Chapter 24: Ino Returns

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Both of them appeared in Naruto's home abruptly using the Flying Thunder God Techniquw. She laid the bloody knucklehead on the bed to inspect his injuries, only to gasp at the severity of them.

She had never seen in such a condition before neither in the past nor in the future.

Sure, there was the times the Nine Tails took over and burnt him like roast chicken, or the time she had to pump his heart using her hand, but the state he was in right now was way worse than all of that.

Broken bones, blood loss, organ failure... you name the injury, he had exactly... and much, MUCH more.

"Still..." Sakura spoke to herself, and those raging emotions within her 'stilled' like a frozen iceberg.

As someone who had reached the apex of Medical Ninjutsu to the point of soundly surpassing her own master, there was no way she'd let her emotions get in the way while in the middle of a 'surgery'.

Her hands needed to stop shaking right now...

She identified what she could do, and those hands did exactly that. Even though Naruto could normally heal himself, his Orange Chakra wasn't able to circulate, nor could Kurama lend a hand.

His Chakra Pathways being messed up.

Since Naruto couldn't heal internally, Sakura's fingers forcefully pressed acupuncture points to control the breath within his body.

Within a moments notice, a string along with a needle appeared in her hand. She used her fingers to 'mould' and her stitches to accurately 'mend' his ruptured internals. This couldn't be done without her 'Godly Hands'. Both swift and dexterous.

Although stitches normally wouldn't be able to do much in this situation, her use of such a thing was otherworldly. Sakura was able to make his injuries seem nonexistent after a few hours.

Sure, there were thin lines on his body from where she stitched, but thanks to her healing power, that was constantly seeping into him. His condition stabled to a certain degree.

Though still ending up near death's doors.

'I... wanted to change the future.' As his condition stabilised, her stilled emotions started moving.

'I wanted to be the one... who protected you guys this time.' Images of the many times she had been saved and had a near death experience flowed through her mind, especially the times she was always helplessly watching on as a damsel.

'But I... also wanted to see you guys safe.' Then the deadly experiences of her friends arose as well.

'Did I make the wrong decision?' Her heart fell to the depths of despair, but she didn't let it show.

She had a stoic face about her. Sakura continued to return his body to its original state. Tapped into her reserves and didn't waste even a tiny drop of it to manually reconstruct his Chakra Pathways.

As she was going through this procedure, Naruto's consciousness barely returned. Since she didn't have the right medicines on hand to keep him unconscious through the treatment, all she could do was throw all her concentration into her work.

This was the first time Naruto had seen the girl he liked actually doing Medical Ninjutsu, and the more he looked at it, the more uncomfortable he felt. It was as if she became a robot built solely for healing; nothing else. She bottled up her emotions.

Only Naruto could see that past those dead eyes were the emotions of guilt and self-loathing.

He didn't want to see her like this, and he also couldn't understand why she felt this way. Why is it that whenever he was around, he could never see this girl love herself or give herself a treat? Why was she always feeling guilt towards them?

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