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"Have you heard anything from Carter about Monty?" Sage questioned me in the hall at school, her arms crossed as I leaned against the locker frowning.
"Not yet, the last thing I've heard is that he's still adjusting." I told her.
Sage's brows knitted.
"Lexi, I am so sorry." Her eyes burned with tears but I shook my head.
"We don't blame you, Sage. I mean, you had your reasons to turn against Monty and-"
"What?" Sage looked confused.
I looked at her frowning.
"He told us about Charlie." I told her.

Sage made a disgusted face.
"Charlie Webb? The schools hugest dick, not to mention whore?" She questioned.
Okay, now I was confused.
"Wait. Why are you acting like you have no idea what I'm talking about?" I asked.
Sage arched a brow.
"Because I don't? I've hated Charlie ever since he embarrassed Monty back in eight grade, when Monty confessed to liking him." She told me.

My eyes grew wide.
"I'm sorry, what? Monty told us you were head over heels for him, and he wrote this letter and acted like it was-"
"No." Sage shook her head as she rubbed her temples.
"He is such an idiot! This was before he actually came out to us, Charlie was the first guy that Monty crushed on. I mean, hes bisexual and clearly team Jace right now. But no, Lexi? There was never a letter, Monty came to me about his crush and I told him to just be forward." She ran a hand through her hair.
"He asked Charlie to meet with him during study hall, and that was when Charlie blasted Monty out to the whole school and started gagging and making fun of him. Being completely cruel." She frowned deeply.
"You had to miss school that day because you caught a stomach bug, but no Lexi. The whole school found out about Monty, and for a few days. They gave hell, until Bryce, Jordan and Maggie found out and then they started kicking ass." She explained to me.

My eyes were wide.
"So.. Monty lied to us the other day.." I said quietly.
Sage bit her lip.
"Whatever his reasons were, he was trying to make it seem like it makes sense that this happened. And he used me to make it work, which obviously it did or else we wouldn't be talking about it." She said now.

I ran a hand through my hair.
"So you never liked Charlie? Not once?" I asked her.
She frowned.
"I'd rather go on a date with a corpse, than go on a date with that dick. What he did to Monty that day? It was so fucking cruel, because I knew it destroyed Monty and that was why he started turning his filter off around people. So he wouldn't look like Charlie got to him that day." She told me.

"Then why the hell were you crushed and crying?" I asked.
"Because I thought Monty hated me! I pushed him into being forward, and because of my stubborn confidence that Charlie would feel the same, I didn't think about the humiliation that it would cause for Monty." She explained.

I rubbed my temples.
"It doesn't explain why Monty would actually be willing to go with you to that house, Sage." I looked at her bothered.
Sage frowned.
"I know I was under the compulsion that day.." she bit her lip.
"But, I also knew I could control my words and reason with Monty about him tagging along. He was hesitant at first, but then told me he'd feel better if he did come along. Lexi, I knew Joshua was going to hurt him, he told me that he would. But that never would come out, like something was forcing me to stay quiet until we got there.." She looked at me as tears fell.

"Despite the confusion, Monty died and that will always be my fault. For not going to Sterling, or Carter o-or Jace who hates me. But anyone could of stopped that from happening." She cried.
I frowned bringing her into a hug.
"He's going to be fine, Sage. Carter and the others are going to look out for him, he doesn't blame you. I don't blame you, no one blames you." I looked at her.
"But you are right on one thing, Jace does hate you... He's convinced you did it on purpose, that you took away his boyfriends human life, over a stupid crush. But no one knows the truth." I told her now.

Sage frowned as the bell rang.
"We have to get to homeroom, Mrs.Pearson will only scold us if we're late." She said grabbing her books.
I nodded.
"Honestly, I think she's a lot worse than Mr.Warren was, yeah he got pissed if we were late. But he never stared at us during the whole class period." I said now.
Sage made a face.
"Mrs.Pearson stares at you?" She asked.
I looked to her.
"Yeah, its fucking weird. She doesn't stare at you?" I questioned.
She shook her head.
"No dude, if I'm late. She just scolds me then goes back to reading." She told me.

We walked into class and my heart ached seeing Monty's desk empty.
Bryce and Jordan were already seated, but Bryce looked extremely flushed about something.
Jordan looked up and he smirked wickedly.

"There's our girl, how are you feeling?" He asked me.
Bryce shot him a death glare.
I blinked.
"What the hell are you talking about Jordan?" I asked him.
Jordan grinned.
"Don't play dumb, Bryce said he got lucky last night." He smirked.

I looked to Bryce.
"Well congratulations? Um," I laughed awkwardly.
"But I don't know why you're acting like, I was the one he screwed." I looked at Jordan now.
Jordan stood up, licking his lips.
"Aw come on, really? The whole school knew you two would be-"

"Back off." Carter was in front of me now, glaring at Jordan.
Jordan sized the other up real quick.
"You must be the boyfriend, did your girl here tell you about her time with Bryce?" He asked.
Carter scoffed with a smirk.
"No, because she was with me all night. You wanna tell me where another Lexi is at?" He brought his arm around me, pulling me close as he looked at Jordan who now was starting to look flustered.

Jordan looked to Bryce.
"You told me her name was Lexi-"
"I said her name was Lucy, you idiot." Bryce hissed bitterly.
Jordan looked more flustered.
"I, I'll be right back." He said running out of the room.

I looked at Bryce as he looked up at me and Carter.
"Sorry," he groaned.
"Jordan and the whole damn school think I got lucky with Lexi, for whatever damn reason." He he ran a hand through his hair.
I frowned at him.
"Why you and me? We don't even like each other like that, not to mention." I lifted my hand that was now locked with Carter's.
"I'm kinda dating someone." I stated.

"I know that! But everyone's so stupid and into the idea of a dramatic romance, that they'd fucking pick us to be the ones to screw. You're not even my type." He told me.
I smirked.
"Yeah, you're not really my type either. You stink too much." I teased.

Carter kissed my cheek.
"I have to head to history, see you in bio." He said.
I smiled.
"See you." I said taking a seat.

I looked to Bryce now.
"So, do I know the girl. Mr.IGetLuckyOnWednesdayNights?" I questioned.
Bryce blushed now.
"Fuck off," he grinned.
"It was Maggie's idea, but her name is Lucy Valencia." He told us.
Sage arched a brow.
"That girl who hangs around Parker and his friends?" She asked him.
Bryce nodded.
"Yeah, Maggie introduced us and last night at this party. She ran into me, and sex kind of happened." He confessed.

I smirked.
"Talk about skipping the first date or getting to know each other." I said.
"It wasn't even ideal! But I was already buzzed and-"
"Light weight." Sage stated.
"Fuck off, you don't drink."
"I do drink." She argued.
"Drinking a capri sun is not drinking, Sage." He told her.
I grinned as Sage glared at him.

"And what?" I brought Bryce back to continue his story.
"And she jumped me! Like, she was super touchy and I had no idea where to even start with her. She's a total different person when shes drunk, very fragile and-"
"I don't want to know about your time in bed with her." I smirked at him.
"I just wanted to know what all went down, but she came onto you first?" I asked.
He nodded.
"Yes, I just went to let loose but I didn't realize how loose I'd actually get, and after that. Everything was a total blur, turned out the guys house we were at, was Mason's. He was totally chill about me crashing over and taking his bed, which is.. actually kind of gross now that I'm thinking about it out loud." His face scrunched up now.

I grinned shaking my head.
"So our two boys got lucky in the span of two months." I declared.
Sage leaned back.
"Well I'm definitely not rushing things, with anyone-"
"Anyone? Are you not into Sterling anymore?" I asked.
She shrugged.
"I mean, yeah? But I also like girls too, plus we're not dating. So I can actually go out and look, instead of being tied down to him." She explained.

"What about you, Lex?" Bryce wiggled his eyebrows.
"You and Carter gonna have some fun?" He asked.
"Yeah, playing video games and beating his ass." I told him with an amused grin.
"We're not rushing either, plus he wants to take it slow. With him being a vampire and all, not to mention. He knows I'm more focused on Monty." I told him.

{"Will Lexi Grimes come to the principals office, please?"} Came a voice over the intercom.
I blinked as everyone did their lame.
'Oooo's like when someone was in trouble.
I looked to Bryce and Sage confused but walked out of the class, heading to the office.
I headed down the hall as I made my way into the office.

Principal Burke stood there.
"Ms.Grimes, you're being signed out of school for the day." He told me.
I frowned.
"Um, but why..?" I questioned.
Principal Burke blinked.
"Your cousin Mr.Pierce said a family matter came up." He told me.
My cousin..
 My eyes grew wide.

I ran into the classroom, grabbing my bag.
"What's going on?" Sage asked worried.
I looked to her.
"I'll explain later, but I've been signed out of school. I'll see you guys later, and let Carter know so he doesn't freak out." I told the heading out of the classroom.

I ran outside and tears filled my eyes.
Seeing Monty standing there, leaning against the truck door with his arms crossed.
This grin spread across his face as I ran up to the other, hugging him like we haven't seen each other in months.
Its just been a few days, and I was supposed to get used to him being gone.

"Hi." I greeted as the tears fell.
Monty hugged me tighter.
"Hi." He greeted back.
I looked at him and the red was still in his eyes, but it was fading back to that bright gray I fell in love with seeing.
Jace walked around with his arms crossed.

"I didn't have to sign you out, but he's been completely miserable. Plus, heating season is hitting and every vampire in that house, is trying to fucking jump him. Well except for Amy, Carter and Sterling." He explained.
Monty made a face.
"Its because of me being a fresh blood, I'm newer and more vulnerable to have compulsion being used on me." He told me now.

I frowned at that as my eyes fell on Jace who frowned.
"He's not allowed out of my sight, we had to get out of that house though. Its unbearable with how thick the heat is coming off everyone." His arms crossed.
"Myself included." He said.
I looked at him.
"Yeah, but you're Monty's boyfriend. So its okay for you to be like that to him." I stated.

Monty made a face.
"Thanks, Lexi." He smirked.
I grinned hugging him again.
"God, I've fucking missed you."
"Its been like six days." He pointed out.
"Six days too long." I breathed him in as I looked at them.

"So you signed me out just to see Monty?" I asked.
Jace looked at me.
"You two are hanging out for the day, I on the other hand. Am trusting my boyfriend not to eat anyone, while I do a few things in town." He said pressing his lips to Monty's now.
"I'm trusting you, Monty." He told the other.
Monty nodded as his eyes fell on me.
"So," he pulled open the passenger door.
"Shall we?" He questioned.

Jace vanished as I climbed into the passenger seat.

I leaned against the seat as Monty drove down the road.
"So, what are we in the mood to do?" He asked.
I looked to him.
"Catch up for the last six days already?" I grinned.
Monty smirked.
"Not much has happened, Lexi. Except like what Jace said, that whole heating session that's coming in." He told me.

I brought my knees to my chest.
"What is that exactly?" I asked him.
He looked to me.
"Its basically vampires looking for mates, which means. Sex, and a lot of it." He told me.
I arched a brow, swallowing.
"So when Jace said they were trying to jump you-"
"Yeah, they wanted to have sex with me. Its because I'm fresh and because Jace has not marked me as his, officially. Anyone in that house, can actually mark me." He explained.

"Even Joshua?"
"Even Joshua." He nodded agreeing, but frowned.
I bit my lip.
"Has he..?" I dared myself to ask.
Monty frowned behind the wheel.
"So hows everyone else?" He asked changing the subject.

I frowned softly.
"Well, I mean Bryce had sex with this Lucy girl last night." I told him.
Monty arched a brow.
"Bryce had sex? Huh.." He smirked.
"When I come back, I'll have to make jokes about that." He said now.

"Monty, I wasn't going to bring this up. But why did you lie the other day?" I asked him.
He blinked looking to me confused.
"Lied? What are you-"
"Charlie." I frowned at him.
He froze then frowned.
"So Sage can't go along with me, but I can go along with her." He said lowly.
"Why didn't you just tell us the truth? Why-"
"Because it wouldn't make sense as to why I went with her that day, if I had said no. Something could of happened, or worse. She'd actually be dead, or like me. I had to come up with a lie, that would make it seem like she brought me there. For me to feel like she felt, when in reality. None of it was true." He stated.

I stared at him.
"Why didn't you come to me that day?" I asked him softly.
"The day I agreed to go with Sage?" He asked.
I frowned.
"Both." I told him.
His jaw clenched.
"I didn't go to you, because I knew Carter or Jace would shut it down immediately. And they'd go after Sterling, but he had no idea Joshua went after Sage." He looked to me.
"So I toughed it out and just kept quiet, I didn't want to lie to you that day. I felt awful, but I also knew you'd try to come along and I had no idea what would of actually gone down if all three of us showed up." He ran a hand through his hair.

"And with Charlie..? Lexi, I was humiliated that day, I wouldn't speak to absolutely anyone and to make it worse, Sage thought I hated her.. all she was trying to do, was to help set me up with someone. Neither of us knew, Charlie would be that much of an ass." He explained.

I frowned as we drove up to one of the Chinese restaurants in the town.
Monty looked to me with a grin.
"Being a vampire doesn't kill my appetite completely, and Chinese sounds fucking amazing." He told me.
I grinned getting out of the truck.

We walked in and my stomach growled as Monty got us a table.
I followed after the other taking a seat.
He rubbed his hands together as he looked at the menu.
I looked at him.
"So, how are the others treating you at that house?" I asked him.
He looked up at me as his eyes flickered.
"Everyone's treating me alright, I mean. Jace kind of keeps me close to his side at all times, mostly because he doesn't trust anyone in that house except for those he lived with, before Sterling and the others showed up." He told me.

I nodded as the waitress brought us our drinks.
"So no one is trying to hurt you?" I questioned.
He frowned at the question.
"How is your family doing-"
"Monty stop changing the subject anytime I bring something up, that involves your safety there. Jace said he wouldn't let anything happen to you." I said now.

Monty frowned at me.
"Its Joshua." He told me.
I felt my blood run ice cold.
"What about Joshua?" I asked lowly.
Monty looked at me.
He then looked around before pulling his shirt down on his shoulder, revealing bite marks.
I found it nearly impossible to swallow.

"He's feeding on you?" I hissed bitterly.
"You're letting that fucking-"
"Lower your voice!" Monty growled looking around.
"Monty, what the hell?" I demanded.
Monty looked at me.
"I'm not willingly allowing him to bite me, Lexi! Its the compulsion."
"Have you told Jace?" I asked him glaring.
Monty's jaw ticked.
"Have you told Jace?" I repeated.

"No, not yet. Because he'll freak."
"No shit he'll freak!" I spat.
"How are you even explaining that to him?" I asked my eyes on his shoulder now.
Monty looked away.
"He thinks its him." He said softly.
"How the fuck does he think its him, does he think he bites you?" I demanded.

"Look Lexi, its fine. Its not even a lot of blood, its-"
"Its god damn Joshua, Monty. The guy who killed my dad in cold blood, the one who killed you." My eyes burned with tears.
"How could you not tell Jace this?" I asked him as my voice cracked.
"I told you, its the compulsion." He told me.
"Still, Monty! You're not around Joshua now, and Jace deserves to know." I told him.

Monty swallowed hard but nodded.
"No, you're right. I know." He frowned.
"Is anyone else feeding on you?" I asked him.
He shook his head.
"Just him." He told me.
Exhaling sharply, the waitress returned with our food as Monty began to eat.

"That explains why you've lost color since the last time I've seen you." I said.
He frowned.
"Its just complicated right now." He said softly.
I looked at him.
"I want you to tell Jace, Monty." I told him now.
He bit his lip.
"I will." He told me.
"You promise?" I held my pinky out at him.
He studied my finger for a moment, before wrapping his own pinky around mine.
"I promise." He said.
"How did your glorious hang out go?" Jace questioned at the truck.
I crossed my arms as Monty looked to him.
"It went good." He told the other now.
Jace's eyes fell on me.
"Whats going on with your face? You're being hard to read." He pointed out.

I frowned as I tried hard not to look at Monty.
This wasn't my business.
I mean, it was.
But this was really between those two.

"Its nothing." I told him.
He glared now then looked to Monty.
"Are you ready to go then?" He asked him softly.
Monty nodded as he hugged me tightly.
"Thank you." He whispered quietly.
I frowned hugging him.
"I'll see you soon, Monty." I told him.

I stood there watching the two drive off, my heart aching.
Everything ached.
I wanted to scream and tell Jace.
But it wasn't my place.
I believed Monty would tell him.
He needed too.
So Jace could protect him.
Like he said he would.
Jace sat in the passenger seat on the way to the house.
His arms crossed as his eyes fell on Monty.
"Are you going to tell me what that was about, back there. Or am I going to have to pick around in your head?" He asked him.
Monty glanced to him.
"Lets just get back to your hou-"
"Our house, Monty. You live there too." He told the other.
Monty frowned but nodded.

When they arrived, Jace pulled the other into the house, ignoring any eyes on them.
Then brought him straight to the room they shared, shutting and locking the door.

"Now. Tell me what it is, that you didn't want Lexi to say, and what you wouldn't on the way home." He said with his arms crossed.
Monty looked at him, trying not to whimper before tugging his shirt off.
Jace studied the other for a moment, his eyes on the bite marks.

"What is it? Those are mi-"
"Joshua's." Monty cut him off.
Time went still.
Monty didn't dare to speak.
His blood was ice cold as Jace stood there.

Before this smirk appeared on his face, which lead to laughing.
Something Monty rarely heard.
"Oh, oh that's a good one. You really almost had me." He grinned.
Monty bit his lip and the smirk died down on Jace's face.
"Its not a joke, is it Monty?" His tone turned harsh and sounded a lot more pissed.

Monty went to nod but only flinched being slammed into the wall.
Jace's fangs bared as he glared harshly.
"You've got to be fucking joking me, am I really not good enough that you'll let just anyone drink from you? You god damn who-"
"C-Compulsion, Jace." Monty managed to get out.

Jace's eye twitched.
"What?" He growled harshly.
Monty's brows knitted.
"I didn't willingly let him drink from me, J-Jace. He used compulsion, because I'm new. I would n-never do that to you. You know th-that." He whimpered against the other.

Jace studied the other, his veins disappearing as he let out a shaky breath.
"You're right. Of course you wouldn't, what was I thinking? You're smarter than that." He pressed his lips against the others now.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said looking at him now.
Monty shook his head.
"No, I know that.. That was why Lexi didn't want to say anything, it wasn't her place to." He said.

Jace took a step back.
"How long has he been doing this?" He asked him now.
Monty looked at him.
"Three days." He told him.
"And you've waited three days to tell me?" Jace growled.
"Any time I tried to, either he pulled me aside wiping my memories of it happening. But he I guess forgot to today, because I remembered. I was going to tell you Jace, you know I wouldn't keep that from you." He cried out now.

Jace looked at him, sighing now.
"God you're lucky I believe you, or else I would of ripped your throat clean out." He hissed.
Monty flinched.
Jace looked away now.
"Stay here." He ordered.
"Where are you going?" Monty asked him.

"To deal with this god damn mess, before he makes it worse and I end up killing something," his eyes turned black.
"Or someone." He spat storming out, slamming the door behind him.
Jace stormed down the hall, heading into the main room where all the vampires usually were.

"Joshua!" He called out.
"Jace, what's going on?" Amy questioned with knitted brows.
He glared to her.
"You'll find out soon enough." He hissed.

"Joshua! Get your fucking as-"
"God, shut the fuck up." Joshua growled walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes to only growl out in pain being slammed against the wall.
Jace held him perfectly still.
"Keep your fucking teeth off my mate." He demanded.
Joshua smirked now.
"Ah so the little bitch spoke, did he?" He asked calmly.
Jace snarled at the other.
"Awfully brave that you didn't deny it." He growled.
"I didn't deny it, because you don't fucking scare me." Joshua shoved him off now.

"And last time I checked, you stupid faggot. He isn't your mate, he isn't even fucking marked yet. So any of us in this damn room, can damn well snack on him if we fucking want too. Until hes marked, hes absolutely free to anyone here. Even Amy." He smirked at the auburn haired vampire who hid as Jace hissed her way.

Joshua tugged the others collar, slamming Jace's chest against his.
"So until you actually mark that little boy in that room, I suggest you watch who you tell what to do. You may be the strongest when you've fed in this house, but I will not let some rat compare himself to me. And the next time I want to feed on him? I will, and if you're away. Who knows what else I may do to him, maybe I might hear him moan the next-"
"Watch your god damn mouth, Joshua." Jace growled as his eyes turned black.

Joshua smirked wickedly.
"God, you're sexy when you're fired up." He confessed grabbing the others ass.
Jace hissed ripping away from the other.
"For someone who has no problem calling me out on being a faggot, you have no problem acting like one." He spat.

Joshua arched a brow.
"Unlike you, I don't title myself as this term, gay? If I like something, I'll go after it. And right now, all I want is to hear that kid in there to cry under me, while you stay tied to a chair. Watching me taking your cute little mate." He grinned.

Jace glared at him.
"Keep your hands off him." He growled storming away.
Joshua raised his hands up in the air.
"THEN MARK HIM AND I'LL BACK OFF." He called after him.
Grinning from ear to ear.

"Or will I?"

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