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//HELLO MY LOVELY READERS, so I did not update yesterday and I honestly think that is what I'm fixing to start doing, is by having every other day off for a break. But to make up for my absence each time, the chapter will be longer. I do apologize for yesterday, but I could not focus whatsoever and did not even want to try for a chapter. Which brings us to the sauce for chapter 26. There will be NSFW moments in this chapter, mainly because heating season is finally starting and it was bound to happen. SO! If you are uncomfortable with straight sex, gay sex or lesbian sex. You may not find the next few chapters enjoyable, BUT if you do. Then enjoy it you wild kids, so until then.
OH p.s. there will also be a possible threesome? So there's also that!

**Monty's Pov.**

"Well your fever is finally going down." Devin commented standing in the bedroom, Jace and Joshua at a distance.
I made a face.
"I wasn't even aware vampires could get fevers." I said softly.
Devin smirked softly.
"Vampires can in fact still get sick, regardless of all of our dead cells and no pulse in our bodies. But it is still possible." He explained.
I lied there, my blood cold as I frowned softly now.

"I know rest is what your body is requiring, but do you remember who attacked you? Its important for us to find them." Devin stated now.
I glanced to him.
"She was in this dark red dress.." I said thinking back now, my brows knitted as I frowned.
Devin looked at me.
"So the gender is female and she was in a red dress, what else?" He questioned.
I bit my lip.
"She had long black hair that was curled, and these cold gray eyes.." I stared off for a moment.

"Monty?" Jace stepped forward as I looked to him, but gave the other a reassuring look.
"I'm fine." I told him as my eyes fell back on Devin.
"I don't remember much.. everything was a blur.. I just know she wasn't happy, but had a message.." I nibbled my lip for a minute.

I looked at the three of them.
"Deidre is alive." I found myself remembering more clearly now.

Joshua's and Jace's eyes grew wide, as Devin stood there looking to them.
Jace covered his mouth.
"I'm going to be fucking sick." He hissed running out of the room.

I lied there as Joshua glared at Devin.
"Go inform Luther and Irina both, they need to know that witch is back." He ordered.
No questions asked, Devin left the room.

Joshua began to pace back and forth in front of the bed.
Running a hand through his messy blond hair, he let out a low growl.
I lied there frowning deeply.
"What?" He growled harshly, before realization hit and he was looking more apologetic than anything.
"I'm sorry." He sat on the edge of the bed, frowning deeply now.

I stared for a moment.
"I thought once a vampire was staked, they couldn't come back?" I questioned.
Joshua sat there, before his eyes fell on me and then he sighed softly.
"I wasn't aware we could, once a vampire is staked. That's it, there is no returning. But somehow.. that bitch is back." He said lowly.

"We're leaving." Came Jace's voice as he walked back into the room.
I looked at him in a panic.
"What?" I questioned.
Jace looked to me.
"If that thing is back here, nothing good will come out of it." He crawled into the bed, looking at me.
"I will not let her hurt you, I won't even let her come close." He hesitated.
"She surprised us four days ago by attacking you, but we won't have to worry about that. Because we're not staying in Cross Roads." He told me now.

I frowned softly.
"Jace, I still have school. I can't just drop-"
"You won't drop," Jace shrugged.
"You'll just enroll in a new school, and make new friends." He said trying to convince himself.

I managed to sit up with a sharp hiss.
"Jace, no." I looked at him frowning.
Jace stared at me.
"No?" He frowned.
I shook my head.
"I can't leave Cross Roads, Lexi and Sage are here. So is Bryce, why can't we just stay here?" I looked at him.
"She'll kill us Monty." Jace growled.

The Start Of Something New.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora