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"You want to talk to him?" Carter questioned me in his room.
Irina and Luther had both deemed it alright for me to leave their room, so the medicine could do its work.
And even though the nausea was trying to settle.
It was still coming up.
And I felt like the sounds that were coming from me, was disturbing everyone else.
Which embarrassed me immensely.
But it didn't bother Carter.
He wanted to be there every second, I felt ill.
To make sure I'd be okay.

I was grateful for his love that he had for me.

I ran a hand through my hair frowning.
"I want to clear the air Carter, everyone in this house knows that I have nothing to do with her. And I need Jace to realize that..." I bit my lip.
"I thought we had finally moved past the hating stage, now we're back to it." I said lowly.
Carter looked at me.
"Do you want me to be there with you, when you try to talk to him?" He offered.
I smiled softly.
"If I have my boyfriend with me, he'll think I can't talk to him one on one." I told the other.
Carter arched a brow.
"Can you talk to him one on one?" He questioned.

I threw my hands up.
"I don't know, but I want to try? I don't want Jace to hate me for something I had no control of. I mean, I have a million burning questions I want to ask Deidre.. but I'll just bury them because, I won't risk my relationship with anyone here." I told him.

Carter's brows knitted.
"I'm sorry, Lexi." He brought me into an embrace.
"If she hadn't caused so much hell for everyone, not to mention. Wasn't possibly the most heartless bitch out there, no one would have an issue with you seeing her." He looked at me.
"But she is, and I can't risk losing you over someone like her." He pressed his palms to my stomach as he smiled softly.
"We're going to be a family." He said and it warmed my heart to hear the happiness and excitement in his voice.

I pressed my lips to his.
"I'm going to talk to Jace, and when I get back. You and I will go see Irina, Luther and Devin so they can tell us the gender. That way we can begin deciding baby names." I told him, biting my lip.
Carter looked hesitant but nodded, kissing me deeply.
"I'll be waiting." He told me.
I nodded leaving the others side, as I left the room.

"Should you be walking?" I turned to find Stella there, holding a glass of water with an arched brow.
I nodded.
"Irina said I need to walk around to keep my blood flowing during the pregnancy, where's Sage at?" I asked her.
She frowned at the question.
"She slept in Sterling's room last night, so I assume that's where she's still at." She said sourly.
I frowned softly.
"Are you guys dating?" I asked her.

She walked down the stairs with me.
"She's dating us both, but not at the same time like how Monty, Jace and Joshua are." She told me.
I blinked.
"That sounds a bit complicated." I told her.
She shrugged.
"Where you headed to, mom to be?" She asked with a small smirk.
I smiled softly looking down at my stomach that had began slowly growing.

"I was headed down to the cell to speak with Jace, that's where I figured he'd be at." I told her.
Stella arched a brow.
"What do you need to talk to the hot head about?" She inquired.
I looked to her.
"I need to clear things up, without getting myself killed in the process." I said now.
Her lips formed a thin line.
"You're talking about your biological mom, right?" She questioned.

I frowned but nodded.
"Yes." I answered stopping at the basement door.
Stella looked to me.
"Good luck, I'm pretty sure you're the last face he wants to see." She said sipping on her water before disappearing from my side.

I held my breath before opening the door, bracing myself for the absolute worst.
"Shut up!" I heard Monty yell at one of them.
"I'm just saying, its possible to do." I recognized Joshua's voice.
"Yes, if you're a fucking porn star. No Josh, I'm not doing that." Monty growled.
"Don't keep on about it Joshua, you'll just piss him off and then I'll be severally pissed." Came the voice that chilled me to the bone at that moment.

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