they head back to Violet's hut, they put up the pirate badge, shorty after Violet leaves the group, and they hear drums.

The Guest all jumped at the sound of the drums, "What is it going to be this time?" Luna groaned.

"We already had, Aztecs with Anger issues, A Lion and it's Psycho Owner, and Pirates that won't stop yelling, who knows what we'll have next" Leon said throwing his arms up, they decided to walk out of Violet's hut they were still in.

There they see a path that wasn't there before.

Kotoko~ W-was t-that t-there before? I-I d-don't r-remember it?

Coral~ I'm so done with random stuff popping out of nowhere, it's kind of normal now

"Well, I mean I guess we should walk down the path?" Valorie asked kind of suspicious with the path that appeared in front of them where they can still hear the drums, but only this time louder.

The guest all agreed, all walking slowly knowing that this will probably lead to an another friend's death.

A little bit more of walking the guest all see a Jungle Temple in front of them.

Austin~ Is this when the messed up Monster from Temple Run appears and we all start to run?

Angelina~ Jumanji!!

Luna~ Ok this place looks cool, but um don't Temples always have traps?

They all walk into the Temple to see a floating round ball, on a pedestal.  It glows an electric blue. 

Leon~ So, I look more at the floating orb, only to see what looks like words forming?

"Guys, I think words are forming from the orb" Leon said pointing at it, and everyone else looked at it.

'Split up into 2 Groups of 4, and then you'll have to do a treasure hunt, the group that returns back to this Temple First will be safe from the Vote ,' Avery reads off, as the words disappear, so new ones can form.

'Then, once you get into groups, you'll be handed your list that's different from everyone else's, then you'll have to search, have a terrible time' Valorie read off.

Coral~ Man, even Orbs are rude in this Jungle.

Valorie~ I haven't done a treasure hunt since like what, elementary school?

Avery~ The pressure is real

Leon~ I don't want anyone else to die, bit I also don't want to die, so sorry

Angelina~ Great so now I feel pressured

Luna~ I better not run into anymore trees -_-

Austin~ I don't know if anyone realized this yet, but I'm a Treasure Hunter, this is going to be easy for me.

Kotoko~ I H-Hope o-one of t-the t-things w-we h-hqve to find i-is a l-lion!

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