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The first thing Bakugou noticed when he woke up was the smell. Damp and metallic, like mildew.. what was that metal smell..? Bakugou blinked away the blurriness of his vision, flinching when a droplet of something hit his nose. "The.. hell?" His voice came out hoarse, and it took quite a bit of his strength to push himself into a sitting position on the cold, damp stone floor. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark.

A certain blonde was lying in front of him, eyes closed. Red stained the brightly colored hair, and Bakugou realized what the metallic smell was. It was blood. He moved forward, the movement making him sick to his stomach as he lightly shook the male's shoulder. "Hey! You shitty phone charger! hey wake up!" He said in a whispered yell. When the boy didn't wake up, he turned his head to get a better sense of where he was. He was freaking out slightly, but he knew he had to remain calm. Leaning against the wall furthest from him was Kirishima, he could see the odd quirk canceling collar around the red-head's neck and his own hand shot up to his own neck. His fingers grabbed ahold of the metal, trying to get between it and his skin.

"Shit! Icy Hot!" He said quickly, looking around for Todoroki. The only light that was in the room was coming from a flickering light by the door where Kirishima lay and his eyes had yet to grow accustomed to the darkness. 

"Don't yell" Bakugou flinched when someone touched his shoulder, turning his head to see Todoroki. The male had dried blood on his forehead and dirt smeared on his cheek. The hand on his shoulder was damp and dirty. Bakugou was quiet for a moment, so quiet that the slight movements from Kaminari and the dripping noises from droplets of water could be heard.

"Don't yell? Don't yell!?" Bakugou shot to his feet, stumbling from his grogginess. "We're trapped in what looks like some sort of dungeon and you're telling me not to yell? What the hell else would I do?"

"Think calmly for just one second?" Todoroki questioned in a mocking tone, crossing his arms. "You never think ahead do you? If you stopped to think for a second you'd understand the situation we're in."

"The situation?"

"Yes, the situation. We were in a dark alley where I assume that villain headquarters is, we see two masked people and suddenly a gas knocks us out? We woke up here in this basement, obviously." Todoroki moved over to Kaminari, picking him up. He was careful when he set the blonde in the light next to Kirishima as he spoke "We're probably in the basement of the headquarters, or somewhere nearby at least. Instead of freaking out we need to find a way out."

"Find a way out?"

"Are you a parrot? You're repeating the end of everything I say" Todoroki came back over to him, pointing into the darkness "Yes. Find a way out. They use this basement as a storage of some kind. I've found food, some wine glasses. A couple bottles of alcohol.."

Bakugou's eyes widened a bit "Their base is a bar!" He said quickly "We have to be in the basement of their base!" He grabbed ahold of Todoroki's shoulders "Midoriya is here!" Todoroki frowned slightly, pushing Bakugou's hands off of him.

"Think Bakugou, we're trapped. If you started thinking clearly and got that boy out of your head for one minute, you'd be able to come up with a plan that was more worthwhile." 

"I had a plan! I'm going to save him and bring him back home!" 

"That's the point Bakugou, your plan always ends up with you rushing in and getting hurt. You don't have a plan, you have an idiot's wish!" Todoroki shot back, pinching the bridge of his nose "Just.

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