American psycho

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Jahseh tried to go back to sleep after he stopped Lani from what ever was about to happen and after that Jaylani couldn't sleep. Thought's filled up in her head like your lungs when you inhale. 

Her voices were bringing her down, she got so anxious she started shaking her legs really fast and bouncing them around shaking the whole bed. 

She stopped when she heard Jahseh say "what are you doing" it startled her because she was rocking back and forth on her bed and her thoughts had made her become oblivious and delusional. 

She snapped her head towards him, she looked crazy, eyes popping out of her head, her jaw clenched and scratch marks all down her legs and arms, she looked like a fucking meth head, Jahseh thought. 

"What's going?" He asked. He was so confused, she looked like a totally different person. 

Voices chanted things in her head, bad things. There were so many you could barely hear what they were saying making her go even more crazy. 

Jahseh came to realization that she needed her meds, so he went to the cabinet where she kept hers and grabbed them. He took out 6 pills all together and grabbed some water, he handed them to her but she knocked them out of his hands and punched him in the jaw.

When Jahseh had gotten up he looked at her, she had gone back to rocking herself back and forth and staring at the wall whispering things under her breath, he knew what he had to do. 

He gathered up the pills on the floor and approached her ready for whatever was coming. She looked at him, she looked evil, crazy, completely fucking nuts.

He grabbed her by the neck so she flattened out then removed his hand and pinned down her chest and sat on her legs so she couldn't run. He took his other hand and put two pills in her mouth and cupped his hand over her mouth forcing her too close it. 

He did that with all the pills and pinned her down until she fell asleep. Jaylani always took her pills at night because they had something melatonin in them which makes you sleep. 

Jahseh POV:

I stared at her watching her sleep then had the urge to pee. Jaylani had a bathroom in her bedroom so it was easy to get there quickly. 

When I walked in I noticed the drops of blood on the sink and floor and a razor blade with dried blood on it. I sighed but wasn't surprised because she showed me her cuts yesterday morning after our fight. I picked it up and put it in my pocket so she couldn't have it anymore then proceeded to do my business. 

When I went back to the bed Jaylani was still asleep so I decided to go downstairs and eat. I didn't eat this morning at Lani's house because I left right away and I couldn't go home because my mom's boyfriend and I got into a fight last night, yes physical. And my mom told me to leave, "for good" she says it all the time but I always come back because I know she hates me already but I'm only 17 and can't be anywhere else. Shit, I need to visit Stokeley, I thought. He's been in a coma for two weeks and I was getting worried. Then, I got a call from the hospital, "ha what a coincidence" I said out loud and chuckled to myself. 

Me: Hello

Doctor: Hi, this is doctor Michelle calling about Stokeley Goulborne, is this Jahseh Onfroy?

Me: yes, that's me

Doctor Michelle: yes, I can fortunately say that Stokeley has woken up, and is ready to go home as soon as possible. 

I was shocked, and happy. Thank god he's okay.

Me: when did he wake up?

Doctor Michelle: About 15 minutes ago

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