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**Hawks's POV**

I started panicking as soon as I got the news. He doesn't know where I live but he might bribe my boss to find me. I quickly stuffed all of my loose evidence into the box and made sure it was hidden. The door got kicked down and the room started filling with smoke.

"So, this is where you have been hiding."

"Enji, please don't burn anything. The people in this building don't deserve to lose their home." I tried to reason with him.

"Beg for it like the trash you are." His face flames grew brighter.

He pointed to the ground and I went on all fours in front of him.

"I'm begging you, please don't hurt anyone else besides me."

I was about to look up when I felt the sharp pain in my wings. He snapped both in one go. Then he kept on breaking my wings so that there was no way even to glide. I couldn't breath from the pain as he kicked my face. I fell on my back which increased the pain in my wings.

He climbed on top of me and broke my wrists as I tried to push him off. He put one hand on my neck as he ripped my clothes.

"This is payback for refusing to kill yourself for me. After I am done, I will make it look like that one villain killed you."

I tried to kick him off at those words. His flames started to burn my neck. I couldn't scream as he forced himself in. My tears sizzled as it touched the flames. In between thrusts, he would break more bones. I silently prayed for death as I felt him dripping out of me.

**Dabi's POV**

Kurogiri dropped me off at the front entrance and I saw smoke coming from the top of the building. I ran into the building and up the stairs.

I got to the room right as Endeavor zipped up his super suit. There was no red, all I saw was blue, cold, burning blue. He ran out the window as I shot my flames at him.

I ran to Hawks and the damage was horrible. He was bleeding and there were burns everywhere. His clothes were completely ripped and only rags remained. there was nothing left untouched by Endeavor. I was not even sure that he was alive until I tried to move him.

"Dabi?" Blood was dripping out of his mouth as he spoke.

"Don't try to talk, I will get you help."

"Under the couch," he was struggling to talk with the blood coming out. "Get the box, we need it."

I reached under and pulled out a large box. Then, I called up Kurogiri to summon a warp gate. When I saw the swirling portal, I picked up Hawks  bridal style with the box on his lap, and walked through.

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