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**Dabi's POV**

Out of the 10,000 pro heroes in Japan, only 2,000 remained after the broadcast. The rest got arrested for their crimes. The league escaped from the UA attack and they were still in hiding. They were planning on arresting me but people started protesting because I have killed so many abusers. Hawks became the new number one hero but we are not sure if he is planning on staying as a pro hero. The biggest shock was that most of the vigilantes came to talk to the cops to find a way to get their licenses, since they had a clean record except for herowork without a license.

I was at the hospital with Hawks, because he had to go through physical therapy to walk again. Recovery Girl has been helping me heal my burns. Now, I don't need the staples to keep my skin together.

"I feel like a baby!" Hawks yelled as he fell down.

I helped him up and his legs were shaking. My mom was watching us as I helped him walk.

"You might have to get used to that feeling if you are sleeping with him."

"Mom!" I shouted as Hawks had to pat down my blushing flame.

She was laughing and I missed that sound. I was really young when I stopped hearing that musical sound. Hawks didn't tell us until later, that he sent in divorce papers for my mom and it was completed the day after Enji got arrested.

"I was visiting to check on you but this is actually entertaining." Aizawa said as he walked in.

Hawks was fully leaning on me and my back was bend severally backwards. The strangeness was not being helped that he was shouting that he was having fried chicken withdraws.

"Give me heaven in a bucket!"

"Not until you can walk properly! I'm not having you go from Pro hero Hawks to a fat Turkey."

He made a loud gasp before I finally tipped over. He looked up and saw Aizawa.

"Sup Eraserhead! Did you bring me some chicken?"

"I am sure that Dabi would just burn the chicken if I brought some." He put eye drops in his eyes before continuing. "I came over here with an offer. There is an open position at UA right now since All Might is planning on fully retiring. They are offering the Battle Training Teacher position to you."

"But I still can't walk that well."

"I was offering the position to Dabi."

"What?" I think everyone in the room shouted at the same time.

"I told them that an ex-villain with good morals would be a good choice and they need to find a way to keep an eye on you. So they agreed to my idea."

"I am just shocked, but okay, I will take it. It is hard to find a job with a record like mine."

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