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It had been nearly a week, and Bakugo had gone to see Midoriya every day. All Might and Aizawa gave him a card that said he had a Pro Hero's permission to visit the 'criminal patient' and it's the same thing every time. He goes in, sits in that chair and listens to the noisy tick of the clock for the entire time he's there. He never bothers to turn on the tv, it's the same news story as a week ago. Everyone is still obsessed on the attack the destroyed the UA school building. It hadn't even been fixed enough to allow any of the students to go back to school. Which meant that Bakugo had a lot of free time on his hands, and he spent all of it with Midoriya.

"You know" Bakugo messed with the new bandage on Midoriya's hand "I've had a lot of time to think since I met you again that first time" He talked to himself a lot in that hospital room, he wanted to believe that Midoriya could at least hear him talking, even if he wasn't awake. "I realized that.. I really do love you" his voice cracked slightly and he had to let go of Midoriya's hand. "Damn, you shitty nerd.. this is unlike me and you know it. Just wake up already so that I'm not talking to myself anymore." He stood from the chair, nearly knocking it over from the force of his anger. He glanced around the dimly lit room.

"Tsk, it's so gloomy in here" he grumbled a bit, looking back to Midoriya "Hey, if you had made it into UA.. if none of the shit that made you decide to be a villain happened.. would you and I still fight all the time?" He moved over to the bed, crawling up into it as he laid on his side by Midoriya. "We probably would.. but, there's a lot of people there you'd probably like. Round Face is pretty cool.. so is that damn Half and Half.. when he isn't being an ass." Bakugo chuckled a bit as he carefully wrapped an arm around Midoriya, avoiding the cords. "Hedgehog Hair and his blonde friend are annoying.. but they're my friends too. I wonder if you'd get along with them.." he closed his eyes, mumbling a bit as he drifted to sleep. He didn't really sleep well recently, and he didn't really know he needed to.

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