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Bakugo held his breath, his eyes on Midoriya. He was speechless, he had a million thoughts running through his head at once and he just couldn't seem to settle on anything. The sound of the silence in the room was deafening to him, and even though he couldn't say anything, he did manage to pull his sleeve away from Midoriya and replace it with his hand instead. The silence was broken when the door opened, All Might's voice hit Bakugo's ears.

"Ah, I knew you were still here Young Baku.." All Might stopped talking, seeing the Midoriya was awake. The green haired boy visibly tensed up, squeezing Bakugo's hand slightly. Bakugo knew why, All Might had told him about his encounter with Midoriya those couple years ago. "Ah, the boy is awake.."

"I'll alert the doctors.." Aizawa sighed a bit, turning on his heel. He looked more tired than usual "Once the doctors give the okay, I'm going to start an interrogation.. so you'll need to go home Bakugo"

"No!" Bakugo said quickly, turning his head to look at Aizawa. He didn't let go of Midoriya's hand "You can do that shitty interrogation another day!"

All Might shook his head "Young Bakugo, you really must go home.. now that he's awake, we need to find out as much as we can about his.... motives as well as the League of Villains" Bakugo gave a light sigh, glancing back to Midoriya. The green haired boy only gave a small nod to let him know it was okay to go. Bakugo frowned a bit and let go of Midoriya's hand.

"Okay.. fine" He spoke softly "But I'm coming back tomorrow, I have something I want to talk to him about too.."

Aizawa took Bakugo by the shoulder, showing him out "Well, once he's better he'll be transferred to a prison.. so get as much time as you can before you can't see him again" he said before shutting the door

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