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//HEY GUYS! Sorry for my absence, I've been sick the last few days and I have a few announcements before I get this chapter up and going.
1.) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope everyone's was great!
2.) 46 is my final chapter, I have pushed myself into a corner and can not find a way out of it. So I'll attempt to make this chapter long with it being the end.
3.) Once this chapter is done, I will be going on a small hiatus before I begin my new book.
"Being The Son Of Satan, Isn't Easy."
I am very, very excited to begin that book to be honest! It's going to be very interesting.
So I hope you go creep that once this book is done.
4.) Book #2 of "The Start Of Something New." Will not be out until sometime next year, and will not be as long as this one was.
Honestly this was just a test to see how long I could make my story, and I was surprised to reach 46 chapters.
5.) I want to thank everyone that stuck by and read this crazy ride of a story, its started from the bottom with now ending at nearly 500 reads! Without being in a contest, which is pretty great to me.
6.) That is the end of the announcements, please enjoy the final chapter.


**Sage's Pov.**

Five years has passed, and so much has happened since you left us.
For starters.
The family wanted to split up, which lead to a huge fight.
But in the end.
No one left.
He did.
Carter left two years after you died, Lexi.
And I know, I fucking know how disappointed you'd probably feel knowing that.
Carter changed a lot once he lost you.

He was no longer himself.
He wouldn't hold Cloven.
He ignored commands, he got more violent towards everyone.
Even him and Jace got into a huge fight over it.
Jace wanted to kill him.
He nearly killed him.
Carter gave up on everything.
Every promise he ever made.

I want to say I understand his feelings.
But I don't.
No one does.
How could anyone understand them?
He promised to stay around for Cloven's sake.
To help continue raising Noah for you.
But he lied.

He packed everything after he tried for two whole years, and even then.
It was too much for him.
So after he declared he was leaving.
Jace beat the living shit out of him.
And then Stella wanted to join in.
But I had to stop her.

I know how much you loved him Lexi, but he lost everyone's respect the day he left.
And I wouldn't forgive him if he did come back.
Because the look on your sons face?
Did it for me.

Three years ago.

Cloven stood there on the porch, his tiny hand holding onto Monty's finger.
Watching Carter walking past them both.
"Daddy going away?" Cloven questioned clearly confused.
Carter frowned dropping his bags as he knelt down in front of Cloven.
"I am going away Cloven, but one day I will come back for you." He told him.
Cloven's eyes glistened with tears.
"I want to come, daddy please." Cloven reached for Carter but he did the heartless thing by stepping back now.
"No. Cloven, you will stay here and live with everyone here that loves you. Its better for you." Carter told him, his hand resting on top of Cloven's messy brown hair.

Cloven shook his head.
"Daddy don't go." He begged now.
No one said anything as the toddler cried for the other.
Carter frowned deeply.
"Be good, Cloven." He told him walking down the stairs.
"Daddy!" Cloven let go of Monty's hand trying to run to the other.
"Cloven, stay back!" Luther hissed.

Cloven stumbled as he fell face first, crying.
"D-Daddy! Daddy don't leave! Daddy!" He wailed.

Carter said nothing else as he left the other behind, no other words said as everyone glared harshly at the back of him.

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