Part 6

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It's been 4 days Avery went downhill even faster than the doctors though, the cancer is going crazy through her body. The day after she arrived, she was awake for about 4 hours and since then has slipped into a coma. They assure us she is pain free. We have been by her side as much as they will let us, the doctors don't think she will make the day. Sabrina and I take turns holding her, singing to her, I don't know if she can hear us or feel us but I think in a way it is to bring us comfort as well, we have both shed some tears but I have been staying as strong as possible.

Parkers POV:

I feel sick as I have sent my daughter of with Sabrina to go back to New York to be there for Avery. So much could happen to her, seeing someone die is horrifying and she doesn't need to see that, but I can say no to her she was crying. I was scared she would hate me if I said no.

Demi has just left to take them to the airport, and I need to get to work. I won't be feeling calm or whole again until my daughter is back where she is safe and belongs at home. I go to work and I know I need to focus on my job, if I don't someone will die, and I don't need someone dying on me now.

I see some messages on my lunch break that she is ok and at the hospital. I facetime her and she does seem ok. I just miss her but her idea of taking demi on a date is a good idea also she reminded me Christmas is very true. Life has been hectic, so I haven't even noticed all the decorations around. The emergency room has been a little crazy today so many car accidents and a few drug overdoses.

By the time I get home I am exhausted, but I need to go for a run and some exercise to work of some if this bad energy. I get home and Find Demi waiting for me in workout clothes making me smile.

"come on soldier, got get dressed and lets go for a run and you can teach me some fighting skills" she says making me beam and quickly unlock the door and run up to my room, one thig from the army is I learnt to move fast to get things done. I am back down at Demis side in just over a minute. I give her a kiss and stretch a little before checking if she is ready to go which she nods I start to run and realise she is jogging while I am sprinting, I slow down as I need to protect her in case of crazy fans or paps, she catches up smiling and we run side by side and I feel all that shit energy leave my body. I love how she knows that I need this. She doesn't ask question we just focus on running. We get to the oval about 3 kms a wah and realise she has some body gear for me and a speaker making me smile and pull her in for a kiss.

"you really want to learn self-defence beautiful" I ask Demi and brush a loose piece of hair behind her ear making her blush and nod to answer my question. I start showing her some moves before I help her with her gloves, and I gear up.

"wait I don't want to hurt you" Demi says looking concerned when I tell her to kick me and throw some punches making me laugh at her.

"you won't hurt me beautiful girl that what the padding is for" I say slapping my torso padding hard to prove my point, her worry about me is endearing she is super cute.

We are laying on the grass laughing, on the last kick she tried to take she got her foot stuck between the pads somehow and we somehow both fall over I managed to turn us, so I didn't squish her. I'm watching her as her eyes are still shut and my ears ring a little from the scream she lets out. Her cheeks are red, and I can't help but kiss her, she is just so beautiful, she kisses back instantly. We break apart and we lean out foreheads against each other. I start tickling her making her laugh, I am freaking love her laugh. She seems embarrassed by it, but I love it, so I keep tickling laughing with her. I stop once I can tell she is getting out of breath and lay beside her catching our breath and I hold her hand. Looking at the clouds relaxing with her ignoring the niggling in my knee. We point out shapes in the clouds, it is a beautiful and innocent. I feel so relaxed and happy in this moment with her.

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