Mad Scientist • Episode 9 Part 2

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Previously on Escape the Night, the guest get introduced to Cedar, a shy but not very sane, scientist.  They found out he brought back a reanimated Leon, and he sends out the group to search for Spider Eyes, and Snake Venom.  There he tells them they have to vote in two people in a challenge, their last Challenge.

"We're done with Challenges!" Valorie yelled at Cedar.  He stumbled back in fear, and he fell over a table behind him.

Coral~ for a Lieutenant he's very clumsy, and how do I put this, shy?

"Get up Cedar" Cedar repeated to himself.

"N-no please, I need this, I need to bring b-back my m-mom, s-she helped m-m-me through everything" he stuttered, almost crying. The four guest all visibly had a sad face.

Austin~ I don't know how to handle this situation...

Valorie~ oh no, I feel bad now, but I also don't since he's trying to get one of us killed.

"How does this help you bring back your mom?" Vilmos asked confused.

"I-if I can bring b-back L-leon, I can b-b-bring b-back my m-mom" he stuttered, tears falling from his eyes.

"What about that Alisha? You told us she helps you talk to your mom?" Coral asked, he looked up, his eyes red from crying, "yeah but that doesn't satisfy the need of seeing her again" he yelled.

Austin~ One second he's crying, and now's he's yelling

"What I'd we bring back your mom?" Vilmos suggested. Cedar's eyes light up.

"And how would you do that?" Cedar questioned.

"We've been doing a lot of stuff we probably wouldn't have done back home, so I'm pretty sure we can do this" Coral said, and the rest nodded.

"U-um please? T-that would be n-nice" Cedar said quietly

When Valorie was getting ready to say something, the door busted open, "who are you guys, and what do you want!" They heard a female yell, and saw her run infront if Cedar blocking him from them.

"Who are you?" Valorie glared, the girl in return did the same, "I asked first"

Finn stood in front of the group, and pointed his sword at her, "Remember me? Yeah I believe we had bad past, If I were you, I wouldn't want to make that same move again" he glared.

Austin~ So, were definitely missing some information here...

"Fine, the name is Alisha" she rolled her eyes, and Cedar tried to step next to her but she blocked him with her arm, "No, I'm not letting you get hurt by that psycho pirate" she told him, still glaring at Finn.

"No, no, no Alisha, their going to help me bring back my mom" Cedar said with a smile.

"How do you know you can you trust them?" Alisha says with pity in her eyes, "I don't know if I can, but I want to, anything to bring back my mom" he said sadly. 

Coral~ Oh no, I'm not crying, you are.

Valorie~ Are they trying to make me cry?

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