The fight

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**Hawks's POV**

"We know of a attack that will happen but not sure of when." My boss explained as I tried to scoot away from Endeavor. "So, both of you have to stay in the city to watch out for the villains."

"For how long?" I tried to keep my voice from cracking.

I had to hide my fear of the man next to me otherwise people will question. If they question anything, I go missing.

"A week, that is the time span that we know of. You will have to stay hidden in the same hideout."

I pretended to sneeze to hide my pale face in my coat. I am normally the joker of the team but not with Endeavor. A whole week alone with Endeavor, and no escape except to be attacked by villains. I'm tempted to walk into the league of Villains hideout just to get away from him.

Endeavor walked out first and it gave me time to try to bargain with my boss. That didn't work at all.

When we got to the secret hideout, I was so terrified that some of my small feathers actually fell out. Endeavor closed the door after the tech team dropped off the stuff and left. I saw the look in his eyes and bolted for the window. If anything made him mad today, I am going to have to pay for it.

I didn't have a chance to escape when I felt the fire burn across my back. I fell to the ground and then he stepped on both of my wings. It hurts the most because my wings, closest to the bone, are the most sensitive part on my body.

"You are below me and need to remember your place." He growled in my ear and I realized what that meant.

I continued to fight him as he burned and tore me apart. Forcing himself on me, and no matter how hard I begged, he refused to stop. I screamed even though I knew that no one could save me. This continued on for three days.

This time, he was not afraid to hit my face because he could blame any damage on the villains. The public would believe him. He found new ways of tortureing me by dunking me in a ice filled tub, burning me, and then repeat. I could not feel anything after a while.

Later, I was tied up and he was punching my chest when we got the alert. I could barely move but I still got ready for the fight. First was the Nomu and then the Villain Dabi showed up.

I had one feather left and got ready to fight him. His main target was Endeavor and he barely noticed me. I was about to fake defeat just to watch Endeavor get destroyed.

Then, when Dabi started up his big fire move, Endeavor grabbed my wing and held me in front of him. He was choking me from behind to knock me out. He was planning on killing me and making it look like I was sacrificing myself to save him. I fought to get out of his hold but his grip was too strong. Then, I sliced his hand with my last feather. I ducked right as the flames went to us. I could feel the heat burning me but it felt different than Endeavor's flames. He got the full hit and I hope he dies.

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