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"You know, I honestly miss the time where Monty picked you up and brought you and Sage to school, where we were normal high school students." Bryce said inside of study hall.
My eyes on my notes before they fell on him.
"How are you and Lucy doing, Bryce?" I questioned changing the subject to ignore his soon to be complaint.
Bryce blinked then shrugged.
"We're okay, she's been a nice filler since you three have kind of went poof. I've also been around Maggie and her crowd more too, you know. Being human." He looked at me surprised as I rolled my eyes.
"I've been distant, I get that but-"
"Do you? Because any time we've ran into each other in the halls, you've been either Carter or Monty crazy. There hasn't been a single, hey Bryce how are you? Or hey Bryce, sorry the Halloween party didn't happen." He frowned at me.

I raised my hands in defense.
"I've been busy! I'm sorry for being a shitty friend here lately." I said now.
"Well at least you know you were a shitty friend." He shrugged now.
I glared.
"What about you?" I shot now.
He arched a brow.
"What about me?" He questioned.
"Why haven't you checked in on Monty, or tried to see how he's been doing?" I asked him.
Bryce frowned.

"Lex, you may have no problems mixing your human life with vampires. But I do, I was born a human, and I will socialize with humans." He told me.
I blinked.
"Wait, so.. Because Monty is a vampire, you want nothing to do with him?" I demanded now.
Bryce looked at me.
"That kind of sums it up, yeah?" He said.
My hand swung faster than my thought process could try to.
His cheek turning red as the kids in the class looked at us in shock.

I sat there.
"Ms.Grimes, office now!" The teacher barked.
I glared at him with the tears burning.
"He didn't choose that life, how dare you be so fucking selfish. He was once your best friend too, you dick!"
"I'm going!" I yelled at her before ripping my bag off the floor, storming to the principal's office.
Principal Burke sat across from me at his desk, his fingers laced as he leaned his chin and lips against them, while his elbows rested on the desk.
His blue eyes unreadable while his expression remained blank.
The only sound you could hear, was the sound of his clock ticking.
And the faint classic violin in the background, playing behind him on the radio.

"Is this shocking to you? Because its shocking to me." He finally said now.
His expression still blank, but I could see the curiosity finally appearing in his eyes.
"Principal Burke, I am sorry for hitting Bryce. I was just angry." I told him.
He stared back at me for a moment.
"That was some anger, Lexi." He pointed out.
I looked away as he leaned forward.
"You've been one of my top students in this school, not once have you acted out. But today was new, is it because its Monday?" He made a joke, but I didn't laugh.

My lips formed a thin line.
"Principal Burke, am I being suspended or given detention?" I asked frowning at him.
Principal Burke looked at me.
"Do you think a slap to the face deserves suspension?" He questioned.
I shrugged.
"I don't know, maybe?" I suggested.
Principal Burke smiled now.
"Lexi, if that were the case. I'd have girls suspended a lot more than I do now, so no. I am not suspending you." He told me.

I sighed softly.
"I am however, listing you to speak with Ms.Hayes every Monday, until you can work on these unexplained feelings you seem to be having, so she can help work with you on fixing that." He said as I frowned looking at him.
"I will also be calling your mom, just to inform her. If anything, so she doesn't stress too much. I'll let her know, the entire class is doing it for support for another classmate." He added.

I bit my lip but nodded.
"Okay.. that's fair, thank you Principal Burke." I said getting up.
He joined me walking over to the door to open it.
"Instead of the rest of study hall and English, why not go and talk with Ms.Hayes? I'll excuse it just this once." He said with a playful wink.
Smiling now, I nodded walking out of the office.

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