40k Interview

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**Before the kids were born**

"Today we have some special guests," the reporter said, "Just a few years ago, they were known as the League of Villains and the number two hero. But, now we have the new number one Hawks and his friends. Did any one of you expect to end up like this?"

"I don't think anyone expects a happy ending." Shigaraki explained, "we came from pain and hurt but now we have hope."

"I came from an abusive home and never realize that I could escape from my past," Dabi said as he hugged Keigo, "but I was reunited with my first love and now we have a possibly of a family."

"So, we just heard a few days ago about a double wedding is that true?"

Toga and Keigo held out their rings.

"Oh yes, I was so happy when they did double proposal too."

Jin kissed Toga's head.

"We wanted to plan it right before Keigo and Dabi's appointment."

"What kind of appointment?"

"We were talking about adopting a few kids but then the womb specialist contacted us." Keigo was smiling as he talked, "we are planning on using the quirk to have our own biological kids."

"Oh yes, we heard about that doctor, the heroes Red Riot and Ground Zero already are expecting their first child in a few months."

"If we are talking about kids," Toga shouted, "I'm expecting!"

Jin fainted and the group started to laugh.

"Hey, just remember when I finish my training to come to me if you need help," Shigaraki said, "knowing those crazy quirk mixtures, you are going to need help."

"Before we end this interview, we have two guests coming in. Pro heroes Deku and Shoto!" The two came in and sat down, Shoto gave Dabi a quick side hug, "Shoto how was it like to find out that your older brother was one of the most well known of villains?"

"I had a feeling after seeing his quirk but I was quickly shot down by my boyfriend."

"That's because your theories are mostly insane," Deku pointed out, "All throughout high school, you thought that I was All Might's love child."

"I remember watching their first Sports Festival and laughing when Shoto refused to use his fire quirk," Dabi said while laughing, "I shouted at the tv, 'Yeah suck it old man! No one likes you!'"

The audience started laughing.

"Well that is all the time we have for now. Thank you all for coming!"

**I tried to do an Q&A on the sequel story but would everyone prefer if it was on here? Like one where you could ask certain characters**

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