The Arena (Part 2)(48)

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Bill POV

I could feel that I wasn't the only one that was infuriated by this in our balcony. Finally he threw Pinetree to the floor, watching his body hit and bounce on the ground brought a growl to my throat.

"Battle one! Baku, Winner!!!" an Announcer shouted over speakers.

As Baku flew up to the Heads balcony and I went diving to the field my eyes glued to Pinetree as I dive bombed him, I landed barely a foot from him and fell over him gathering him into my arms. I could feel his heart beating and the slightest hint of breathing from him.

I lifted him from the ground standing looking up at the balcony, I cleared my throat to get their attention, "We shall not be fighting till Pinetree wakes. Till then you all have to wait." With that I flew back to my balcony and to the very back corner so it was hard for people to see us. I snapped and made a few pillows and blankets and placed him down on and under the blanket. I could hear the crowd jeering and shouting for the battles to start again.

"Bill, Leviathan is down on the field with Charun, their waiting to start the next fights." Ana as she put her hand on my shoulder, "You need to go down there and find out who he's fighting." I pushed his hair back and didn't move. She squatted down next to me and put a hand on his shoulder, "He did great, I watch over him and try to start and heel some of his wounds. Go we don't want to keep them waiting." She said.

I nodded slowly and stood from the ground. Slowly I walked to the ledge of our balcony stepping on to it I could see they were standing at the center of a newly fix field. I felt like making them wait. I stood on the ledge looking down at the and taking in the view of the crowd. After a minute the crowd's jeering subsided and turned into hushed whispers. I could see Leviathan and Charun getting impatient looking us at me. I finally step forwards like stepping off a boat plank, not using my powers just plummeting to the field. I could hear the crowd gasp and lean forwards. About a foot before the ground I gracefully slowed enough to land on one foot, like Marry Poppins. 

Leviathan rolled his eyes, I stepped forward with a cool smile.

"Bring down Kalee," he said coldly without letting me say anything.

I just rolled my eyes and snapped back up to the balcony, I met Kalee's eye, "They asked very politely for you, I believe this will be your battle." I said holding my hand out to her like a gentleman does when he asks to dance.

She ignored my hand and walked past me, she stepped off the balcony and flew down the field. I spun on my heel and followed her over the edge like it was planned. She had landed before me but just stood staring at them, waiting. When I landed Leviathan addressed me ignoring her.

"Baku and Masons battle was decided, Baku won. But, because of some discussions with the rules that battle will rule in Mason's favor if he doesn't wake in the next hour. From now on battles must end before one of the parties is incapacitated. From now on you must immobilize your opponent for 10 seconds in order for that battle to be completed." He spoke and his voice echoed around the Arena and even though he hadn't raised his voice I knew that everyone in the Arena had heard what he said loud and clear.

I glanced at the the Head's balcony, Baku wasn't there. He must have not agreed with the ruling on his fight.

"Understood, shall we let these two get started?" I said waving to Kalee and Charun.

"Yes." Leviathan said floating up and back to his balcony, Asura took his arm the moment he landed next to her.

I patted Kalee's shoulder, "Knock him dead- no wait don't do that, just win." I smile cheeky at her and she rolled her eye, Charun growled and with that I flew from the field and back to the balcony not stopping till I was leaning over Pinetree again.

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