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When the following week arrived.
I wasn't the least bit happy.
And my reason was pretty valid on why.
He was here.
The one who killed my dad.
And not only was it him.
But those other three guys were with him, along with a few girls.

Carter and Jace were both on edge about this.
Mainly because, the other vampires weren't as tamed with their thirst like Carter and his family was.
Carter wanted me to remain as close to him as possible.
And Jace felt the same way with Monty.
The two of them, wanted us nowhere near him.
Near Joshua.

It didn't stop the hatred for him to cease either.
Out of all of the vampires here.
I wanted him dead.
I wanted him to no longer exist.
Like how he had made my father.

Their arrival to West Bridge High, was the main attraction.
Girls were practically fanning themselves, at the sight of them.
I'm not saying they weren't heart throbs.
Because believe me, they were attractive.
But I was disgusted by their personalities.
Except his.

Sterling Summers.
The vampire that Sage was interested in.
Out of the bunch that showed up here, he was the most polite and sincere with his words.
Or, that's how Sage described him anytime the two were around each other.
Which was rare lately.
Mainly because, when this Nathan guy was around Sterling.

Jace told me to keep her away from the two.
He didn't explain why, just that she wasn't safe when those two were around each other.
And if Joshua added himself with the pair, it was even worse.
The Holy Trinity of a real bad time.

I'm not saying I trust Sterling won't hurt Sage.
Because I don't know.
They're not dating.
They just have this habit of flirting with each other and kissing.
But the relationship hasn't been named yet.
And honestly?
I'd rather her wait it out, before jumping into a relationship with him and being stuck.

Like, what happens if he actually does hurt her?
What if she wants to break up?
Would he kill her?
It was possible.
He wasn't from here.
We knew nothing about Sterling.

Just his fascination with apples.

"He invited me over today." Came Sage's voice from study hall.
Trying to come back to reality, I blinked as I looked to her.
"Sterling wants you to come over? Where a house full of vampires are staying?" I asked her with knitted brows.
Sage frowned softly.
"He said we'd be away from them a-"
"No." I shook my head with a deep frown.
"No, no way. I don't like that idea Sage." I told her now.

She made a face.
"I wasn't asking for your permission Lexi." She stated.
I glared.
"What? So because you have the hots for him, all of a sudden you can handle being around the vampires?" I asked.
She rolled her eyes.
"Sterling is different, Sterling is-"
"An unknown vampire, Jesus Sage, he used compulsion on you!" I hissed.

Sage glared.
"And you think Carter hasn't used it on you?" She shot.
"I know he hasn't." I growled now.
"How do you know?" She demanded.
I stared at her.
"Fine, you want to go over to that house? Then I'll be tagging along." I told her.

She groaned.
"Seriously? I don't need a damn babysitter, Lexi." She hissed.
I arched a brow.
"I never said you did, but Carter also lives there, it just gives me the chance to actually go over there as well." I told her.
She glared.
"You've had chances to go there, yet you always go home after school." She pointed out.

"Because unlike you, I'm smart about my actions when it comes to unknown territory." I spat now.
"Oh, so I'm stupid now am I?" She asked.
"At the moment? Very. Sage, you have no idea what could happen there. You don't know Sterling well enough, he just came here two weeks ago. And you officially met him four days ago." I pointed out.

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