The Battle (Part 1) (24)

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The Battle (Part 1)

      Her chest moved slowly as her unconscious breath became jagged. I couldn’t stand to see her like this. Taking a step towards her, my body was suddenly propelled backwards until I crashed against a wall.

      “Not on my watch bitch, you wanna save her? You gotta go through me!”

      My eyes flashed to her limp body that lay nearly a hundred feet away, and then they flashed to those blood red eyes. There was only ever going to be one answer.

      “Game on!”


      We charged. Jasmine at my side – much to Lizzie’s disagreement – with her sword, fangs and dark red eyes piercing Isobella’s across the battle field.

      Even from a far distance I could see the smile that spread across her face. But she wasn’t smiling for long.

      The pixies, centaurs and shape-shifters emerged from there hiding places and charged toward her battalion. Trapping them in the middle of the battle field with no where to turn.

      My speed picked up, bringing me closer to the enemy. A smile rose against my lips as a thudding heartbeat pounded against my ears.




      Our warriors and theirs collided.

      Shields clinked and clanged while swords slashed and killed. Witches and wizards fired spells that bended, froze and swallowed opponents. Vampires and werewolves fought one another, tearing out throats, stabbing chests and ripping apart limbs.

      Pixie’s and angels attacked from their level, blinding and paralyzing the strongest of fighters. Centaurs and shape-shifters drew swords and fought with the power of wild animals.

      Bodies collided and bodies fell, the field ran with blood and filled with screams.

      Wielding my sword I cut through warrior after warrior, protecting myself and my friends.

      “Rochelle behind you!” I called out as I watched a werewolf head her way. She smiled as her leg turned to an iced spike that with one back kick pierced the wolf’s heart.

      Looking around I watched as they battled. Each with their individual strength and reason. Not all of us were fighting for freedom. Most were really fighting to protect the ones they loved from the darkness that would take over if Isobella were to win.

      Rochelle fights for the girl who saved her life.

      Dylan fights for the person she used to be and the girl she loves.

      Chloe, because even though she would never admit it, she wants to protect her parents. Also, she has her own family to protect now.

      Lesley, for her son and her love.

      Ryan, so he could live another day to tell his parents the truth and have John by his side.

      John fights to prove to himself and Ryan that he is strong enough to be himself.

      Suzie, because Brittany is her family.

      Eliza battles for the girl that she finally got to love, and who loved her back.

Vision of Love  {Watty Awards 2012} (LGBT love and fantasy romance)Where stories live. Discover now