Fifteen (Kirishima's P.O.V)

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Kirishima bounced his leg nervously as he glanced over to the empty seat. It had been a week since the incident between Bakugo and Todoroki, during this week Bakugo had yet to show up to class again.

"I'm telling you, I really think Bakugo is going to try and break into the villain's hideout to grab that Midoriya kid!" Kirishima brought a hand to his hair, looking away from the seat as he spoke. Kaminari was sitting at Kirishima's desk as well.

"Do you really think he'd be dumb enough to do that?" Kaminari tilted his head, placing his hand on his friend's hand. "Kirishima, I think you're just worrying over the idea that maybe milk will spill. You haven't even poured your glass yet"

"What? That made no sense at all!" The red head stood up "I'm serious Kaminari! He said that he would save Midoriya. The only logical explanation is that he is going to try and attack the villains."

Todoroki sighed a bit when he came into the classroom "Class hasn't even started yet, and you're so full of energy.."

"This is your fault!" Kirishima glared slightly at the stoic boy. "If you hadn't gone off and pushed Bakugo, maybe we'd be able to help him!"

"I see.. so that's what you're yelling about" Todoroki moved over, placing a hand on Kaminari's desk "No, I pushed him so that we can help him.. Bakugo is inpatient, I assume he'll probably attack tonight or tomorrow. You, Kaminari and Me are going to follow him to the hideout"

Kirishima blinked, clearly confused. He went to speak but Todoroki waved a hand to silence him.

"Aizawa-Sensei is here.." the door opened just as he spoke. He leaned forward and whispered to the red head "Meet me at the front of the school when class is over" with that he walked off, leaving a very confused Kirishima and a concerned Kaminari

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