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The next day, Bakugo went to go visit Midoriya. He stepped into the elevator, pressing the button with his thumb as he bounced on his heels. He was nervous. He would be alone with an awake Midoriya for the first time since he told Midoriya the truth about why he did what he did. It made him nervous, and the more he thought about things, the more he remembered the kiss. His hand went to his face, and he felt himself going red. "Shit" he mumbled a little, shifting slightly. Midoriya kissed him, and he really liked it, but that was when Midoriya fell. As the elevator doors opened, Bakugo knew what he needed to do. He needed to apologize for everything, he needed to talk to Midoriya without worry of someone pulling them apart again.

"I've got this." He said as he took a step out of the elevator. He glanced up, seeing nurses and doctors running around. Something had happened, Bakugo could tell. As he walked forward, he saw that most of the nurses were focused on Midoriya's room. His eyes widen and he ran over to them.

"What's going on?" He tried to look into the room but he was pushed back. "What the hell!"

"Bakugo. Midoriya isn't here" He looked up to see it was Aizawa that pushed him back. "He escaped. When I got here, the guard was gone and they found a nurse on the ground. She was bleeding"

"What..?" Bakugo was confused. Midoriya couldn't have been able to get out, the place had a guard for every room. Nurses were there 24/7. A special button had to be used to even reach this underground floor. How could a boy just up and leave? "That.. it doesn't make any sense!"

"I don't know how it happened, but it did. And if you have any information, you need to tell me right now"

"How the hell would I know! I wouldn't be here if I knew where he was!"
Aizawa sighed before he pushed lightly on Bakugo's shoulder "Go home. Be careful, you may not be safe. You are one of the reasons he became a villain after all" Bakugo flinched slightly, turning as he shoved his hands into his pocket

"You don't have to remind me" He said lightly. He forced himself to walk back to the elevator without saying anything else. He was aggravated, and upset. Midoriya left, and Bakugo would probably never see him again. Just like before, when he ran off the first time. The only difference with this is that Bakugo knows that Midoriya is still alive. He knows what Midoriya is doing, and it kills him inside.

"Damnit!" Bakugo kicked the wall when he got into the elevator. "That stupid Deku! Damn nerd!" He kicked the wall again before he sighed, instead moving into a crouch. He brought his hands to his hair and shook his head "Its my fault... I have no right to be mad at him" he heard the door open and looked up to see a little girl holding onto her fathers hand. He quickly stood up and shifted a bit.

"You okay..?" The girl asked him as the two walked onto the elevator.

"I'm fine.." He looked away from the girl as her dad pressed a button.

"You getting off, son?" The man asked him. Bakugo shook his head

"No.. I think I'll just stay on the elevator a bit longer"

"Ah, I see" The man said knowingly "I do that to. Whenever my wife is in the hospital and I can't handle being by her side, I ride in the elevator because it gives me time to think." Bakugo didn't answer him, he just listened to the man talk "Who are you here for?"

"Ah.. a friend" Bakugo answered, glancing to him. The man only smiled as the doors opened again

"Well I hope your 'friend' gets better" He gave Bakugo a wink before pulling his daughter along "Come on. Let's go say hi to mommy" He watched the man walk off for a second before pressing the button to go back down.

"I hope so too..."

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