Extra Chapter 4: Stalker? Why me?

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I was at Auardon Prep cleaning my locker out to get ready for the new school year. But for some reason I have been feeling like someone is following me. Then I look in my locker. "Ahhhh!!!" I scream.

"Lily what is wrong?" Carlos asks as he, Jay, Ben, Mal, and Evie come over to me. I just point to the locker.

"That is just creepy," Jay said as they look in the locker. The locker was filled with pictures of me and some random dude I have never meet. Carlos comes over to me and hugs me.

"Do you know this person?" Ben said.

"No, I don't. I'm scared Carlos," I said as I bury my head into his chest.

"We will figure this out. You are safe with me," Carlos said as he rubbed my back.

"Come on let's go get your mind off of this and worry about this later," Evie said. I nodded then hung out with Mal and Evie. I didn't think anything of the locker again until I was walking to the Tourney field to see the new plays Jay had come up with. When this guy showed up and stopped me.

"Hi. Princess," this random guy with brown hair and a good 5 inches taller than me.

"Hi. Who are you?" I ask trying to back away, but he grabs my arm.

"I am Henry. I am your biggest fan. How about we get to know each other?" Henry said grapping my arm tighter.

"I have a boyfriend and I was going to see him. Can you please let me go?" I ask trying to break free without using my powers against him.

"That villain kid? Why have him when you can have me instead?" Henry has this smirk on his face that I don't like. Then pushes me against the wall.

"Ow. I will only say this once. Let me go or I will use force," I say as I straighten up and have more coincidence.

"So, you are saying no to me? I don't take no for an answer," Henry then slaps me against the face, and I fall to the ground. "Do we understand?" Then before he attacks again. I open my eyes and see Carlos in front of me and Jay holding Henry's hand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Jay said as I see the anger boil in him and Carlos.

"Are you okay?" Carlos asks while he helped me up.

"Yea I will be," I said as I form a small snowball and hold it up to my check. Carlos then turns to face Henry.

"You will never hurt her again or come around her again. Or a sore face will be the least of your problems," Carlos said almost yelling.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Henry said taking his hand away from Jay.

"You will be expelled," I hear Ben say as he comes around the corner. Then I see Henry run away. "Cus are you okay?"

"I will be. Thank you. Now I know why those pictures were in my locker," I said as I make another snowball this time Carlos takes it away and puts it on my check. "You don't have to do that Carlos."

"I want to," Carlos said in the sweetest voice. He calmed down quick.

"Henry was the one in the pictures, wasn't he?" Jay asked me. I nod.

"He is a stalker. In Auradon we don't take that likely," Ben said.

"We don't take kindly to them on the Isle either or bullies, but you do it the nice way," Jay said.

"That is putting it lightly," Carlos chuckles. Ben and Jay start to head to the tourney field with me and Carlos following behind them.

"How do you handle stalkers and bullies on the Isle? I know how you handle kidnappers and that is scary," I said as we get to the tourney field.

"I will explain it later I promise," Carlos kisses my cheek while he sits me down on the sit lines. "We will go somewhere to forget about this after practice, just me and you if that is what you want."

"How about the lake and a picnic for dinner with everyone. Mal, Ben, Jay, Evie, me, you," I said.

"If that is what you want sure," Carlos said as he runs to practice. When they finish showing us the plays. Carlos tells everyone and we agree to meet at Ben's room.

"Thank you for agreeing to come with us. I don't want to be alone. I want to be surrounded by my family," I say once everyone is together and we walk together to the Enchanted Lake.

"Well you are our sister there is nothing we wouldn't do for you," Evie said giving me a hug.

"He will never hurt you with us around," Jay said.

"We are a family. Well except for Carlos that is," Mal said as Carlos blushed. I ran up and jumped on Carlos' back. He stumbled a bit but caught his balance and laughed.

"Did I surprise you?" I whispered to Carlos.

"Yes, but I got it handled. Now hold on," Carlos said. Before I could react, he started running to the lake. I could hear everyone laughing. For the time being I forgot about Henry, but it wasn't long that he reminded me that he was there.

Lily: Ice Princess - Carlos De VilWhere stories live. Discover now