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Bakugo was woken up to the sound of banging on his door. He had fallen asleep on the couch as soon as he had gotten home after all the questioning of the attack on UA. He grumbled a bit, flinching from the slight pain in his hand. The debris had been removed from it, and it had been cleaned and wrapped up, but that didn't stop it from hurting.

"What..?" He mumbled sleepily after he had opened the front door, he was still in his dirty uniform. A flash quickly made him wake up a bit more "What the fuck..?"

"Are you Katsuki Bakugo!?" He rubbed his eyes, blinded for a moment by the flash of the camera. Once he could see again, he realized that it was a bunch of reporters.

"Who the fuck is asking?" He just wanted to go back to bed. He really wanted these past few months to have been some kind of screwed up nightmare, but he knew that it was just some crappy hope of his. All of it happened.

"Is it true that Izuku Midoriya had been found?" As soon as the question left the women's lips, he moved to shut the door. Someone pushed their foot in to stop it from shutting all the way "We've heard that the boy that has been missing for two years has finally resurfaced, and that he was helping the League of Villains with all of those recent attacks!" Bakugo wondered how they already got all that information, it had only been less than twenty four hours since the event had happened.

"I refuse to answer any of your shitty questions.." Bakugo said, moving to shut the door again, but the foot was still in the way.

"We heard that the person that jumped off the roof was him! Is that true?"

"He didn't jump!" Bakugo squeezed the door handle. He just answered their question, but he was too angry to care. Before he could say anything else, someone from behind the crowd of reporters spoke up.

"What the hell are you all doing in front of my house?" The reporters moved to allow the speaker to come forward. His mom was their, pushing along a certain green haired women. "Get the hell away right now!" She pushed Bakugo aside and shoved the women into her home, kicking the man keeping his foot in the door and slamming it shut as soon as his foot was out of the way.

"Mom.." Bakugo blinked, moving to sit on the couch again

"Hush" His mom put a finger to her lips and gestured to the couch. "Sit Inko.." She said softly, Midoriya's mother nodded a bit and sat down. "We just finished speaking to the police and some of your teachers.."

"And..?" Bakugo sighed a little, knowing where this conversation was going.

"Why didn't you say anything? You've known these past couple of months about Izuku, but you didn't say a single thing?"

"I.." He grimaced a bit, his mom raising her voice "I didn't want to tell that he was a villain.. I didn't think.. she could handle that"

His mom sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose "Whatever. We went to the hospital this morning as well."

Bakugo looked up, a bit confused "What..? Why?"

"Izuku.." Inko spoke up, tears slipping down her face "They found his body. He's alive.. my baby is alive.." she was shaking, and sobbing. He remembered the first time he saw this, when Midoriya went missing. Only this time, she seemed more relieved.

"He's.. alive..?" Bakugo moved to stand up, about to change and rush to the hospital. He was stopped by his mom putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to her, seeing her face. It was full of concern.

"Katsuki.. he's alive but the doctors don't know if he'll wake up.. Izuku is in a coma"

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