Chapter One: Albus Dumbledore

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THE thought of being alone worried me. Me and my mind, just alone. Replaying those thoughts again and again. The thoughts of what just happened snapped me back into reality.

Here I was, alone. Sat in the park next to a tree on a clear, winters night. The stars brought me some comfort. Then I remembered again. I'm here, alone. The feeling of being alone really did scare me. It always meant something bad was going to happen.

I'm Daisy. Just Daisy. I never knew my real last name, although I never needed it because half the time, my adoptive family would refer to me as harmful slurs no child aged ten should hear.

Those memories, forever etched into my brain just like the scars on my skin. Battle scars. The bruises. They showed my pain, my agony. You see, I was different. So different to my peers. I could do things. Things I could not explain, which lead my family to kicking me out. And that's why I'm here. In this park, on this clear winter night, in no more than my pyjamas and a woolly cardigan.

Later in the night, I noticed a glow of light. Must be my imagination, I thought. I must be half asleep. And in a blink of an eye, like magic, that light was replaced by a man. He was an old man, something about him made him look like he was friendly, like he was caring. He was approaching me. He wore robes, much like the robes I had seen in the History books at school. A long, white beard fell nearly from his face. He wore spectacles, perching on the bridge of his nose. They were half moon shaped, not the type you would see in the opticians these days.

Something made me flinch back, as far back into the tree as I could. He came closer. Maybe he was worried? Worried as to why a child as young as myself is away from home on their own? Maybe he worked for the local police, or even the children's home? Maybe it was my time to really escape my past.

By now, the man had reached the gate of the park. I flinched. The metal of the gate screeched as he pushed it open, echoing into the night. I sunk back further. "I'm not here to hurt you, my dear." He spoke, halting at the end of the pathway. He was about six feet away from me. My heart raced. I'm sure he could hear the thumping.

"Have you come to hurt me?" I started to choke on my words, almost letting out a sob. He shook his head, fumbling with his beard.

"Not at all, dear." He cleared his throat, taking out a letter from his pocket. "In fact, I've come to deliver you this." He held out the letter. I didn't know what to do. He shook it, as if to signal for me to take it and I did. The parchment felt unfamiliar to myself. The emerald green ink sparkling under the moonlight and the street lamp at the end of the park. "My name is Albus Dumbledore."

"Thank you, Albus Dumbledore." I whispered, barely inaudible. Daisy, The Oak Tree, Lake Park on Lake Street, Bristol, BS2 4DX. My face dropped. The green ink revealed my exact location. Right here, right now. How?

"There's no need to panic, Daisy. The letter will make sense to you when you open it." He reassured me. He sat down on the bench next to the tree. "You can do things, can't you?" I nodded.

"Things I can't explain. I can make things happen when I'm not expecting it. When I'm sad, when I'm angry. These powers. They hurt the people around me." I thought back to the reason why I was sat under this tree.

"I'm just like you, Daisy," He paused. "I can do things. Things that I can't explain."

"I'm mad, aren't I?" He shook his head, letting out a chuckle.

"You're unique, you're special." He corrected me.

"What am I?" I questioned. This man looked like he had all my answers right now. His eyes twinkled under the stars.

"You, Daisy, are a witch." I laughed. This couldn't be true, could it?

"I can't be a witch? I'm just Daisy. Just Daisy!" I spoke, in disbelief as to what I had heard.

"Indeed you are. The letter I gave you is an acceptance letter to my school. Hogwarts will teach you how to control your magic, and who you really are." The man looked down at the letter. I flipped it over, tearing the red, wax seal. Inside was two sheets of parchment, detailing what the man had just told me. Maybe he is telling the truth?

"But I won't be no good at this school. I'll be made fun of! People won't like me." He shook his head.

"That's not true, my dear. This school is a place for you to be accepted by others just like you. You'll make friends, join a school house and learn about many things I'm sure you have questions about." I nodded. "If you accept this offer, I can take you there tonight."

I nodded again, thinking hard about this offer. Everything he had told me so far matched up. He knew my name. What if this was a fresh start for me? What if I could finally escape my past. "How did you find me?" I asked, worried.

"We managed to trace information from your adoption papers, but as soon as we found out that your adoptive parents were in contact with the orphanage again, we took action to track you down. Me and my staff at Hogwarts." My mouth fell open hearing this information. I was going to be put up for adoption again?

"I'm glad you found me." I said, thankful. I believed this man. Something about him showed he was an honest man with good intentions.

"If you're ready to go, we can leave for my school now?" I slowly stood up, almost losing my balance.

"I'm ready." I dusted off my pyjamas. He walked over.

"Now, wizards and witches transport around by apparating from one place to another. It's not nice for the first time, just a word of warning." He held out his arm, signalling for me to hold on. "Hold on tight, don't let go."

This was it, I was off to Hogwarts.

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