Part 2

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Parkers POV:

It's odd having Blaire in the house and we seem to be tip toeing around each other to scared to scared to upset the other. We decided on a movie and sit eating the food, I make sure she eats enough. And we settle into the movie. This seems odd and I want to solve this. I stand up taking the bowls and walk back sitting next to her giving her a cuddle. She tenses at first then relaxes against me making me smile. I look at my young daughter and glad she is here now so I can keep her safe, after the movie I want to talk to her about what we need to organize and what the rules are, I spoke to Eddie and Dianne who helped me set some ground rules that they have with their daughters. Well mainly Maddie since the other 2 are adults but they have a few for the older girls.

The movie has finished and I decide that we should go outside and chill for a bit and we can talk we are sitting on the porch swing Blaire has her leg resting on my lap, I have been keeping up her pain meds but the flight I think has caused lots of pain so I think soon she will need the strong ones but hoping it is after dinner for now.

"so, squirt I think we need to discuss rules hey" I say and she tenses a little and nods I rub her leg a little I think rules often led to punishment for her, not saying there won't be punishments but no beatings ever.

"hey simple rules, no beating or laying a hand on you for punishment ever ok" I tell her, and she nods slowly. So, I start the rules

1- Curfew is 9 and you need to let me know where you are going

2- If you are stuck anywhere, I don't care what time call me I will get you

3- When I'm on night shift you will be staying at the de la grazas/ Lovato's house or Dallas will crash here.

4- With Maddie doing homeschool at the moment Dianne suggested that you join in with them until you are ready for school or to be on your own with a tutor, and basically, she said no isn't an answer

5- Going on from that I want you to try at school and when you get stuck tell us so we can help.

6- I need you to talk to me when you aren't feeling good about things ok, we need to work things out together.

7- I don't want you to feel like you are a slave but can you will need to help with some house work and that I can't do it all on my own.

8- This next one isn't a rule but something I want you to think about, I want you to start seeing a counselor or a psychiatrist

I explain and she nods taking it all in, but it is like she is waiting for more. There is no more I guess I covered it all the rest we need to figure out as we go.

"what about punishments?" she asks with fear in her voice, I don't think it matters how many times I tell her there will be no physical punishments I think she will just have to see them for herself.

"well I guess grounding; phone will be taken away or tv privileges even gym privileges" I explain and almost want to laugh at the fact the one she seems to hate the most is the loss of gym privileges.

"I'm going to cook dinner and you need to ring demi as she is worried that you haven't called her" I explain, and she nods still looking a little distant. It has been a long day and I don't want to push her at the moment maybe she will talk to Demi. I spoke Demi a few times I miss her so much, I have fallen hard for her and I don't even want to stop. I get up kissing the top of Blaire's head heading to the kitchen, I decided on making homemade pizzas for us. I will get everything ready and let Blaire choose what she wants to put on it, I can hear quiet murmurs from outside I'm guessing Blaire is on the phone.

Blaire's POV

After my talk with Parker I ring demi I don't like the idea that she is worried, I did message her but apparently, she wants to hear from me, which is an odd concept.

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