Chapter 22: The Jinchuriki of the Abyss!

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"Are you sure this is fine...?" Zabuza asked his Boss. His expression hidden by his bandages.

"I can't have the two of you leave my side right now, so it's better this way." Sakura understood what he meant. The favour she asked of Lee was to wait a certain place to pick up an important person.

This individual was a wanderer from the Chinoike Clan. Sakura had take to take the girl under her wing after getting permission from her parents. As that person didn't have anything going on, she found it natural to add that person into her squad.

From what she remembered, this individual became known to the world.

The 'Bloodsword Princess', similarly to how Minato was called the 'Yellow Flash', or how Naruto himself was known.

The 'Orange Spark' due to the revolution in technology and advancement of civilisation that came with his responsible time as the Hokage.

Of course, thinking about the Hokage made her remember how her daughter became the Eighth Hokage. It was after ridding the Curse of Hatred from her bloodline. The 'Red Flame' of the Leaf.

She gained the title of 'Battle Empress' as well from her fighting ability surpassing Sasuke.

Sakura had to stop thinking about this...

The time she spent here in the past let her think of a lot of stuff.

For example: She couldn't manipulate the hearts of those people she cared for no matter how she tried. This wasn't due to her lack of intelligence or bad social skills... but due to her reserved nature.

Even though she indeed married Sasuke in the future and could only see 'Sarada' in reality after marrying him again, she didn't want to throw her own future happiness away for selfish goals.

For far too long, in her original timeline, she had burdened others with her selfishness. Never taking the hearts of other people into account, but she wanted to change now... and be a better person.

The Sasuke she met in this timeline was no longer the Sasuke she knew. The more she grew closer and got to know him, the more she'd feel this out of place feelings... as if he and 'her husband' weren't the same. It was as if they were only simila-

'Please... think about this calmly. The Flying Thunder God Jutsu can only teleport a person to a Formula Mark. Dad even told us that it was more of a space jutsu rather than a space-time jutsu!' The words the 'real' Naruto she knew arose in her head.

This made her come up with a certain theory.

'...Impossible!' She denied that theorisation, but the more she thought about it, the more things started to fit together, and her whole body shook. It took the memory that Kurama was brought here as well to calm herself down a little, though a bit unnerved.

We don't need Road to Ninja flashbacks right now!

"What's wrong?" Zabuza asked as he watched Haku doing his best to make this a good 'picnic'.

This was Sakura's idea in the first place as she felt that despite Zabuza becoming more 'softer' lately by her influence, he was still a little to stoic when pit against this 'son' he had technically adopted.

The image of Haku dying to save Zabuza...

This once high-calibre killing machine finally dying with regrets after killing his employer... had always been etched into her mind. Back then, she was still unable to do anything for them in her timeline.

Now these two people who should have died were living and breathing before her, she couldn't help but feel an ominous feeling. As she was a little superstitious after finding out the true nature of the supposed 'aliens'. They were the origins of ninja.

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