Mino / Winner

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Excitement sometimes differentiates from nervousness, that's what you happened to find out that early afternoon. Leaving lunch out, your dance group was practicing for an enormous performance backstage. Including you of course. Public phobia was the devil in person and you had the honor to get to know it personally.

Practicing was minimum as unbearable as your phobia of standing in front of 14k people. Indeed, you were chosen to play the role as center of the entire performance, another honor. This time even a positive one. Focusing on perfecting every single movement made your head explode, almost. All of a sudden, fortune got intended, the door opened what interrupted you. Quitting immediately, you grabbed a towel and approached the person standing in the door. "Thankssss", you stretched that word, showing gratefulness towards your best friend, the guy who entered. Bobby, his existence, smiled widely before patting your shoulder gently "First row, seat 57". A nod was what you replied with. Sloppily raising his arm he left again. The only reason he came was to bring over your earrings, you insisted on wearing them for your presence on stage. "I guess we should stop practicing now", another team member suggested, each of you nodded in pure agreement.

Thinking hard but not able to remember you snatched your phone.

Y/n; Hey
Y/n; Got a sec?
M; What's wrong
Y/n; When am I supposed to be home again?
M; Around an hour before our guests come
Y/n; Yeah mom, I could tell but when is that
M; 2;30pm
Y/n; Ok thx
Y/n; Who's supposed to come again?
M; Tell me are you drunk or something or why the hell can't you remember this
Y/n; I ain't drunk I just didn't pay attention to you when you explained
M; My colleague, her husband, their little daughter

Your eyes slowly widened at this last sentence. From your point of view it couldn't have come worse.

Y/n; A CHILD????!??!?
M; Yes
M; Don't be like that
Y/n; But I am
Y/n; You know I can't get along with kids
Y/n; Tell me I'm not forced to entertain her
M; Uhh you kinda are
Y/n; :/
Y/n; I'm on my period anyways already so I'll probably curse her out unintentionally
M; You won't
M; She's a cute little girl
M; She stole your dad's an my heart 😍
M; She's amazing and cute and we can talk to her and she's just like an own child

What should have hit you hard because of your natural emotions, didn't. Such scenarios where Leonie, that little kid, was more important than you happened on a daily basis. Since they got to know her she became the new star of the family. Although she wasn't even part of it.

Y/n; You just officially forgot you own a daughter
Y/n; My point - don't expect me to get along with her
M; You will have to anyways
Y/n; Screw that now, are you here already?
M; Huh
Y/n; MY PERFORMANCE!!!! You and Dad said you'd come and watch :(
M; We won't come
M; Sry
Y/n; Why mom
M; We're preparing the Bbq for later
M; And btw we took some things from your room
M; plushies, CDs and such stuff
M; But Leonie will need entertainment, she gets bored easily
M; Be nice to her
Y/n; Ya know mom, fuck it rn, I gotta perform

With these being your last words you brutally threw your phone back onto the table. Internally you felt like exploding, externally there was no time to let people notice. Facts, you had to go out there now and show off your dancing skills. Yeah, although all your forces were empowered to hold back a tear.

After all, it went better than assumed. Except for one invisible mistake the whole performance ended up being flawless. The anime convention at which you had performed was sorta big so you took your time and looked through with the fellow members. And for once forgot all your worries.

Unfortunately, it was time to go home since the guests had arrived already. Bobby entered the bus with you, seperated at a certain station.

With a hard swallow you entered your garden, knowing disappointment would overwhelm your body now. As you stood there they played with Leonie, wearing the biggest and truest simper you had ever seen, not even noticing you. They watched you burn and they enjoyed it.

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