LV. Time is On My Side (Part I)

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[Time is On My Side]

Holy water was thrown onto a demon strapped in a chair. The demon screamed and writhed in pain.

"You ready to talk?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. I don't know anything!" The demon cried.

"Oh, you hear that, Sam, Holly? He doesn't know anything."

Sam smirked. "Yeah, I heard."

"Loud and clear, D."

"I'm telling you the truth." The demon said.

"Oh, you are? My God, then I owe you an apology. Allow me to make it up to you." Dean said, forcing holy water into the demon's mouth. "I'm gonna ask you one last time...Who holds my contract?!"

The demon fell silent and hung his head. When he looked up, his eyes were black and he had a smile. "Your mother. Yeah, she, uh, showed it to me right before I bent her over."

Dean leaned closer. "I want a name. Or else..."

"Or what? You're gonna squirt holy water in both ends? Please. Brother, that's like a fleabite compared to what's coming to me if I tell you jack. Do what you want. The only thing I'm scared of is the demon holding your ticket."

Dean stared at the demon, Holly, then Sam, and he nodded as he began reciting an exorcism.

"How does that feel?" Dean asked. "Does that feel good?"

"Go ahead. Send me back to hell...Cause when you get there, I'll be waiting for you...with a few pals who are dying for a nice little meet and greet with Dean Winchester."

"Should I?" Sam questioned.

Dean nodded. "Send him someplace he can't hurt anyone else."

Sam continued the exorcism and the demon began screaming.

Holly was flipping through a book, trying to find anything that would help find the demon holding Dean's contract. Sam was on the phone.

Dean entered the room and Sam asked, "Bury the body?"

"Yeah. Looks like these demons ride 'em hard just for kicks." He opened a beer and chugged it before crashing tiredly onto a couch. "What was the phone call about?"

"Remember that thing in the paper yesterday?"

""Stripper suffocates dude with thighs"?"

Holly rolled her eyes. "The other thing."

"Right, the guy that walks into the E.R. and kneels over the dead. His stomach's ripped out?"

"His liver, actually." Sam corrected. "Anyways, I just found out something pretty damn interesting."


"The dead body covered in bloody fingerprints, not the victim's."

"Okay, great. My man Dave Caruso will be stoked to hear it."

"Those fingerprints match a guy who died in 1981."

Dean's eyebrows raised. "Really. So, what are we talking? Uh, walking dead? Walking, killing dead?"


Holly shrugged. "Well, zombies do like the other other white meat."

"Huh." Dean said. "Speaking of, what do you care about zombies?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you two, Sam, you especially, you've been on soul-saving detail for months now. And we're three weeks out, and all of a sudden, you're interested in some hot zombie action?"

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