The meeting

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**Hawks's POV**

Because they were needing members badly, I had to meet in a remote location before getting transported to the meeting. I was shocked to see it was Dabi, and he didn't look up from his phone as the warp gate opened.

I kept my face hidden as I got yanked into a warp gate. I stood in the center of a bar. All the chatter stop when we came out. The smoke head barkeep turned towards me.

**Kurogiri's POV**

Shigaraki was out on one of his walks so I was the one to interview the possible member.

"Please uncover your face and take off your jacket." I told them as they got to their feet.

"Okay just don't freak out." The voice sounded familiar.

He took off the jacket and the whole bar let out a loud gasp. It was the Wing Hero, Hawks. Without his outfit, he was quite small. He still had a scarf wrapped around his neck. I leaned close and noticed that he was trying to make himself smaller out of fear. This is a hero that we can use.

"Why would Mr. Number Two want to join our side?" I asked.

The bar knows to behave and not to attack until I let them. I saw a flash of anger in his eyes before he answered.

"I work at the Abuse Center, I have seen all of the victims that are swept under the rug because their attacker is too important to go to jail. This needs to stop and the public deserves to know what the heroes do behind their backs." The whole bar stayed quiet while he talked. "One of the biggest abusers is the new symbol of Peace, Endeavor."

"But, we saw on the TV," Toga said, "You were going to block Dabi's attack until he pushed you away."

Hawks started laughing at her statement. It was the sound of sane man's mind finally breaking. This laugh sent a shiver down my back.

"I wasn't blocking the attack willingly." He ripped off the scarf and there was a large hand shape burn around his neck. "He was planning on using me as a shield."

He might actually be a spy but his hatred against the heroes is real. However, I noticed some odd things about this hero. He flinches at the sight of any red flame and his wings twitch in fear whenever someone, bigger than him, goes near him. However, he doesn't flinch at Dabi's blue flame even though they fought recently. There is more to this story and it can be used in our favor

"We have a trial period before we will let you join. Just to make sure that you are not going to double cross us. Dabi is going to be your shadow."

**Hawks's POV**

Dabi gave me his number and I already had it in my phone. Then a few of the villains gave me their names, just not their legal ones.

"Hey, can you put a good word for me
to Susan?" Twice asked me.

"One problem." I was giggling before changing my voice. "This is Susan, how can I help you?"

I saw that Dabi spat out his drink and Twice gave me a shocked look.

"I HAVE BEEN JACKING OFF TO A GUY'S VOICE THIS WHOLE TIME?!" Twice shouted and everyone else spat out their drinks. "I would do anything for you if you make a recording of that female voice doing some nasty."

"Any kinks? I want six buckets of extra crispy chicken from KFC for this."

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