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//WARNING:: This chapter contains each of the following.
Readers have been warned.

Was my mom..?
I stood there, trying not to tear the letter to shreds.
My heart was pounding hard against my chest.
This wasn't possible.
She was a vampire.
A monster!
I wasn't her daughter.
She's been dead for hundreds of years.

I could hear my moms voice trying to get through to me.
But I was tuning her out.
So many thoughts were racing through my mind.
Deidre Moon..

I wanted to rip this letter up in bits and set them on fire.
She tortured Jace forever.
She made everyone's life a hell.
And then she tried to kill Monty.
I couldn't forgive that.
I won't!
I hate her.

Tears fell down my cheeks as my fingers dug into the paper.
I wanted to scream.
How was I supposed to tell anyone.
My mom was the enemy?
No scratch that.
She wasn't my mom.

The person who's been raising me up until this very point.
Was my mom.
Paul, Noah and Jovi were my siblings.
And my dad was buried.
This shouldn't bother me.
I shouldn't care that she was my mom.
But I had a burning question.

Why was I born human?
Who was my biological father?
Were they both vampires at the time, or was one of them human?
Did they go through what I was possibly going through, if I was pregnant?

I took a step back as the room began to spin.

My knees buckled and as my mom reached for me.
Another caught me.
I knelt there for a moment, the feeling of a hand holding my forearm as I held the letter tightly.
I blinked a few times, before looking over my shoulder.
And I was surprised.
To find Jace there.

His eyes locked on me then on the letter, before his eyes fell on my mom.
"You should really lock your door, Mrs.Grimes." He told her.
My mom blushed.
"I apologize, my late husband always kept the house unlocked." She stated.
Jace pulled me to my feet, with an arched brow.
"Its a surprise you haven't been killed." His eyes fell on me as he frowned deeply.

"Carter's been attacked." He told me now.
My eyes grew wide.
"What?" I covered my mouth before running past both him and my mom, running into the bathroom.
As everything I had ate that day, came up in an instant.
I sat there as the room continued to spin.
Carter was attacked?
Was he okay?
Everything inside me began to burn as I cried out in pain.

"Lexi?" Jace poked his head into the bathroom, not blocking his eyes as they fell on me.
I knelt there holding my stomach as the burning feeling returned.
"S-Somethings w-wrong." I cried out collapsing on the floor.

"Oh what the fuck." Jace growled walking over and lifting me up.
His hand on my forehead.
"You're fucking burning up, Lexi." He growled walking me out of the bathroom.
"Lexi?!" My mom cried.
"She's fine." Jace lied to reassure her.
"Mrs.Grimes, I'm sorry but I have to take her away for a bit." He told my mom.
My mom looked panicked.
"What?! No! She looks sick, put her down this instant!" She demanded.

Jace glared locking eyes with her.
"Go make some tea, Mrs.Grimes. Then afterwards, go to bed. Lexi will be over at her friends house for a few days, you should not worry about her." He said now.
"I should not worry.. about her.." My mom repeated before exiting the room.

Jace raced out of the house, straight to the truck as he put me in.
I winced sitting up.
"Is Carter okay?" I managed to get out as my face burned.
Jace tried his best not to speed but nodded.
"He's fine, a simple snap to the neck won't kill us. Just make us sore." He hissed.
I sat there.
"His neck s-snappd? Who, wh-what?" I ran a hand through my hair.

"Hey, Lexi." Jace pulled over to the side of the road, killing the truck as he sat there.
Staring hard at the trail that would lead to his house.
"How about you tell me about that letter you've been holding onto, so tightly?" He glanced to me with a soft glare.
I felt my blood run cold as I looked down at the letter I had still been holding onto.
Without even realizing it.

"It's not important." I said fast.
"Its not?" He smirked.
"Well if its not, let me see whats on it since you have a death grip on it." He said opening his hand out for me to hand the letter over.
I sat there, my heart racing as I tried to swallow.
"I'm adopted." I told him now.

His expression died down.
"Well that's boring." He said flatly.
Tears burned my eyes as I looked to him.
"Deidre is my mom." I stated.

I let out a surprised scream when he shoved me down in the seat.
Pinning me down as he glared, his eyes black.
"You lie." He accused glaring hatefully at me.
I lied there, tears falling.
"I want it to be a lie." I shoved the letter against his chest now.
He hovered above me, glaring before removing himself as he snatched the letter.
Scanning over it.

We sat in an awkward silence for a moment, before I jumped at the sound of the truck door opening then slamming shut.
Shattering the glass instantly.
I sat there as I cried, tears staining my cheeks as I clutched my chest.
The letter was crumbled up in the seat as I stared at it.

I moved over to the driver seat, hissing as the glass cut my palm.
Tearing the end of my shirt, I wrapped my palm, before starting the truck up to drive it to the house.
I sat in the driveway of their house.
At one point I felt brave to walk inside.
But I was sure, Jace was already telling everyone.
I was a monster's child.

They'd only ban me and curse me.
Possibly even kill me.

I cried out feeling the burning feeling return.
"Ow.." I cried as I managed to get out of the truck.
My body burning as if it had been set on fire.
Everything was growing blurry.
I couldn't focus.
Carter was hurt.
I gave Jace even more reason to hate me.

I made it to the stairs as the front door swung open.
"Lexi?" I heard Amy's voice.
I looked up at her as my knees buckled but she caught me.
"Fuck, you're burning up. What happened?" She looked at me.
"Carter. I need to see Carter." I told her.
She frowned deeply, helping me into the house.

"Lexi?!" I looked up to see Sage run up to me, concern in her eyes.
I hissed at the feeling of her skin touching me.
"You're freezing." I hissed bitterly.
She stepped back as Stella came up.
"Its warm inside the house, how is she freezing?" She asked in confusion.

"The child is pregnant." Luther announced at the staircase.
Tears burned my eyes as I looked at him.
His brows furrowed.
"Bring her into our room at once, she needs rest and medicine." He stated.
Amy nodded as she lifted me up.
"I need to see Carter." I cried.
Amy frowned.
"When he wakes up, I'll bring him to you." She told me.

I frowned deeply as the tears fell so easily.
Amy brought me into the room of Luther's and Irina's.
His wife stood in an instant.
"What has happened?" She questioned walking over to us.
Touching my forehead but flinched.
"She's feverish." She frowned.

Luther frowned.
"She is pregnant, Irina." He told her.
She looked to me with knitted brows.
"We'll take care of it, you will be okay." She reassured me as Amy placed me on the couch, laying me down as she frowned deeply.

I lied there trembling.
"Irina.." I cried bracing myself to be kicked out, I handed her the letter.
Both her and Luther read over it.
Irina's eyes grew wide before they fell on me.
I covered my eyes with my arm, as the tears fell even more.

"Don't cry darling, you didn't know. No one knew." Came her soft voice.
She sat on the edge of the couch, looking down at me with knitted brows.
I managed to look at her.
"You're not going to toss me out?" I asked.
Irina looked alarmed.
"Of course not! Lexi, you are innocent sweetie. Even if that woman is your mother, it doesn't change our thoughts on you. You are nothing like her, not to mention." She smiled softly.
"You're human." She placed her hand on my stomach as she closed her eyes.
"However, your unborn child's race is unknown." She took my hand squeezing it as she smiled.
"We'd never kick you out, Lexi. You're our family." She smiled.

Hot tears fell as I lied there looking at her.
She brushed them away.
"We're going to get you on the proper medicine you'll need, for both you and the child. But do not worry my sweet, we will not let anything happen to you." She promised.
"She's pregnant?" Monty questioned Sage down in the cell, his brows knitted as he looked at her frowning.
Sage bit her lip.
"Luther announced it earlier, but yes.. she's pregnant." She told him.
Monty stared at her for a moment before his eyes fell on Joshua.
"Where is Jace? He went to get her, didn't he?" He asked him.
Joshua frowned.
"He's in the process of destroying our room, he found something out and came home in a rage. Once he's cooled down, he should come down here." He told the other.

Sage frowned.
"What's the possibility of Lexi dying during this?" She asked.
Monty glared.
"How could you ask that?!" He demanded.
She glared at him.
"We're human's Monty! I don't know how a human body reacts to a vampire growing inside of them." She hissed.
"It's actually fifty-fifty." Joshua said now.

They looked to him as he frowned.
"If the vampire's mate is human and they fall pregnant, its possible that both the human and the child will die. It just depends on how strong the one pregnant is." He explained.
Sage looked to Joshua.
"Do you think Lexi is strong enough to survive the pregnancy?" She asked him.

Monty looked to his mate with knitted brows.
"Don't answer th-"
"I don't know." Joshua looked to Monty who frowned deeply.
Joshua leaned against the wall.
"I have not met many humans that fall pregnant, with a vampires child. Believe it or not, but even the males can reproduce children." He told them.

Sage stood there frozen.
"M-Males..?! But how, that isn't-"
"You cut open their stomachs, like you would in a c-section." Joshua told her.
Monty's skin began to crawl.
Joshua looked to him then smirked.
"Don't worry, I don't think Jace is mentally old enough to raise a child. He'd only end up screaming at it." He told him.

Monty looked at him.
"What about you? Are you wanting one?" He asked him.
Joshua walked up to the cell, pressing his lips to Monty's.
"I'd love to have one, but I'm rather patient. And babies rarely fall on my mind, so don't think during sex. Either of us would try to get you pregnant." He said with a smirk as Monty began to blush.

Sage stood there rubbing her temples.
"Okay so the male vampires can in fact give birth, that is definitely on top of my what the fuck list." She stated.
Joshua smirked at her.
"Why don't you go check on Lexi? I'm sure she's freaking out." He told her.
Sage nodded.
"I'll come check on you later, Monty." She told him.
Monty nodded.
Joshua walked up to the cell.
"This is going to be awkward." Monty whined as Joshua smirked.
"We'll make it work, but hang on." He walked up the stairs, locking the door before walking back over to the cell.
"Pant's Monty." Joshua said now.
Monty whined.
"Monty, now." Joshua instructed.

Monty pulled his jeans down, tossing them aside.
"Turn around." Joshua told him.
Monty turned around, gasping as Joshua pulled him against the cell.
The cold bars biting his skin as Joshua growled.
"This is going to be a massive pain." He said undoing his jeans, pulling them down.
Monty went to speak but only moaned in the process, at the feeling of the other pressing into him.

Monty pushed his head against the bar.
"Its not good, Joshua." He whined.
Joshua growled trying to thrust, but he was right.
It wasn't going to work.
Not with the bars between them.
The basement door was locked, and if Monty tried to run.
He'd just snap the others neck, as much as he'd hate to do that.

"I'm going to open the cell." Joshua told him.
Monty turned to him, his face flushed but nodded.
Joshua walked over, unlatching the cell's door before walking inside.

Immediately pinning Monty to the wall.
Biting into his neck as Monty let out a sharp moan.
Joshua lifted one of the other's legs, before pressing himself into the other.
This time fully thrusting as Monty cried out in pleasure.
Joshua pressed his lips to the others.
"Its been too long, I've already missed hearing your sounds." He hissed squeezing the others ass.
Monty moaned against the other.
"It feels good, you feel good." He moaned loudly.

Joshua smirked kissing the other.
"Its actually rather hot that we're doing this, not even Jace has thought of this." He said.
Monty looked at him.
"He has though," he managed.
"But I could only suck his dick, he didn't risk coming in the cell though." He told him.
Joshua stopped.
"Wait--you sucked his dick?" He asked him.
Monty blinked.
"Yeah?" He questioned.
Joshua pouted.
"You never sucked mine down here." He stated.
"You never asked me too!" Monty pointed out with a smirk.

Joshua smirked against him, thrusting in deeper as Monty bit into his palm.
Drawing blood.
"But it still leaves us with the obvious fact, he didn't try to fuck you while being trapped down here." He stated now.
Monty blushed against the other, Joshua's lips on his.
Sage sat at Lexi's side who had been sleeping for some time now, after Irina had gave her medicine that would help with the nausea.
She frowned softly, holding the others hand.

"Sage darling, are you ready to go home?" Irina questioned.
She looked at the other.
"If its okay, I'll stay another night." She told her.
Irina hesitated as she frowned.
"I want you to at least call your mom, I'm sure your parents are worried." She said now.
Sage nodded.
She frowned letting Lexi's hand go before exiting the room.

She was trying not to blush at the sound of moaning from different rooms in the house.
She ran a hand through her hair, before stepping outside.

She took a seat on the steps, placing the phone to her hear as she listened to it ring.
She hummed for a moment.

{"Hello?"} Came her mom's voice.
Sage blinked.
"Hey mom.." She greeted the other quietly.
{"Sage? Sage where have you been?"} Her mom's panicked voice brought her to reality as she frowned.
"I've been at my friends house, sorry I haven't been home.. I'll come by tomorrow." She told the other.
{"Oh you'll come home? Thanks for telling me what you're going to do, how about this. Get your ass home now, and you won't be grounded."} Her mom said harshly on the other side.
Sage frowned deeply.
"I told you, tomorrow. My friend needs m-"
{"I don't give a shit what your friend needs, Sage. You will get home right now, before I post a missing persons report. And if I have to do that, you'll have to worry about your dads belt."} Her mom warned.

"I'm not coming home." Sage said.
{"Excuse me? Are you really telling me, your mother. What you're not doing?"} She hissed.
Sage squeezed the phone.
"I am, Lexi is more-"
{"Lexi? Hah! Of course its that whiny little brat, what'd she do now? Fall and scrap her knee? Sage, be smarter than that. Your father and I raised you better than to hang around the needy."} Her mom said now.

Sage glared.
"Lexi is my best friend and I won't listen to you talk about her like that, she isn't needy. She-"
"Sage." She looked over her shoulder to Sterling who took her phone.
He pressed his ear to it.
"Mrs.Ellison?" He questioned.
{"Who the fuck is this?"} She demanded.
Sterling's jaw ticked.
"This is one of your daughters friends, and I was just letting you know. She won't be coming home, period." He said hanging up.

Sage jumped to her feet.
"What did you do that for?" She demanded.
Sterling arched a brow.
"You were choking, Sage. I had to do something, your mom is rather toxic." He pointed out.
Sage glared.
"Yeah well that's still my mom, Sterling. Jesus, how am I supposed to get my stuff?" She hissed.
Sterling looked at her.
"I will buy you new things, how much do your parents drink?" He asked her.

Sage looked taken back.
"D-Drink?" She frowned at him.
Sterling frowned.
"Your mom was drunk on that phone, how much do your parents drink when you're around?" He asked.
She looked away, her face burning.
"I don't know! That's why I stay out late and why I'm always at Lexi's." She spat.
Sterling frowned looking at her.

"You won't go back there." He told her.
She locked eyes with him.
"She'll call the police, Sterling." She hissed.
"Let her." He shrugged.
"Unless you've forgotten, we're vampires who can easily erase their memories of you. Or better yet, just tell them that you moved out and they understood." He said simply.
Sage looked at him frowning.
"They're my family, Sterling." She told him.

"That abuse you!" He yelled as she flinched.
He stood above her, glaring.
"You'd really go home to that?" He asked her quietly.
She stood there.
"I don't know!" She yelled at him with tears glistening in her eyes.
"I don't know, so please stop." She moved away from him but he grabbed her wrist, pulling her into him, as he held onto her tightly.

"I want to protect you, Sage." He told her.
Her face grew warm as she felt the tears fall.
"Why aren't the vampires like how they're portrayed in the books or movies?" She asked him through knitted brows.
He looked at her confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
She looked up at him.
"Why are all of you nice? At least the ones here at this house.. in the movies, you're monstrous and murderous. Without a single part of nice existing inside of you." She frowned at him.

Sterling looked down at her.
"Those were just made up characters to scare you, every vampire is different. Yes, we're monsters. But we know how to love and to protect those who matter to us, and you matter to me. But you push me away." He frowned softly.

"You prefer Stella, don't you?" He asked.
Sage looked at him.
"I don't know who I prefer Sterling, everything's moving too fast and now I don't have a home to go too." She told him.
"You can live with us." He told her.
"What makes you think I want to?" She tilted her head as the tears slipped.
"Use compulsion on me Sterling, even then I wouldn't know what I'd want to do." She looked away from him.
"You decided things for me, that I didn't even agree to." She looked back at him.
"What would you of done, if I had ran? To go home to those people in that house, under that roof of constant domestic violence?" She asked him.

He stepped up with furrowed brows.
"I wouldn't of let you go, because despite how much you want to tell yourself. Those people in that house, are family? That isn't family to me, family doesn't abuse family." He told her.

She laughed weakly, wiping her eyes as the tears fell.
"God, why do you and Stella both have to confuse me?" She asked him.
"What do you mean?" He inquired.
"Make it impossible to hate you?" She looked at him.
"You both push me to my limit, and despite how much I want to hate you. Here you are, trying your very best to keep me from leaving." She told him.

Sterling took her hand, relieved she didn't pull away.
"I care about you Sage, but if you want to leave here where you know you are protected. I will let you go, but that's only because I respect your wishes, and would not force you to stay here against your will. Where you would only end up hating me, that is the last thing I'd ever want." He told her.

More tears fell as she shook her head, smirking through knitted brows and teary eyes.
"I hate you, Sterling Summers." She said.
Sterling blinked but it melted into a soft smile as he leaned in, kissing the other.
"I'd rather you hate me like this, than hate me for real." He said against her lips.
She leaned into him.
But nodded.
"Me too." She said now.
I sat up on the couch, to find Carter sitting in front of me.
He turned around and immediately, his arms were wrapping around me.
"Lexi." He breathed me in.
"Jace said you were attacked." I cried hugging him.
He nodded hugging me tight.
"I was, but I'm okay." He looked at me.

"Irina and Luther told me everything, but I wanted to hear it from you." He caressed my cheek as his eyes gazed into mine.
"Is it true? Are you really pregnant?" He asked me.
Fear raced through me as the tears appeared in my eyes.
But I nodded.

"Its true, I'm pregnant." I told him.

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