The Secrets of The Jungle • Episode 5 Part 2

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Previously on Escape the Night, 2 groups go in for a Treasure Hunt.  The Groups slowly but surely find all their lost items, the first group that makes it back to the Temple is safe, but both groups made it back at the same time. 

Finn put down the cards on a nearby rock, so the guest can vote.

Valorie~ I think this is really unfair on how we have to pick from both of the groups, but whatever.

All of the guest finished Voting, and Finn shuffled the deck of cards. "The first person going into the Challenge is.... The Lion Tamer" Finn held up Kotoko's Card.

Kotoko~ W-why m-meee....

"The next Guest going into the Challenge is...The Tomb Raider" Finn says and holds up Luna's card.

Luna~ Great, of course it's me.

The guest all got up and shared goodbye's with the 2 Guest going into the Challenge.

"If you two ladies would follow me" Finn said and lead the girls back to the entrance of Jungle Temple.

Luna~ Let's see what challenge this  crystal orb gives us.

Kotoko~ I-it feels r-really w-weird w-were t-taking o-orders f-from a C-crystal O-orb.

"I'll be waiting outside of the Jungle Temple, good luck you guys" Finn smiled sadly at them both and walked a little bit away from the Jungle Temple.

The Two girls walk infront of the crystal orb to see that words are coming through.

'The two chosen guest will have to explore all rooms of the Jungle Temple, the first Challenge being put your friends on the correct death'

Luna~ What does he mean put our friends on the correct death'?

Kotoko~ W-what?

'Next Challenge, Solve some riddles, in the Jungle Trap room'

'Lastly, you will have to create a trap that will be used to kill the losing guest'

Kotoko~ W-wow, t-that's a-actually harsh

Luna~ We have to make a trap that will kill one of us? No way..

'Start' appears on the crystal orb.

The two girls ran into the room, filled will other crystal orbs on pedestals with their friends on it.

Luna~ So the orb really wasn't Lieing...

Kotoko ran to her side, and Luna ran to her side.

Luna went up the the orb in the middle showing Leon.

She watched as it projected a video of Leon and some water behind him.

Luna~ So I was confused for a second but then I looked around my side of the room and I saw a pedestal that says "Drowned"

Escape The Night • Jungle NightWhere stories live. Discover now