you're thinking too much, stop it.

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Jaylani POV:

We were now over by Jahseh's car, but he was still restraining me, for whatever reason. 

"Jah what the fuck is going on?" I asked, scrambling trying to release myself from his grip.

He didn't answer.

I started tearing up, he looked terrified. 

I broke down on my knees crying. "Jah, please tell me what I did, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." I chocked out. 

Every time I took a breath it came out as 3 stuttered hiccups.

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I knew I was capable of things, and I've done things, what if I did bad things again?

Jahseh looked down at me with fearful eyes, I could tell that he hated seeing me in pain, but it was like he was holding back from comforting me.

Jahseh POV:

I was mortified. When I forced Jaylani out of the room there was this look in her eye, her pupils were huge almost so big you couldn't see the rest of her eyeball. Like her eyes were completely black. 

I was stuck on what she said before; "I'll kill you, I've done it before, I'll do it again." 

I was so confused. Was she hiding something from me? Was she a killer? She couldn't be. I hope.

I was scared to even touch her, she sat there sobbing, harder than I've ever seen someone cry. All I wanted to do was protect her, and make her feel safe, but, I was scared, something came out in her. Like that time I had to force pills into her mouth, I didn't know what to do.

I extended my hand towards her so she could get up. She slowly picked herself up, I could hear her feet scraping against the concrete, it made me jump. I don't know why I was so skittish. I was just so shaken up about what had just happened I was still in shock. 

I pulled her into a hug and kept her in my arms for what seemed like forever, I loved it. 

She sobbed into my t shirt, I'm guessing it was soaked in tears by now. I felt so bad, it was her mental illnesses taking over. I don't know why but it's like.... she's getting worse, and her pills are losing their affect. I'm scared of what she's capable of, what she might do, but I'm thing too much and should stop.

I pulled away and picked her up bridal style and put her in the backseat. She wasn't crying anymore, she was emotionless. I knew she was numb, I wanted to fix it, but I had to wait. I grabbed the blanket from the trunk and put it on top of her. I kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes. 

I drove home in silence, hearing the occasional sniffle from Lani. Thoughts filled my head, I knew I was being paranoid but I couldn't stop shaking. I've killed people, because I use to sell drugs and did what I needed to. But, I never thought that would come from Jaylani. I doubt she was being serious, she probably wanted to scare Taylor. 

I almost completely forgot about Taylor, we were in a "relationship" thing. Kind of a friends with benefits thing but I broke it off because I wasn't looking for only sex, I wanted love. I was scared I was gonna catch feelings for her so I ended things. I was a side dude, she was always fucking other guys. 

I  pulled up to my house and opened the door going to the back. I picked Lani ups nd threw her over my shoulder closing the door with my foot. She looked like a baby, so innocent, so beautiful, she could never be capable of killing someone, I hope. 

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