Part 4

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Blaire's POV

Its been a week since Demi got back and she is spending basically her whole time here which is cool but I kind of wish for a break I feel like people are watching me constantly. I just want some time where I get to be alone for a small time. I just have to get over it because they make each other incredibly happy. Whist Parker looks tired from work but he seems so happy. Parker has today of, we have to go to the hospital for a check up on my legs, then everyone is coming over for some big fight that is on tonight. I'm laying in bed texting Sabrina and Maddie. There is a knock at the door and Parker pops his head around.

"hey Squirt how about we got and have breaky before we go to the appointment" Parker says making me smile and nod slowly climbing out of bed as he passes me my crutches.

"we will leave in 40 minutes huh" and I nod finding some clothes, I decide on shorts and a shirt as it is easy to put on and when they check my leg it makes it easier. I put on some make up and cover some of the scars with makeup. I put on a shoe and head down stairs where Parker and Demi are talking in the kitchen they both smile when they see me confusing me a little.

"ready squirt" Parker ask twirling his keys and I nod my tummy growling a little in hunger. He gives Demi a kiss and I go and give her a hug before we leave.

We get to this cute little diner and I can see this becoming a new favorite it is retro and I can tell the food will be good, it has a homely feeling. I slide into one side of the booth and parker the other the waitress hands us a menu she has a big smile on her face. Parker orders himself a coffee and a hot chocolate for me, it is something I have been enjoying in the mornings the last few mornings at home. We look through the menu and I decide on the bacon, eggs and tomato. Parker tells me a bit about stuff at work and what he thinks will happen today at the appointment. The waitress comes back and Parker orders the big breakfast with extra bacon and sausages, he looks to me slightly concerned as he would normally day my order or demi. But I need to learn to beat my anxiety and do these things myself I'm 15 now I should be able to. Parker almost seems shocked when I get my order out only stuttering twice. He gives me a smile that says he is proud of me. We talk about how my classes are going and how I want to stay been involved with music which he suggest I look at starting to write an album and we can start looking for a label, Parker has been contacted by a few and one of his Army friends is looking through offers contracts ect. He didn't want to tell me incase they all fell through.

We get to the hospital I hate the smell of hospital we get there early and Parker wants me to meet some of his colleagues. I'm a little nervous we get to the ER and run into a doctor. I tune out as they talk a little

"Zac this is my daughter Blaire, Blaire this is Zac he is on the other interns, he served over in Iraq as well" Parker introduces us he is so full of pride when he introduces me as his daughter, not just to Zac but everyone, quiet a few people recognize me from the show which I still find kind of odd. At least all the people here are nice, the ones online not o much, I mean it isn't all bad but a lot aren't nice and I have been struggling with the words and hate. Not that I would tell them that, Sabrina seems to have picked up on it and tried to reassure me that they are jealous but I don't think they are. The one that I hate is when they attack Avery commenting on the picture that Sabrina posted of her. Avery cant read or even see them which I am thankful for because she doesn't deserve any of it. I facetime her once a day, she seems to be going down hill and I hate that. The doctors just tell me she is doing ok. I send her flowers, teddies and chocolate as often as I can trying to bring a smile to her face.

The doctor checks my leg and takes an x-ray, it is healing not as fast as the expected but healing, the infection has cleared up but they have given me another course of antibiotics just to ensure it is completely killed of. Unfortunately the movement of it all really hurt and I ended up crying a few times. We saw the physio as well and much to my disgust because of the pain, I need to start moving it more to gain some strength in it.

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