Ten (Midoriya P.O.V)

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Oh geez, I didn't expect to wake up today to such wonderful comments and people adding my stories to their favorites. That makes me really happy! Thank you guys! The last time my stories were liked like this, I had written a South Park AU story called 'The Color of Our Wings' on AO3. That was a long time ago.
Midoriya sat up in his bed, looking at the wall as he heard Aizawa throw Bakugo out. He glanced over to All Might, who had taken a seat in the chair Bakugo had been in. He scoffed a bit before looking away again. His body hurt, his head hurt, his heart hurt. He really thought that fall would have killed him, he didn't like that he survived.

"Hey Kid" A gruff voice said, Aizawa moved into Midoriya's view. "I'm going to ask you some questions, and you're going to answer them honestly." Midoriya watched him for a moment as he flipped through a notepad "Is your name Izuku Midoriya?"

'What a dumb question' Midoriya thought, but he answered anyway "Yes"

"And did you run away from home?"

"Yes" Midoriya yawned. These questions were already starting to bore him.

"Why?" This question caused him to pause, he blinked looking up to Aizawa

"I'm sorry, what?" Midoriya asked lightly

"I said 'why' as in, why did you run away from home?" The man sounded annoyed. Midoriya didn't want to answer the question. It was personal.

"I'm.. quirkless" Midoriya said in a quiet voice "Kachan.. he would always bully me after I found out.. but I had this dream! I really wanted to be a hero!" His voice raised slightly, holding some childishness in it "I met All Might. My inspiration. He saved me from the sludge villain, I really thought I would die there.. I asked him if he thought I could be a hero! And he just.. he crushed my dream" He glanced over to All Might "He crushed my dream, but I met some people who vowed that they could help me crush him."

"I see.." Aizawa rubbed his forehead a bit "So you ran away to join the League of Villains.. Will you tell me more about them? The people who helped you?"

"No" Midoriya looked back over to Aizawa "I will not"

"Kid listen, if you answer the questions and corroborate, I can make sure that you can have people visit you in prison. But if you don't, no one will be able to see you"

"I don't care. No one really wants to visit me anyway" Midoriya pulled the blanket up, forcing himself to lay down "I don't want to answer anymore questions today.. go away" he mumbled. He heard Aizawa sigh, and the door click shut as they left.

"Finally" Midoriya sighed, closing his eyes. After a moment, the door opened again. "What do you want now!? I thought I said leave!" He sat up again, opening his eyes to see a nurse, a guard and a doctor.

"That's rude" the nurse huffed "After we came here to help you, Deku"

"What..?" Midoriya blinked, staring at them. The doctor had scars and scratches on his face, but Midoriya recognized the eyes and hair. "Shigaraki..?"

"Aha he figured it out quickly" the guard flipped the mask up on his helmet "Hes smart all right"

"Dabi!" Midoriya looked over to the nurse "Then that must mean.."

"Yup!" She bounced happily on her heels "It's me! Himiko!!"

"We're breaking you out Deku." Dabi yawned "Now let's go before someone really comes to check on you. Kurogiri is waiting outside, he can't get down here without raising suspicion"

Midoriya watched the three for a moment, a slight smile coming to his face "Okay.." he said softly "Let's go"

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