Chapter 3: Sakura Tactics- Feigning Weakness

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A while after leading the way, the group of aspiring ninjas came across a youth in a green bodysuit.

The boy wasn't lazing around, but doing a really exaggerated number of push-ups in a row.

What left the entire group speechless was the numbers he counted... Was this a trick?

"976... 977... 978..." His body didn't even seem that sweaty. He was pushing the ground with one hand.

"Is Guy-sensei here?" Sakura was the first to call him out, only to see him do a backflip from that position to see who called him. His movements seemed rigidly practiced, yet flexible and agile.

One could tell he had a talent for this.

The sudden infatuated look in eyes suddenly reminded the young Sakura of an important fact.

One she'd overlooked among those memories...

'Damn! I forgot Rock Lee had a crush on me as well... Was I always this popular with idiots?' She thought. Although the Lee past and future were similar, the latter had more control over himself

The former (the one in front) was still struggling to be acknowledged by the world around him.

He was like Naruto in a way, except much more fortunate considering he didn't have a Tailed Beast that wanted control sealed into his belly, had living parents, and a teacher who was willing to guide him. A person who naturally tended to work hard.

She'd always found this part of him appealing.

Unlike Naruto, who pushed himself with a drive to be accepted... but didn't have any confidence or guidance. And Sasuke, who only worked hard enough to be the best in class and nothing more.

Lee was a different kind of hardworking sort.

You'd think there would be a deep and dark story of why he'd push himself to the absolute limits...

...but no, he basically roles like that 24/7.

Just a passionate guy who likes work by nature.

If he was an academic, he'd probably do the exact same thing and be the typical dorky glasses type.

She never really understood why he chose to pursue such a difficult dream despite having other options in life, but it was probably not something she was meant to. His mindset was just rare.

Where others would falter, he put more effort.

Even if that meant slaving away like this...

Sakura had heard of how Naruto and Sasuke were the reincarnations of Ashura and Indra, which is why they were destined to clash, but what reason did Lee have to try to stand up to them using fists?

She herself had some talent at least, but was being acknowledged really worth holing himself here?

Well, she guessed it was better this way.

He would fully make use of his talents anyway.

"My name is Rock Lee! You're Sakura-san, right? Let's go out! I will protect you with my life!" These familiar words rang in her ears. However, she couldn't bring herself to have the same reaction as her immature past self would've in this situation.

She looked at the toothbrush commercial smile on his face and expressive hand movements closely.

The others could only see him for who he was right now, but what here eyes could see was the legendary 'Drunken God' who caused a stir in the Fifth Great Ninja War as a Taijutsu Specialist.

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