Chapter 14: Rejecting Naruto

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Finally, the time for the Chunnin Exams were coming up and powerful forces made their way to the Leaf.

As part of the 'Village hidden in the Sand', the trio of Gaara, Temari and Kankuro were doing as they were told and keeping a low profile until the Chunnin Exams started.

There was a psychotic look in Gaara's eyes. The kid was holding back his bloodlust to serve the village.

"Are they the ones?" A man wearing a bamboo hat spoke to the disguised young girl who next to him.

"I'm not sure if this is a good plan." There was another older youth dressed as a girl, who also spoke out.

The two ninjas of the Hidden Mist were perplexed.

"If you consider yourselves tools, then don't doubt my intelligence. The Kazekage of the Hidden Sand will absolutely try to use the Chunnin Exams as an opportunity to try and destroy the Hidden Leaf.

The lack of war means lack of food for them, so you could say our Hokages decisions that are more peaceful-loving than most have put them in a very difficult position." The pink-haired girl explained.

"You still haven't explained our purpose." Zabuza, who had no choice but work under her after being threatened with a meaningless death, felt the conspiracies happening around them were too deep.

He didn't know what her plan of action was...

But after seeing how the crazy girl fought, he was sure this new employer had her own secrets.

Knowledge it was probably better for them to not know. Or else things would go south pretty fast.

"Trying to get in the way of their plans will only lead to being besieged at all sides.

Instead of doing anything meaningless that will draw attention, I need your skills as a Ninja.

All you have to do is not get involved with this trio and keep an eye on those from the Hidden Sound. Find out where their base is located. Other than that, do not fight unless it's to escape." After saying those words, she left them to their devices.

Zabuza and Haku were silent for a moment...

"Can she be trusted?" Haku wasn't sure if siding with her was the right move. She was too powerful.

For her to be at that level at such an age meant she must have had a cruel past way worse than their own.

The feminine boy couldn't even imagine that.

He'd thought that he and Zabuza had it rough, but it looked like they gotten ahead of theirselves.

So what should they do?

Trusting Sakura didn't seem like a good choice.

"She was able to single-handedly take both of us down without killing us with ease... and is now involving herself in high-level political schemes to save her village. And you saw how ruthless she is.

Even though she's from the Hidden Leaf, it's my first time seeing some so crazy in my entire life." Zabuza had to admit this. There was nothing more he'd like to do than pretend that nothing had happened.

But she ended up using Gato's dirty money.

"That wasn't what I asked..." Haku stared at him.

"I know, but listen to me closely. Working as a tool for her is better than working for Gato.

Do you know of anyone else who would give their 'tool' Gato's entire savings as payment?

And this is before trusting us to do our jobs without running off? She's naive, but she can trusted." This was Zabuza's excuse. Even though she seemingly acted mature, that itself proved her immaturity.

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