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"So instead of Sterling, Stella is coming?" I asked in gym class.
Sage nodded as we waited our turn to run our mile.
"Yeah, she just randomly volunteered herself and even Joshua told Sterling to let it happen." She told me.
I rolled my eyes.
"That's because Joshua is a bad influence, not to mention dating two people himself." I said now.
Sage bit her lip.
"Carter said it was normal.." She looked unsure now.
I smiled softly as we began our mile.

"If you want to try this out like Monty, then I'll support you. Just make sure she isn't the type to kill people, because she's bored." I told her.
Sage blinked.
"Joshua killed your dad because he was bored?" She asked with knitted brows.
I made a face.
"And because there were guns aimed at him." I added.

Sage stopped running.
"That compulsion he used on you, really did a number on you Lex, if he hadn't. You would of been going insane, and-"
"He did it because I threatened to expose all of the vampires, two weeks ago." I told her now.
She looked at me frowning.
"You never told us that."
"I wasn't sure when I would be ready to tell myself I nearly got Carter and Monty killed, because I kept living in the past." I bit my lip frowning.

"Like I said, Joshua did me a favor.. not only did he save everyone in that house, but he also stopped a repeat from back in 1884 when Carter's ex girlfriend did the same thing." I said now.
Sage studied me for a moment before we started to jog again.

"And you're actually okay with this? With knowing he killed your dad, and our best friend is dating him?" She asked carefully.
I looked to her as we stopped again.
"I want to be okay with it Sage, I want to move on and stop living in the past. My dads gone and that sucks more than anything, but.." I looked away.
"But?" Sage pushed.
I looked at her.
"But I don't want to lose my boyfriend or best friend, because of the past." I said softly.

Sage looked to me but nodded.
"I understand." She said as the bell rang.
I looked towards the school.
"So we'll meet at either The Pizza Joint or Grind House?" Sage questioned.
I blinked.
"I was thinking maybe The Steak House." I told her.
Sage made a face.
"That's for rich people, Lex. We can afford the other two with our allowance we've saved up." She told me now.
I frowned but nodded.
"Okay yeah, so tonight at nine we'll meet at I guess Grind House, if that's okay with you and Stella." I said.
She nodded.
"I'll let her know." She told me as we headed into the building.
"You smell amazing." Carter said jokingly as he let me go from a hug.
I smirked softly.
"Yeah I know, the sweet scent of sweat is how I get through the day." I said now.
Carter smirked at that.
"I'm sure, so what's this I'm hearing about a double date tonight?" He questioned pulling me over to the lockers.
I looked at him.
"I thought it would be nice, even though you're insanely old-"
"Oh thanks."
"We are still teenagers, who should do teenage things like dates and other activities such as that." I told him smiling as his lips pressed to mine.

Carter looked at me smiling.
"Sure, tonight I have no plans, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Thursday night than with you." He smiled.
I rolled my eyes grinning.
"Okay you romantic." I laughed.
He grinned.
"So, Stella and Sage are our other half?" He asked.

I bit my lip but nodded.
"Yeah, I was going to invite Bryce and Lucy plus Monty and his two, but then it wouldn't feel like a date. Just a huge hangout." I said now.
He nodded.
"One step at a time, plus. Just because you're under the compulsion to be fine around Joshua, that doesn't mean you start warming up to him. He can still be a threat, next to Nathan he-"
I pressed my lips to his.
"Let's just not talk about it then." I told him.
He studied me for a moment, but smiled softly.
"Alright." He took my bag.

"Are you coming over?" I asked curious.
Carter looked to me.
"I was actually going to walk you home for a change, instead of another awkward truck ride with Monty and his two. Plus, its a nice day out." He pointed out.
I smiled softly.
"I'll text Monty and let him know I won't need a ride home." I told him.

"How come?" I turned to find Jace there, with Joshua right behind him.
I looked to Carter then to him.
"Carter is walking me home today." I told him.
Jace arched a brow.
"Since when do vampires walk humans home? How lame." He said now.
I rolled my eyes.
"We're bad company." Joshua smirked now.
I frowned at him.
"How tragic." Jace sighed with a fake sob.

"Anyway, we're going home." He walked past us, his eyes on Carter.
"Don't take too long, tonight's Monty's first night to actually hunt." He told the other.

My eyes grew wide.
"Monty's hunting? Wait, Carter what about our date?" I asked with knitted brows.
"Shit." Carter hissed under his breath.
Jace rolled his eyes.
"You have to be kidding me, just reschedule your date. This is actually important, believe it or not. The whole damn house has to watch Monty tonight." He said now.
Joshua nodded.
"Sterling had to cancel to mess with the paperwork tonight, its just one date." His hand snaked around Jace's waist who didn't complain.
"You'll have many more if you last long as a human." Joshua said heading out of the school with Jace.

I turned to Carter who now looked guilty.
"Lexi, I'm sorry. It really did slip my mind, I forgot all about tonight." He frowned.
I sighed but smiled softly.
"It's fine, Sage and Stella can just go on this date without us. I'm not one for being a third wheel, so I'll just stay home tonight." I told him.

Carter pouted.
"I'm sorry." He caressed my cheek, looking into my eyes.
I smiled softly.
"It's fine, I'll just order a pizza and watch some films." I told him now.
He pressed his lips for mine for a moment, before breaking the kiss.
"If Luther doesn't think Monty needs all eyes, I'll come to your house and we can have a date there." He said.
I made a face now.
"This was going to be a double date, if Sage finds out we still went out without her. She'll think we didn't want to go with her and Stella." I told him.

Carter sighed softly.
"Would you like to just try another day then? Lexi, I really am sorry about tonight." He said now.
I shook my head.
"No its fine, Carter. I care a lot about Monty, and I'd rather him succeed on his first hunt, rather than fail because he doesn't have enough eyes on him." I told him.

Carter frowned.
"I'll make it up to you, but. It'll just be for you, no one else. Okay?" He looked at me.
I smiled with a nod.
"That's fine, I did have a question though." I looked at him as he looked confused.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Why do you need a lot of eyes on one vampire during his first hunt?" I questioned.

"Fresh bloods are a handful." Came Sterling's voice.
I turned to him as he walked up, his arms crossed.
Carter nodded.
"It's true." He confirmed.
I bit my lip.
"So, Monty will be a handful tonight? Is it wise for Stella to even go on that date?" I asked Sterling.
He frowned.
"Stella is also having to postpone, maybe this weekend will be better for everyone. I can take Sage out Saturday night, and Stella can have her Sunday. Its only fair." He said.

I bit my lip but nodded.
"Why is it a handful though? Don't they just hunt like normal vampires?" I asked now.
Sterling crossed his arms.
"It depends on the fresh blood, but they do end up having stronger senses than the rest of us do. And they tend to break away from being watched, if they smell even the slightest bit of blood. Not to mention the speed is a lot faster." He explained.

I frowned.
"So if Monty breaks away?" I pushed.
"Then we'll be up all night looking for him." Carter told me.
I frowned softly.
"But he won't, right?" I looked at them for reassurance.
Sterling crossed his arms.
"If he were to break away, he'd have two pissed off partners to deal with once we did find him, and if Joshua has to spend his entire night searching for a fresh blood. He won't be the least bit happy." He said now.

I nibbled my lower lip.
"He'll do fine, Lexi." Carter told me.
I looked at him with knitted brows.
"Will he? Just how many fresh bloods tend to break away from their first hunt?" I asked.
Sterling looked to Carter.
"A few, not too many break away though. Not when they're being tamed on a certain type." He explained.

"Have any of you broke away?" I looked at them.
Carter frowned.
"Amy, Jace and Devin have each broke away from their first hunt. But back then was different, if we broke away. We were punished by Deidre, starved even for being reckless." He said.
I looked at him panicked.
"And now?" I started to feel stressed.
Sterling smiled softly.

"Both Irina and Luther have a weak spot for their children, and Irina favors Monty because of his innocence. They wouldn't treat him harshly for failing his first hunt, if anything. He'd just be on lock down, where he isn't allowed to leave the house for a while. Not until they feel like he's ready to try again." He told me.

I frowned but nodded.
"I guess that's better than being starved." I said softly.
Sterling looked to Carter.
"I got word from Devin, the hunt begins at eight. The rest of the time, you're free to do what you want. But half an hour to eight, come home. We'd rather get this over with, than wait." He told him heading out of the building.

Carter looked at me.
"Well then, shall we head to your house then?" He offered his hand to me.
I smiled lacing my fingers with his.
"Lets go then." I smiled.
"You said earlier Amy, Jace and Devin all broke from their first hunt. So, what happened to each of them?" I asked walking down the side walk with Carter.
He sighed.
"Well, Devin wasn't apart of Deidre's family before we found each other. But he wasn't treated nearly as bad as Jace had been, all Luther did to Devin was put him on lock down and lowered his blood intake." He began.
"Amy was starved when we were with Deidre." He began to slow down before coming to a complete stop on the side.

I looked at him.
"And Jace?" I asked.
Carter licked his lips, then sighed.
"Jace was nearly beat to death by Deidre, and when she was done. She let anyone who had a problem with him, have a turn. And when they were finally done beating him, he was starved for a week." He told me.

My eyes actually burned as we began to walk away.
"She really did treat him like a doll.." I murmured softly.
"We were all her dolls, and if we were broken. She'd kill us without hesitation." He looked to me.
"But despite how broken Jace was, she never could make herself kill him. She'd always hesitate, and listen to either Amy or Stella try to reason with her, and in the end. She caved and let him go after another beating." He told me.

We walked up to a stop sign were an older woman was, she held a bag of cans as she smiled waiting to cross the street.
Carter glanced to me then let go of my hand.

"Excuse me ma'am, but can I help you?" He offered.
The old woman looked up at Carter then smiled.
"How very kind, thank you dear." She wrapped her fingers around his forearm as we crossed the street.
I smiled softly walking behind the two, until we were on the other side.

The old woman turned to me.
"You have a very kind boyfriend, dear." She gave a wrinkled smile.
I smiled softly.
"He is kind, isn't he?" I looked to Carter impressed as he looked down at her.
"Do you have much further to go?" He asked.
The old woman walked over to the bench, taking a seat.
"Just another block or two," she let out a soft chuckle.
"I'm not as young and hip as I used to be." She confessed.

 I grinned as Carter glanced to me, taking a seat next to her.
"You don't look a day over thirty." He told her.
This time she laughed, she took his hand and placed hers over his.
"You flatter me dear, but save those compliments for your girlfriend." She smiled at me.
"You two are very kind, and I hope you pass that kindness onto your children some day." She said.

I looked at her.
"Our children?" I looked to Carter who smiled softly.
She smiled.
"Of course, I have no doubt in my mind that you two will get married. Look at how he looks at you dear, I lost my husband ten years ago but anytime I see a young couple like you two, I can see marriage waiting over the horizon. Not now," she chuckled.
"But down the road, when you're both ready." She patted Carter's hand.

"My husband Jeremiah was a kind man like you were, dear. He always helped the elderly cross the street, and never wasted a moment to be with me." Her closed eyes finally opened to reveal clear pupils.
My heart stopped.
She was blind and walking the streets?
Was that even safe?

"But not a single soul believed me when I tried to tell them what he was." She said now.
I frowned softly.
"What he was?" I inquired.
She looked up at me.
"A vampire." She stated.
Carter went to move his hand away, but she held it still.

"Don't worry darling, I won't tell a soul. No one will believe a crazy blind woman anyway," she smiled looking ahead.
"Why would you try to tell people he was a vampire?" I asked her carefully.
She continued to stare ahead.
"Because he was different, a folklore that came to life. Jeremiah was more than fine with my wishes to tell people, because we loved each other.." She let Carter's hand go.

"I lost my sight when I turned twenty four, and he still loved me. I couldn't see him, but he always reminded me he was there." She smiled again.
"I didn't mean to startle you children, but when I held your hand just then dear, I could feel what I always felt when I held my dear Jeremiah's hand." She stated.

Carter frowned softly.
"What did you feel?" He asked.
She turned to him, staring blankly.
"Death." She told him.
"I wonder what caused her to lose her sight." I murmured sitting in my room, Carter at the desk as he frowned.
"It could of been a lot of things, Lexi-"
"Can vampires cause it?" I asked looking at him.
Carter frowned at the question.
"Carter?" I pushed.
"Yes." He frowned at me.

I frowned at that.
"Why?" I looked at him frowning.
Carter came down onto the floor with me.
"If a human is threatening enough, we can take away their sight. Its a gift that is passed down to some vampires, like how Jace and Joshua can stop time, Amy and Stella can read minds, we're all given a certain ability." He explained.

I tilted my head.
"Maybe I should get a notepad and start taking notes about you guys." I joked.
Carter smirked as I grinned.
"What about you?" I looked at him interested.
Carter leaned back with a smile.
"Just compulsion and telepathy, I'm pretty ordinary for a vampire." He told me.
I made a face.
"Well I think you're an attractive ordinary vampire." I told him.

He smirked looking to the sun.
"Do you need to leave?" I asked him, biting my lip.
He got to his feet with a sigh.
"Yeah, I don't need my head getting bit off for being late." He took my hand kissing my cheek then lips.
"One day, I'll bring you to my house. But while Monty is transitioning, I'd rather not." He told me.
I nodded looking at him.
"Just watch over him okay? I know Jace said he can do it, but Jace also allowed himself and Monty to be in a relationship with Joshua." I said.
Carter smiled softly.
"I'll watch out for Monty, that I can promise." He said kissing me one more time before leaving the room.
"Two pepperoni pizza's please." I said at the pizza joint.
My arms crossed as I headed out with the two boxes, going to my dads truck.
Sage and Emberly waiting in the front and back seats, as I climbed into the driver side.
"Who would of known, being stood up twice in a day would kill my mood." Sage complained as I drove us home.
I smirked.
"At least you didn't get dressed up first, before Stella told you she couldn't make it either." I pointed out.

Emberly leaned forward.
"She's right." She agreed.
Sage glanced to her.
"I'm honestly surprised you had the nerve to come with us, Emberly." She said now.
Emberly made a face as I sighed.
"Sage, don't start." I told her.
"No Lexi, Emberly fucked up majorly two weeks ago by just attacking you. Who still hasn't even given you a proper apology over it, as far as I know. She's kissing ass so you'll ignore her fuck up." She spat.

Emberly sunk in her seat.
"I did apologize that night." She said now.
Sage turned to her.
"Did you?" She asked.
I shrugged.
"I honestly don't even remember much of that night, just that you attacked me and then Joshua used compulsion. That actually reminds me." I pulled into the driveway, turning to Emberly.
"What abilities do you have?" I asked her.

She looked taken back by the question itself.
"A-Abilities? Lexi, we don't ha-"
"Don't lie, Carter told me." I cut her off frowning.
Emberly frowned deeply.
"I don't..have any." She confessed quietly.
I turned to her glaring.
"Don't fucking lie, Em. I-"

"I don't have any!" She cried now with her brows furrowed.
"If we're created by a normal vampire, there are chances we won't receive abilities. I was part of the percent on the non receiving end." She told me.
"Only high bloods have the ability to give you the higher chance to receive abilities, and the vampire that attacked me was trash." She said bitterly.

"So you can't even use compulsion?" Sage questioned.
"No, the only thing I can do is bite and turn people. I didn't get the gift like everyone else, so I'm a reject. And if this Deidre woman that was so popular back then, found out I was a reject. She'd kill me." She got out of the truck, heading to the door.

I frowned getting out now and followed after her with Sage behind me.

We walked into the house, sitting the pizza down.
"The foods here!" I announced and soon enough I heard running footsteps.

Jovi and Noah were both shoving each other to get a slice as I grinned.
"Slow down, its not going anywhere." I told them.
My mom came into the room now, she looked at me.
"What's this?" She looked at the pizza.
I sighed.

"We were supposed to go on double dates tonight,"
"But our boyfriend and crush stood us up because something came up, so we're going to try again this weekend." Sage told her.
My mom studied us for a moment then sighed.
"Boys. Anyway, I'm going out with a few of my friends from work, so make sure your brother and sister are in bed at a reasonable time. Alright?" She questioned grabbing her coat.

Noah stuffed his face.
"We'll be responsible." He said with a saucy face.
Our mom grinned at him.
"I'm counting on you then." She kissed each of our cheeks, even Sage's and Emberly's.
"I'll see you in the morning, you girls have fun." She winked heading out of the house.

"Mrs.Grimes has always been so cool." Sage said as we headed to my room.
"Um, we can't eat in our rooms. Lexi." Jovi told me.
I stopped then looked to her.
"Be in bed by midnight, and we won't talk about me eating in my room. Okay?" I questioned.
Jovi and Noah's eyes lit up.
"Alright!" They grinned deviously.
"Is it bad that I'm not as bummed as I thought I'd be about our date being cancelled?" Sage questioned eating a slice of her pizza.
I shook my head.
"Not really no, I am worried about Monty though." I said.
Emberly sat up with an arched brow.
"Is it his first hunt?" She asked.
I nodded.
She smiled.
"Its not hard, so he'll do fine. He'll pass his first hunting." She told me.
I know she was trying to reassure me.
But it did not ease the mixed feelings I felt about it.

"So Emberly, how long have you even been a vampire?" I asked her now.
She blinked then frowned.
"A few years now, my transitioning was a pain." She told me.
I frowned.
"I thought vampires attacked your house over a month ago, so you were attacked before then?" I questioned.
She frowned.
"I was attacked as a kid, my dad was going to keep it a secret once he found out. That was why we left, but because I was trying to transition, vampires were coming for us. Because they wanted me to transition at their home, not with humans." She sat her plate aside. 

Sage looked at her.
"So why did you run if the vampires were trying to help?" She asked her.
Emberly frowned.
"They were bad vampires, they were going to use to me lure other vampires and humans to their home, just to feed on them." She explained.

I felt my blood run cold.
"Vampires feeding on vampires? Is that even normal?" I asked.
Emberly frowned.
"It is when you're after a mate." She told us.

Sage frowned softly.
"So it was for food and for pleasure then." She said.
Emberly nodded.
"Mating season will be here next week, and the vampires will go insane looking for a mate. Or just to have sex." She stated.
"And how long does mating season last?" I questioned.
"A month." She told us.

My eyes grew wide.
"A m-month? Em, that's insane!" I cried.
Emberly bit her lip.
"Its insane I agree, but its normal for vampires. A lot of things is normal to us, that isn't to you." She told us frowning.
"But a month of sex?" Sage's brows knitted.
"Isn't that going to be exhausting?" She asked.

Emberly shrugged.
"It might be, but those who have been vampires the longest. Have the hardest time controlling themselves when it comes to it." She said.
My heart began to race.
"Monty's a fresh blood, so-"
"It means exactly what you're thinking." Emberly looked at me frowning.

"If Jace doesn't mark Monty as his, anyone can try to mate with him. Which means, Jace could lose Monty." She told us.
My eyes grew wide.
"Jace will mark him, if not him. Then Joshua will." I said trying to reassure myself.
Emberly looked unsure.

"What about you?" Sage looked at her.
"How are you when it comes to mating season?" She asked.
Emberly shrugged.
"I'm never around anyone when mating season happens, I actually go off into the mountains to contain that arousing feeling that consumes you for a month straight. If I didn't have the slightest self control, I would end up jumping every walking thing around me." She confessed.

I looked at her.
"That sounds horrifying." I smirked.
She grinned.
"Its a painful time," she studied me and Sage.
"So unless you two were prepared to have sex with Carter, Sterling or Stella? I suggest you try to stay away from them." She told us.

This time I did blush, but so did Sage.
Emberly sighed laying back.
"Mating season is going to be a bitch." She complained.
"Okay Monty, all we're doing tonight is a small hunt. You're not to break away, understand?" Luther questioned out in the woods.
Surrounded by nothing.
Monty frowned deeply but he managed a nod.
"I understand." He told the other.
Irina smiled softly.
"You'll do just fine, we'll be at a distance for support. Alright?" She questioned.
He nodded.

Monty took a deep breath, but relaxed feeling Jace's hand on his shoulder.
"Relax." He told him.
Monty nodded closing his eyes, but melted feeling the others lips on his.
"I'll be right behind you." He told him.
Monty nodded.

At the sound of the wolf's howl.
Monty was running.
And everyone in that house, were keeping a distance as he ran faster than the rest.
The adrenaline was flowing through him as he felt more and more excited.
It was like his legs were leaving the ground as fast as he ran.
This excited but determined smile appearing on his face.

He came up to a cliff and without thinking, he launched himself off.
The others all came to a stop on the other side, wide eyed.
Monty stood on the opposite side, looking up at them as his gray eyes turned red.

"That was amazing!" Joshua encouraged the other.
Monty let out a shaky breath, his eyes falling on Jace who looked proud.
"Do I keep going?" Monty questioned in a normal voice, you'd think he would have to yell because of the distance.
But even though they were further away, the others could hear him just fine.

Luther stepped up.
"Its preferable for you to stay put, but if you don't break away. You can keep going forward, make no turns. Understand, Monty?" He questioned.
Monty nodded and without a second minute later, he was running off into the woods.

Jace went to move forward but Joshua stopped him.
"He's fresh, we are not. It won't take us long to catch up, but you need to breathe. He'll be fine, Jace." He told him.
Jace growled softly before his eyes fell on the woods.
"Okay." He said.

Monty ran through the woods, his skin feeling cooler as he made it to another cliff.
But it lead to a town he didn't recognize.
"Hillford." He read out loud, looking around.
He could smell so much more.
Alcohol, freshly mowed grass, different grilled food.
But the main thing that caught his attention.
Was the faint smell of blood.

He wasn't sure where it came from, but it was already driving him insane.
The feeling of his throat swelling as he stepped back whimpering now, before now it had been blood packets which had started off disgusting.
But this person was bleeding, where ever they were.

"I'm surprised you didn't just run into the town." Came Joshua's voice behind him.
Monty looked around for Jace, but found him nowhere.
Joshua walked up to the other.
Monty frowned, shaking.
"I c-can't just run into the town, Luther will disapprove and I'll get in trouble." He stated now.
Joshua smirked softly.
"Its your first hunt, remember? As long as you don't break away from the hunt, by going after more than one human. You will be fine, that's the purpose of training and taming you. Monty." He ran his fingers through the side of Monty's messy locks.

"Monty." Came Jace's voice now.
Monty immediately left the others side, earning a low growl in response from Joshua.
Monty walked over to Jace.
"Its good you stayed put and didn't run straight into town, Luther and the others are coming. Are you ready?" He asked the other.
Monty looked hesitant but nodded.
"I'm ready." He told him.

"Then go." Luther commanded walking out of the woods.
"Don't break away and return unseen." He instructed.
Monty blinked but nodded.
Jace smirked softly.
"We'll be right here." He told him.
Monty nodded, relaxing as he felt Jace's hand squeeze his.
"Come straight here, when you're done." He said now.
Monty nodded, vanishing quick without another word said.

Joshua looked to Jace.
"He's going to back out." He told the other.
Jace bit down on his lip.
"He'll do fine." He said.
Monty walked through the town, his chest squeezing as the smells around him grew more intense.
His head was beginning to throb painfully as he stumbled in the alley.
His vision growing blurry.
"W-What..?" He tried to focus, but it was nearly impossible.

"Oh you poor thing." Came a woman's voice.
Monty looked around, this loud piercing sound forcing itself into his head.
He stumbled back, clutching his head as he screamed in pain.
Tears burned his eyes as he looked up.
This woman in a dark red dress stood there, her black hair done in curls as her gray eyes held anything but nice.

Fear consumed Monty as she knelt down in front of him, looking at him interested.
"What is a little vampire like you, walking around by himself? Its a rather reckless move." She said.
Monty looked at her as the tears fell.
She smiled at him.
"I want you to pass a message on to a few dear friends of mine, alright sweetie?" She brought her lips close to his ear.

Waiting for the message, Monty cried out in pain.
Feeling something sharp entering his left rib cage.
Just a little below his heart.

A wooden stake poked out of his rib, fear and pain consumed Monty as he screamed in pain.
She smirked softly.

"Let them know, Deidre is alive." She told him before snapping the others neck.
Jace's head shot up, his eyes turning black as he looked around.
"You felt it too?" Joshua questioned, all of their eyes black as they looked around.
Jace growled.

"Monty is hurt." He hissed running off into the town.
Everyone behind him.

Jace made it to the same alleyway.
His eyes back to blue before he dared himself to look down the alley, everything inside of him turned to ice.
"Monty." His knees tried to buckle.
Joshua at his side in seconds before his eyes fell on the younger vampire.
Leaving Jace, he ran into the alley.

"Its not in his heart!" He yelled ripping the stake out.
Everyone that had managed to come along to the hunting practice, ran into the alley.
Jace stood outside, his eyes just locked on his boyfriends body.

Joshua glared harshly.
"He's lost a lot of blood." He gently lifted the other up, looking to Luther and Irina.
"This was intentional, someone knew he was hunting and they were watching." He growled as his eyes fell on Jace.

"We need to get him back home, immediately. He needs blood." He told everyone.
No one hesitated.
They all vanished within seconds.

So much was racing through Jace's mind.
Who could of done this?
Who was watching them?
If only he had just gone with Monty.
If he had went with his gut.
Just fucking maybe.

He wouldn't of almost lost his boyfriend tonight.

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