CVII. (107) Freewill

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[The Man Who Knew Too Much]

The hunters locked Sam in the panic room.

Dean paced, Holly sat watching over him, and Bobby and Nate walked in. "Anything?"

Dean shook his head. "I can't just sit here, Bobby. I've got to help him."

Bobby looked at him sadly. "Dean."

Nate tried to comfort Holly, but she shrugged him off and turned to Bobby. "Come on, you know, dreamscape his noggin. Something."

"You two know what Cas did. The dam inside your brother's head is gone, and all hell's spilling loose. We don't know what's going on inside."

Dean shook his head. "I don't care. We have to do something!"

"And we will, but right now, we got sixteen hours til they pop Purgatory. I'm down one man. I can't afford to be down more."

"Yeah, how's that going, huh? We've got no line on Crowley. We got no line on Cas. Balthazar's MIA. I mean, all we've got is Sam, going through whatever the hell this is!"

Bobby poured two drinks. "You know, this is exactly what Cas wants. For you two to fall to pieces. Just think of what Sam would want." He held out two drinks and the siblings paused before taking it.

Holly pursed her lips. "Find Cas, Bobby. Find him right now. Nate, go help."

While Bobby and Nate went to find Cas, Holly handed Dean a flashlight. He opened Sam's left eye and shined it.

Holly's eyes widened, seeing her brother convulsing. "Sammy! Sam!" Dean and Holly cried.

Dean placed a hand on Sam's chest and Sam fell still.

The siblings sat near their brother, holding glasses of whiskey.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Bobby said, standing next to Balthazar outside the door of the panic room. Nate appeared moments later and the siblings stood up.

"Well, at least you mudfish finally got the angel-proofing right." Balthazar replied before pointing to Sam. "How's Sleeping Beauty? You didn't steal any kisses, I trust?"

"What the hell took you so long?" Dean asked angrily, walking up to Balthazar. Bobby and Nate took a step behind Dean and Holly.

"Honestly? I was having second thoughts."

Holly crossed her arms. "About?"

"About whether to help you. I was thinking maybe...Maybe I should rip out your sticky bits instead."

Nate grabbed Holly's arm protectively as Bobby asked, "And what did you decide?"

"Well..." He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Dean. "Cas and Crowley are out there. That's where the show gets started."

Dean opened the paper and showed Bobby, Nate, and Holly. It was an address in Bootback, Kansas. "Alright, well give us a minute to pack up and zap us there."

Balthazar shook his head. "Oh, no, no, no, no. I don't think so."

"Balthazar." Holly said.

"I'm betraying a friend here. A very powerful friend. We all are. So I think I've stuck my neck out far enough already. Good luck." He disappeared.

Bobby packed some things, including a flask of holy water and a few angel killing blades. He picked up the bag and started walking out, followed by Nate. "Time's up, Dean."

Dean glanced back. "Yeah, just a second." He stood over Sam and then knelt next to him with a piece of paper. "Alright, this is where we're gonna be, Sam. You get your lazy ass out of bed and come and meet us. Sammy, please." He got up and put the paper down next to Sam with a gun on top and left.

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