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Will you make the voices go away?

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Will you make the voices go away?


Today wasn't as bad as Hoseoo thoughts, meaning everyone was pretty caring and nice to him, but the voices in his head still haunt him.

Things like, worthless, pathetic, useless, wander in his mind.

He decided to tell Namjoon or Jin about it, but then again he doesn't want to be a burden on them, they're busy in many things except him.

He can't just throw himself on them, they have their own lives as well.

Right now, he's trying to focus on being positive, and calm, his mind is racing with dark memories.

"Look at yourself, you murderer!"

"You're so weak, couldn't even protect your own mother!"

It is true, he's weak.

He can't even fight for himself.

He always makes others stand up fkr himself, let's them take all the burden, that's so pathetic.

Whenever he takes a shower, his heart aches looking at the scars on his arms, they seem so terrible.

Its starts in a sequence, smaller after smaller then bigger after bigger.

He was also beyond shocked when he saw the almost faded marks, they look like he's been in a fight with an animal, he usually covers them with foundation or long sleeves.

He got symphatic looks from every person who sees them, there's only one remark.

"Don't do that to yourself "

He always answers with a akward smile, and shrugs them off.

He hates when he looks at the social media, not even one comment is positive about him.

Calling him an attention seeker, a faker, a slut, an embarassment, so ugly.

He tried.

To get over them.

All he can do is try, right?


"Hoseok, please help me set the plates"Jin says as he smiles kissing Hoseok's cheek making him nod, reaching for the dishes on the top cupboard.

Hoseok was deep in thoughts when he slips slightly and drops the heavy dishes ontop of his head making him whimper.

"Oh god, Hoseok!"Jin gasps as he hears the glasses shatter and Hoseok grabs his head in pain, as some voices get louder and louder.

"Hoseok, please just die!"

"J-Jinh hyung, hurts"Hoseok whimpers as Jin gulps cooing to calm the male down, making Hoseok sit ona chair checking his injury.

"Its okay Hobi, just stay still for me"Jin says as he checks on Hoseok's top head, no serious injury only a headache, Jin guesses.

"I'll give medicine"Jin says rubbibg Hoseok's head in a soothing way, and Hoseok, well he's hearing bad things.

Hoseok grunts as the pain gets worse, making his head throb.

"You'll never be my son!"

Jin watches with worry trying to find the painkillers, he sighs in relief when he gets his hands on some, pouring water for Hoseok, giving him the pills.

"Here Hobi, they'll help in the headache"Jin says as he hands Hoseok the pills, making the younger swallow them.

"I'm sorry Hobi"Jin says as Hoseok smiles ruffling Jin's hair."I'm okay Jinnie"He smiles as Jin smiles back getting up.


Hoseok feels sweat roll down his forehead as he eats, he looks seriously ill at the moment, so pale and seriously constipated.

"Hobi, you okay?"Namjoon asks as he watches Hoseok breathing ragged, making Hoseok stand up.

"Uh, yeah, excuse me"Hoseok grunts walking to his room, quickly running towards the batgrrom locking it and bends over the toilet.

Hoseok's throat burns as he pukes, his whole body on fire and and uncomfortable feeling in his chest.

He feels his face getting cold, as his eyes see purple and black spots, his while body weak and shaky.

Hoseok coughs, backing away from the toilet his throat burning, his eyes widening at what he sees next.


He was coughing up blood.


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