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"Do you think he'll agree to it?" Sage asked me in gym.
I shrugged as we did our daily stretches.
"I mean, there's a good chance he'll say no, but then again. You never know."  I told her.
Sage arched a brow.
"Does Monty even know you and Bryce want to do a pizza night?" She asked me now.
I shook my head.
"Nope, but when he drops me off today. I'll tell him about it, it is kind of my fault for bringing up Jovi which triggered him to bring up Hayes." I said.
Sage thought for a moment before nodding.
"So what time do you think we should drop by, if your dad does give the okay?" She questioned.
"I think eight would be an alright time, plus its the weekend so he can't exactly stress about it being a school night." I pointed out.
"Good point." She grinned.

When the bell rang for school to be over.
Kids were practically shoving each other to get out the door, just like every day.
It was only September, and they acted like it was summer vacation already.

"How is your friend doing?" I heard Carter question coming up behind me, as I waited for the other to drive up.
I turned to him.
"He's doing better than this morning, I'm going to talk to my dad into letting me and our friends throw a small pizza party to help with his mood."I told him.
Carter nodded as he looked around.
I studied him for a moment.
"Would you like to come by?" I questioned now.

Carter looked back to me and smiled.
"Your friends don't exactly like me, especially the football player. I feel like I'd be very unwanted." He told me now.
I made a face.
"It'd give him a chance to get to know you, it wouldn't be any trouble." I reassured him.
Carter frowned now.
"Some other time." He said as Jace and Amy came into view, heading our way.
He looked back to me.
"I'll stop by tomorrow so we can work on our project." He told me walking away before I could even respond.

"What was that about?" Monty asked as we drove out of the parking lot.
"What was what about?" I questioned.
"You and that Carter guy, he always acts suspicious when he walks away." He told me.
I grinned softly.
"He isn't suspicious, Monty."
"Oh no, you're right. He's incredibly suspicious, who walks away after his friends pop up? Its like he doesn't want them to know, you guys are partners in class." He told me.

I shrugged.
"He deals with enough family drama at home, I'm sure mentioning friends is the last thing he needs to bring up." I told him as we drove up to the house.
Monty sat there for a moment.
"Lexi, I need you to be serious with me and not get mad." He said now.
I blinked looking at him.
"What is it?" I questioned.
"Do you think, he could possibly be tied to the murders?" He asked with knitted brows.
I sat there for the longest time.
"First Bryce, and now you? Seriously Monty, you guys are judging him before you get to know him." I murmured.

Monty raised his hands in defense.
"Well Lexi, he hasn't exactly looked redeemable or non suspicious, and not to mention. He does disappear any time a accident happens." He pointed out.
"He didn't disappear last night, he was looking for Jace." I told him.
Monty looked to me, snapping his finger as he pointed.
"Jace is the killer."
"Monty, seriously. Stop." I whined getting out of the truck.
"Think about it Lex, Jace and Gabriel got heated yesterday morning and last night Gabriel gets hurt? That's no coincidence." He told me.

I frowned softly.
"I'm not fixing to point fingers at our classmates, Monty. But that does remind me, I'm going to talk to my dad tonight but swing by around eight tonight." I told him.
Monty made a face.
"Okay, but why?" He asked.
I smiled softly.
"We're going to hang out with Bryce and Sage and have pizza." I explained.
Monty smirked now.
"You know that's my weakness, but I thought pizza night was our thing, why invite those two losers?" He joked.
I grinned.
"Shut up, you know you love them."
"I wouldn't go that far, Lexi." Monty told me.

I smiled softly.
"Anyway, be here around eight. Okay?" I told him.
Monty gave me a thumbs up.
"Sure, sure. I want pepperoni." He told me before driving off.
"Please, please, please! A thousand times please." I said begging on my knees in front of my parents, who both sat in the family room with a poker face.
"What are you begging for, exactly?" Dad questioned.
I looked at him.
"I may have triggered Monty this morning and Hayes got brought up--"
"Oh dear." Mom sighed.
"And me and Bryce wanted to throw him a small pizza party tonight at the house, to help cheer him up. Please, dad?" I asked him.

Dad sat there, looking to mom who ignored his expression as she opened up the newspaper.
"What do I get out of it, if I say yes?" He asked me now.
I grinned.
"A million hugs."
"That's too many hugs, Alexis."
"Nonsense." I denied with a grin.

Dad groaned.
"Fine, yeah. But just tonight." He told me.
I squealed hugging him.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said kissing his cheek.
"Uh huh, sure. How many pizzas am I even buying you kids?" He asked.
I smiled softly.
"Well, its going to be me, Monty, Sage and Bryce." I told him now.
"So three pizzas because Monty and Bryce are both fat." He said.
I smirked.
"They're not fat, dad."

"Sweetie, those boys came over for your fifteenth birthday and both ate two burgers, two slices of cake and still had room for the candy bags." Dad pointed out.
"So they have a big appetite, plus Bryce is in football." I told him crossing my arms now.
Dad arched a brow.
"So Monty is fat and Bryce is excused for his appetite, it doesn't excuse the fact they both eat like they're being starved at home." He told me.

"Bryce has to watch what he eats to stay in shape and built for his team."
"So eating pizza is an okay thing?" He asked.
"Its fine, but I can give you my allowance to help pitch in for the pizza and drinks." I told him.
Dad ran a hand through his hair.
"I'm not taking your allowance, Lexi. But I do expect you to clean the mess you kids make, are they staying over?" He asked me.
I shrugged.
"We honestly didn't know if you'd say yes, but I can call and ask them if they are." I told him.
"I need to know so I can make sure the pull out couch still works." He said.
I nodded.
"I'll go call in the group chat right now." I told him.
He nodded.

I walked into my room, sighing with relief before unlocking my phone then pressed the group chat call.

{"Okay ew, why are you having us all in the same call, I don't even like these guys."} Came Monty's voice first.
{"Shut the hell up, Monty."} Sage hissed.
I smirked softly.
"Dad gave the okay." I told them.
{"Well that's a shock, how much begging did you have to do?"} Bryce questioned.
"That's not important, anyway. Are you three crashing over?" I asked.
{"Well you know I am, that's not even a question."} Sage said now.
{"I guess I could snuggle up with Monty."} Bryce joked.
{"Gross."} Monty hissed.
I smirked.
"Okay cool, so you guys can come by at eight or before. What ever you want, especially since he gave the okay." I told them.
{"I have to do my chores and homework before I can come over."} Bryce told me.
I nodded into the phone.
"Alright that's fine, I guess I'll see you guys in a few hours." I told them.
{"See you, Lexi."} Sage said before ending the phone call.

I looked around my room now.
It was pretty clean, so there wasn't really a point to do much else to it.
It was already six, so I had two hours left before those three came over.
Dad would go get the pizza around seven, and we could party down afterwards.

I walked out of my room to only stop at the sound of the doorbell ringing.
"I've got it!" Noah announced running to the door, as he pulled the door open without looking.
Here's a fun tip for the kids in your home, always make sure they know to check who's at the door first, before they rip the door open like a wild child.
You never know who is on the other side.
Or what is on the other side.

"Who are you?" Noah questioned, I walked over to the door to stand there in surprise to see Carter there with a bag of drinks and his backpack.
"Hi." He greeted.
I shooed Noah away as I smiled softly, looking at him in confusion.
"I thought you didn't want to come by?" I asked.
Carter shrugged.
"I guess I changed my mind, its been a while since I've hung out with kids from school.. I just hope I won't be intruding." He said now.
I shook my head.
"Nope, I invited you to come so its fine." I stepped aside for him to walk in.

"Thank you for bringing drinks, my dad was actually going to stop by the store to get some." I told him.
"Well I was." Dad's voice came into the room, he leaned against the archway eyeing Carter up and down.
Carter looked to him.
"Hello, Mr.Grimes. Your daughter invited me over, I hope that's okay." He said now.
Dad looked to me and now I felt guilt hit, I didn't even think about mentioning Carter after he denied me earlier.
My dad smiled at him.
"Of course its fine, Carter. Make yourself at home, I need to talk to Lexi." He told him.
Carter nodded excusing himself out of the room.

"I thought we were done lying, Lexi?" He asked me.
I frowned.
"Dad, that I can explain. I invited Carter over after school to hang out, but he told me he didn't want to. So I didn't see the point of mentioning him, I didn't know he would show up." I told him.
Dad inhaled before exhaling sharply.
"Well as long as he doesn't cause any trouble tonight, I don't mind him staying. But he'll be in the same room as Monty and Bryce, and your bedroom door will remain shut and locked with you and Sage inside. Am I clear?" He asked.
I nodded.
"Yes sir." I told him.

I walked into the family room as Carter looked around.
"I know I've been over twice now, but I'm just now noticing the photographs." He said as he looked at the walls.
I smiled softly.
"Yeah, well.. My mom is sort of a photographer in the family, she sees something worth taking a picture of, and you'll see a flash of light for a moment." I told him with crossed arms.
Carter turned to me with a smile.
"That's a nice hobby to have." He said.

"Well thank you, Carter." Came my moms voice now.
She walked into the family room with a smile.
Carter smiled at her.
"Hello, Mrs.Grimes, oh and you're welcome." He told her.
My mom smiled.
"Are you going to be apart of Lexi's sleepover?" She asked him.

Carter glanced to me then smiled softly.
"I may, I'll have to call and let my family know first." His eyes fell on me.
"While we wait, do you want to work on our project?" He suggested.
I blinked but nodded.
"Oh yeah, sure." I said motioning him to follow me outside.

Allen walked up behind Michelle, his arms crossed as he watched the two leave the kitchen.
"Think its a crush?" He asked his wife.
Michelle smiled.
"Oh I know its a crush, but please dear. Don't embarrass Lexi tonight, especially with a new boy over." She said patting her husbands chest.
Allen looked offended.
"I would never." He grinned.
Michelle rolled her eyes before vanishing out of the room, soon followed by Allen.

"Your parents seem nice." Carter pointed out as he poured a little water in the pot with the rose.
I shrugged.
"They can be, it really just depends on their moods to be honest." I smiled softly.
He smiled now.
"I really am surprised you showed up." I looked to him as I wrote down the notes of the results of the rose's growth.
Carter glanced to me.
"It really was a last minute plan, I'm sorry about how I answered you earlier. Things haven't been exactly chip at my home, especially after what happened to that football player." He said.

"Oh yeah, Gabriel.. the police don't exactly know what to call it, but they're going to claim it as another animal attack." I told him.
He nodded.
"So there isn't any other leads, of what it could possibly be?" He questioned.
I looked to him for a moment.
"Not that my dads shared with us.. he is the sheriff after all." I told him.
He made a face.
"Your dads the sheriff here?" He asked.
I nodded dusting the soil off my hands.
"Yup, has been for the last eighteen years." I said.

Carter stood up.
"I suppose that's a cool thing." He said.
I shrugged.
"It can be, it just depends on the day and the job he has to take." I told him.
He studied me for a moment.

I felt myself freeze when his hand came up, and brushed something off my face with his thumb.
"You had soil on your face." He said revealing the brown dirt on his finger.
I blushed now.
"Oh wow, thanks." I said clearing my throat, we were standing uncomfortably close.

"THE PARTY IS HERE AND HO--holy shit." I looked over to see Monty standing on the porch, his eyes wide as Bryce and Sage stepped out.
I watched each of their expressions cloud over with confusion, angry and excitement.
Take your pick on who was what.

Carter stepped back from me now.
I smiled shyly at him.
"Lets head inside." I told him walking up to the three.
Bryce was glaring at the two of us as I glared at him.

"Be nice." I said harshly in the hall.
"Inviting him wasn't apart of our plan to cheer Monty up, Lexi." Bryce hissed.
"Carter needs friends, Bryce." I told him.
"Then let him make friends with other people, that doesn't involve us." He told me.
"He's my biology partner, I'm not going to kick him out just because you don't like him." I said now.
"Then I'll go and you guys can cheer Monty up without me." He said simply.
"Bryce, do not make an ass out of yourself. You're not here for me, you're here for Monty and we're all here to help him feel better." I told him.

He studied me for a moment.
"Just what exactly is going on between you two anyway?" He demanded.
I shrugged.
"That wasn't nothing, Lexi. He was caressing your face."
"He was wiping soil off my face." I corrected him.
Bryce frowned.
"Is he staying the night?" He asked.
I shrugged again.
"He might, but don't let that stop you from having fun tonight." I told him.

Bryce frowned looking away from me.
"Fine, I'll play nice. But if he does something-"
"He isn't going to do anything, I swear you and Monty are exhausting." I said.
"Its because we care about you, Lexi." He told me now with furrowed brows.
I smiled.
"And that's sweet, but I don't need you to protect me from Carter. He isn't going to hurt me." I told him.
Bryce's jaw ticked.
"Fine, but I'm still staying on high alert with him around tonight." He told me.

I sighed.
"Alright." I said as the other walked off.
"So, are you and Bryce dating?" Carter questioned as he helped with the salad in the kitchen, as a side for the pizza.
I smirked.
"Oh definitely not, Bryce is like a brother to me." I told him.
Carter chuckled softly.
"Could of fooled me, he was acting like a jealous boyfriend earlier with the death glares he sent my way, for even touching you." He said now.
I shrugged.
"Bryce is very protective of his friends, especially over me, Monty and Sage. We've known each other since we were kids, and he took the role to be that protective friend. Needless to say, he does a pretty damn good job at it." I smirked.

Carter nodded with a smile.
"So I can assume you're single then?" He asked.
Fixing to speak, I hissed when the knife slipped off the tomato, slicing into my finger.
"Shit." I hissed.
"Are you okay?" He questioned before his attention fell on my finger, he swallowed hard before turning away.
I frowned softly.
"I'm fine, but are you okay?" I asked him.

He stayed quiet for a moment, clearing his throat.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just can't stand the sight of blood." He confessed.
I made a face at that.
"But you get into fights with Mason and Parker, and they're always bleeding." I pointed out.
"Yeah, but it still grosses me out. Sorry, I sound lame right now." He gave a weak laugh.

I bandaged my finger quick before walking around him.
There were light blue veins disappearing under his eyes, as he pinched the bridge of his nose with his eyes shut.

"Those veins.. Carter, seriously are you sure you're okay?" I asked him.
His eyes opened and he smiled.
"I'm okay, I apologize." He said.
I looked at him with concern.
"Okay.. I can finish up here, if you want to go in the family room with the others." I told him now.
Carter shook his head.
"No that's fine," he took the knife from me.
"But, I'll finish slicing the tomatoes if that's alright with you." He said with a smile.
I nodded.
"What are you guys in the mood to watch?" I questioned sitting in Monty's lap while he chowed down on his four slices of pizza.
Bryce looked to the others.
"Anything's good, its almost October so we could always watch something spooky." He suggested.
Carter cleared his throat as he looked to him.
"I hear that Saw is good, is that true?" He asked him.

Bryce's eyes actually lit up.
"You've never seen Saw?" He questioned.
Carter smiled.
"My family isn't exactly huge on movies like that." He told him.
Bryce blinked but nodded.
"Saw's a pretty bad ass movie, Lexi do you still have the series recorded?" He asked.
I frowned.
"I bought the series Bryce," my eyes fell on Carter.
"Its a gory movie, I thought you didn't like the sight of blood?" I questioned.

Carter looked to me.
"In person I don't, but I can watch it on the screen." He explained.
That didn't make much sense to me, but I wouldn't question it any further.

Two and a half boxes of pizza later with a liter left of coke, and four of the movies watched.
Bryce and Monty were both knocked out, and Sage was battling sleep halfway through the fifth one.

Carter was still wide awake, munching on his pizza.
I yawned softly, crawling out of Monty's lap.

I stepped outside onto the porch as the cool wind blew.
The sky was light as the stars twinkled.
"Trying to stay awake?" I heard Carter's voice behind me.
I turned with a soft smile.
"Kind of, but I think I'm going to call it a night here soon as well. Bryce and Monty ate enough pizza that knocked them out from being full." I grinned.
Carter smirked.
"They both seemed to enjoy the movies." He said.
I nodded.
"I'm glad you and Bryce got along tonight." I confessed now.

Carter walked up to me with his arms crossed.
"Even if they see me as a killer in the school, I'd still like for them to see that I'm not." He told me.
I nodded.
"I don't see you as the killer, its something else, Carter. I know it is." I told him.
He nodded smiling softly.
"I appreciate your honesty." He was standing right in front of me, and it was perfect kissing distance.
But neither of us moved.
We just focused on each other's eyes, waiting to see who'd look away first.

Smiling softly, I looked away now.
"It really is beautiful out here." I said now.
But stopped when he cupped my cheek, I looked back at him now.
I felt my heart race when his lips pressed to mine.

And after that.
Everything changed.

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