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After everything had calmed down, and things slowly became normal again, UA had opened for classes again. Every day after school, Bakugo was at the hospital. He'd be there until visiting hours were over, and then he'd go home. He refused Kaminari and Kirishima's pleas to hang out, it was almost as if he would rather sit and talk to himself for hours on end. As Bakugo sat his bag down, he sighed. It had been nearly a month since being permitted to go back to school, and his routine had grown tiresome.

"You really are something else" Bakugo whispered as he sat in his chair. At first, a nurse would come in and move the chair back into it's original place, but after a couple weeks of Bakugo moving it to the bed, no one bothered to move it again. Sometimes a nurse or a doctor would come in and offer him something, like to help turn on the tv or something to eat, but he always refused. "You disappear from me every opportunity you get.. this time.. I'm afraid your disappearance will be permanent" he shook his head, trying to shake away the image. The feeling he got when Midoriya fell from the building and the feeling he got when Midoriya went missing two years ago, they pained him. He hated seeing Midoriya hurt, and this was only an escalation of that. He feared the next time would result in his childhood friend's death.

A soft knock on the door caused Bakugo to jump back into reality. He turned his head and saw a nurse come in. She was in the subfloor uniform and had gorgeous blue eyes. She was one of the ones who was assigned to Midoriya's room, and was the one who Bakugo saw most often. "Ah, you're here again today" the nurse said as she moved over to the bed, checking machines and Midoriya's condition.

"I am" Bakugo responded. The nurse gave him an odd feeling, but he choose to ignore it.

"So, you really feel guilty?" The nurse hummed "About what you did to De—... Midoriya" Bakugo tilted his head a bit, he didn't remember telling the nurse about that. She clearly picked it up from his body language "Oh! I'm sorry, I heard it from those two pro heroes" she waved her hands nervously before leaving the room. Bakugo's eyebrows furrowed and he moved to follow her, but a small tug on his sleeve stopped him from going anywhere. His eyes turned to the bed.

"Kachan...?" Although his voice was small, it was Midoriya's voice, and he looked desperate as well as in pain as his green eyes stared up at Bakugo.

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