Part 7

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Blaire's POV

It's been 4 days and Avery has gone downhill drastically. I feel like I have been singing for hours, her breathing is becoming shallower and at times I sounds like she is choking on her own breaths. She isn't going to make it much longer. Sabrina and I are on her bed holding the dying kid between as there are a few nurses in here and her main doctor, we all wanted to be here so she doesn't feel alone, we want her to pass surrounded by love, I have been sending silent prayers to Cooper to help her cross over and look after her. I sing dancing in the sky and if by some sick twist of faith, she passes away as I sing the chorus for the first time, I keep trying to sign but I break down crying with the others. I knew it was coming yet it hurts so much, I feel empty. She didn't deserve to die; she is so young and innocent and all she has known is a world of hurt. I just hope she is up there happy, safe and loved.

A few hours later Sabrina and I are back at the house and I face time Parker. He answers and Demi is sitting on his lap making me smile a little at how cute they are.

"hey Squirt, how are you?" he asks, and I look down shrugging a little mumbling what happened, but they don't seem to hear.

"snug what's wrong" Demi ask Sabrina comes and sits next to me holding my hand for strength.

"Avery died this morning" I say a tear falling from my eye and I watch as both their faces fall. They both apologises. We talk a little bit they are just making sure I am ok. Parker seems a little more relaxed which is a bonus and he ask when we are going to be coming back, Avery's funeral will be in 3 days so will come home the day after which is 3 days before Christmas.

"ok ill book you some flights ok, Sabrina send me your details ill book together to ensure you guys are sat together" Parker says I can tell she is about to argue but I look at her pleading not wanting an argument so she stops and says she will send them through after we hang up. We talk a few more minutes and I say we better go I need a nap and a shower. Once we hang up I pass Sabrina my phone so she can text Parker and I go to my room, Sabrina and I have been sharing a bed every night anyway, the 2nd night I tried to sleep on my own had a really bad dream and ended up crawling next to Sabrina and have just automatically gone in there and she doesn't complain and often is waiting any way.

I go and have a shower sitting on the shower floor crying again. Crying for the dead girl. Crying for a life that she didn't get to lead, crying over the lack of funding for childhood cancer. I don't know how long I am in there but decide I need to get out and check on Sabrina. I get changed into some trackie and an big jumper I find Sabrina in her room tears rolling down her face as she goes through her phone I go and lay next to her resting my head on her shoulder as I see she is looking at phots of Avery, there is videos of when I was in hospital singing and dancing with her and some of Sabrina with her. It brings a tear to my eyes, but I blink them back. I yawn feeling tired, it is only 1pm.

"should I order some food" I say to her knowing we need to eat even though I have no appetite. We are both torn up, but she gives a small nod.

I decide instead of ordering to try and make something with some of the random groceries we have brought.

I find some stuff for a spaghetti that we brought the other day, so I busy myself cooking. Working in the kitchen without fear is relaxing. I feel myself calming down and my mind freeing. I feel my phone buzz and see that Sabrina has posted a couple of pictures and phots of Avery and of us. He captions is simple- Fly high my little angel, I love and miss you so much. There is a photo one of the nurses sent through where Sabrina and I are on the bed I'm kissing Avery's forehead and there are nurses all around. These where in her dying moments and the pictures scream sadness. I could be wrong but I see figure in the corner that wasn't there, it is very pale and at first it scares me then I start to calm the more I look at it, I feel like it is Cooper taking her to the other side.

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