Zodiacs as Etn Jungle Night Quotes!

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Okay, so if you only know me for my Etn stories, I also have two Zodiac books! I'm really drawn to it, and so basically to save time, I'm obsessed. So my good friend Violet20307 suggested that I did Zodiacs as My Etn Jungle Quotes! And lemme just say I was excited. So thank you for the request and I tried to match it up as best as I could! I also had to read almost my whole book so ;-;

Please read this!
so after I finish making the next chapter for my season 2 Etn book, I had an idea that I could share some background of the lieutenants with you all! So if you would, you can list 2-4 lieutenants you would like to see the backstories of, and I will pick 4 from the randomizer wheel! Jada and Jaeden count as one since their twins if you wanted to see their background

OH! also I'm working on an update for my season 2 Etn book! So expect an update sometime soon! :D

OH! also I'm working on an update for my season 2 Etn book! So expect an update sometime soon! :D

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ZODIACS... as my Etn Jungle Quotes !


Aries are firecly loyal, Willing to do anything to keep their loved ones safe
❝At the same time Rose went to slash Luna, Jaeden stood in front of Luna, taking the hit to the throat, killing him.❞

Taurus are very loyal to their family and friends, they'll stick with you til' the end.
Before we vote, I want to know who voted for Vilmos, Vilmos did nothing wrong, and did a lot of stuff right! Whoever put his cars on that pile is responsible for us losing an important part to the group, for technically slowing us down!❞ ~ Espen trying to revenge Vilmos.

❝we're on a time limit, and I'm not very good at bribing, so let's hope this guy is stupid so he takes really bad deals.❞ ~ Luna on getting the lion necklace

They always try their best, even if they might not good at it.
I'M SORRY! I THOUGHT SINCE I WAS GOOD AR MARIO KART I WOULD BE GOOD HERE ❞ ~ Avery on chaotically driving the jeep to the jungle area.

❝Hello! My name is Rose and you will all serve me!❞ and, ❝But don't worry, you can have my special rose badge that costs a fortune! But first I need a life for it❞ ~ Rose on meeting the guests

They are said to be very strategic, and logical.
❝Leon hid himself by a rock and put a few more rocks ❞ ~ Leon on hiding from the T-Rex

❝Thank goodness, because touching a dart frog that could possibly kill me wasn't on my to do list❞ ~ Avery on getting the Poisonous Dart Frog

Tough minded, and a bit mysterious
❝Oh! I'll introduce myself~ I'm Jaxx~ and this is my lion❞ and ❝So who's excited to get eaten! Aweee, well I guess you'll just have to deal with it❞ ~ Jaxx on meeting the guests with his lion

They are very independent, and protective.
❝'I would step back if I were you' Fin stated as he pointed his sword at them, the twins glared at him.❞ ~ Finn on protecting the group from Jada, and the once Evil Jaeden.

They are very disciplined, ambitious and can sometimes be seen as "stoic" which makes them look antisocial. It's not always that way through.
❝Oh my gosh, this is like school all over again❞ ~ Valerie on complaining about having to choose a group of people to be in.

They seem to be the fun, care free, quirky, and unique type, but also likes privacy.
❝lets sing Old Town Road, they'll definitely be distracted❞ ~ Coral on distracting the lions with Vilmos.

They are very Creative, empathetic, but can also get a little distracted with their head in the clouds.
❝Since we have extra time, on the way back to Jaxx, we should sing 'The Lion King' songs!❞ ~ Valerie when her, Vilmos, and Coral were walking back to Jaxx and sung The Lion King Songs.

That's a wrap! They might not be 100% accurate because I'm not a professional Astrologist, but I went with what I believed fit the best! It was fun to read my book again and receive old memories!


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