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I just wanted to end the pain

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I just wanted to end the pain....





"We're losing him!"



"Clear! "


"We got a pulse!"

"Its not that strong!"


"Condition critical!"



There's dead silent in the hall, as only sobbing sounds are heard, they we're shedding tears for him.

"Joon, i-is he gone?"

N h-he can't be...they needed him...

"W-Why aren't you answering m-me?, J-Joon tell me, i-is Hobi gone!? "

He doesn't know the answer to that, nobody does.


Screaming won't bring him back, lies his limp body on the hospital bed as they watch his slow breathing.


Namjoon sobs looking at their sunshine's limp body on the hospital bed, he's so pale, he matches the sheets.

Hobi did make it, he did it for them.

"I'm glad to tell you that he's in fine condition, just let him rest, he'll wake up soon "

That made all their worlds brighter , there was no sunshine in their worlds.

Jimin's wet eyes tiredly look at Hoseok's closed eyes, his calm breathing making Jimin sob even more.

He did this

"I-I'm s-sorry"Jimin hiccups squeezing Hoseok's hand, everyone else just sighs looking at the sight before him, making guilt errupt in them.

They broke their sunshine

"T-This is all our faul!"Jin sobs hitting himself roughly making Namjoon stop him.

"Jin stop!"Namjoon says and watches the other boy sob even louder.

He's broken because of them

Jimin wipes his wet eyes when feeling a squeeze on his hand.

"Hoseok?"Jimin calks, his voice shaky and raspy as he talks to the unconscious boy.

"Hobi, wake up please"Jimin says brushing Hoseok's hair back watching him crunch his face, groaning as he finds his surroundings.

"W-What?"Hoseok mumbles, his voice a little gone as he blinks his eyes open, squinting at the bright light.

Jimin notices and covers Hoseok's eyes slightly from the bright light, helping him to take in his surroundings.

"Hobi?"Jimin calls in hopes causing Hoseok to turn to him with a frown on his face.

"Do I know you?"


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