Day 2- Blind Date.

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"I'm so nervous

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"I'm so nervous."

"You act like you've never been on a date before Sara."

"Not a blind date Natalie! What if he doesn't look like his pictures."

She laughs, "If he doesn't are you gonna bolt?"

"I mean looks aren't everything."

She glares at me.

"But if he looks completely different, I don't know what I'm going to do."

"You're meeting in a public place. You'll be fine."

"I wasn't worried about that. Do you think I should be worried about that?!"

"Honey. You're meeting up with a guy you've never met and only been speaking to for like two weeks."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Bring your pepper spray and your taser bitch."

I sulked down, "Great."

I didn't want to arrive too early. I definitely wanted him to get there first. I scan the bar and breathed a sigh of relief when I spotted him in a corner booth. He peeked up when he saw me.

Okay. So far so good.

He stood and we hugged slightly. "You must be Sara."

"And you must be David."

"It's nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise. Have you ordered anything?"

"No. I wanted to wait on you."

I blushed, "What a gentleman."

We ordered something to eat and a couple of drinks.

"I actually almost rescheduled tonight."

"What? Why?"

"Today's the anniversary of my late wife's death."

I almost choked. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. If you did want to reschedule, I would've understood."

"We've already put it off twice, and I really wanted to meet you."

"That's so sweet."

"You know you remind me of her."

I tensed a bit. So he has a type. Terrific.

"Would you like to see a picture?"

"Umm... sure."

He pulls a photo out of his wallet and hands it to me. When I saw it I could've passed out right then and there. The girl in the photo looks exactly like me. But with black hair instead of blonde. I'm not a natural blonde.

Exactly... like... me.

I hand it back trying to seem as calm as possible.

"I'm going to head to the restroom and then when I come back we can go."

I smile and nod. As soon as he was out of view, I threw some money on the table and hurried out the bar.


"Hey, so how's the date so far?"


"Oh no, he was a creep."

"He talked about his dead wife and then preceded to show me a picture of her."

"Did you know he had a wife?"

"Yes, I knew about his dead wife, that's not why I'm freaked."

"Then what—

"His wife looks exactly like me Natalie! Spitting image!"

"You're kidding me?!"

"Scariest thing is I had a identical twin sister. Samantha. She disappeared like 10 years ago. We never found her body. My parents always thought she ran away and got into something she shouldn't have, but I knew my sister. We were close and she'd never leave me. I think someone took her!"

"Hey Sara!"

"Shit! Why did my car have to be so far away. If I'm not home in an hour call the cops." I dug in my purse and fumbled with my keys. He grabbed my shoulder and I jumped.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm so sorry, my friend just called me she got into an accident. I have to go see her." I was practically shaking.

I turned back around finally getting my door open.

"But... don't you wanna see Sam?"

I froze. "Excuse me?"

"Samantha. My wife."

"You said you're wife is dead."

"Well she may as well be. I'm sick of her. I want a new Samantha."

I pulled out my taser and shoved it at him. He backed away. "Where the hell is my sister?"

He smiled at me maliciously, "You'll have to come with me to find out."

"Give me proof she's still alive."

David rolls his eyes and dials a number on his phone. He puts it on speaker as it rings. "Hello?"

I covered my mouth with my hand and stabled myself with my door.

"David? Honey? Hello?"

"Sam Sam?" I cried.


"Are you okay?!!"


"Don't worry honey, I'll bring your sister home. I think you two are due for a long awaited reunion." He hangs up and gestures to his car. "After you."

Without much hesitation, I closed my car door.

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